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that episode 9..



my soul needed this 🤍

Portia Crain

Yay..... I am currently on date night but when I am done, I get some one tree hill and beveraggi therapy


Yay! Can't wait to watch. What a way to end my birthday. Also, happy OTH anniversary to you (you started reacting last year on this date 😀)!!!


Episode 10 is my least fav episode of the season. The 2nd half of the season is much stronger. For a little perspective, epi 9 while really good, is not even in my top 5. Can't wait for the remainder of the season!


I had problems with Lucas in both of these episodes. To me, one thing is clear, Brooke deserves better than him. The way Lucas handled the Chris Keller incident and the way he treated Brooke was TERRIBLE! After the way he talked to her this epi, essentially calling her a slut, for her to then take HIM back at the end, girl no. He gaslighted her into believing she did the worst thing in the world and that it was so unforgivable that what he did didn't matter. ("...And I know that doesn't matter now after what I did.") It seemed manipulative. He sure changed his tune very quickly. In the end Lucas is the good gracious guy, forgiving the unforgivable ("You can't. It's too much to forgive.") and takes HER back. Her valid fears and concerns from the hurt and pain he caused are basically now non-existent. He makes all these grand speeches, but I have yet to see it followed up by his actions. It's about what you do. Which leads me to his actions in the next episode. Lucas running to Peyton's aid (right in Brooke's face) after he just got into a relationship with Brooke who still has huge issues with his relationship with Peyton is a choice. Really, that's what you do? 🤔 How much would his actions have meant to Brooke if he put HER first? (She wants to be his priority.) He didn't even talk about it with her. It didn't even cross his mind to. But why would he? He turned the cheating issue in their relationship on her and Chris and it became a way to absolve his own cheating with Peyton. "We're trusting each other now." So now Lucas has/had trust issues with Brooke? She wasn't even with Lucas when she was with Chris. Ok, Lucas. Anyway, asking someone to trust you and not showing them how they can are two different things. Brooke deserves better.


Lucas could learn something from Haley about rebuilding trust. I loved at the end of 309 that Haley went to Nathan as soon as she found out that there was even possibility that Chris kissed her. When Chris kissed her before she basically lied and said nothing. This time she went to Nathan about it for clarification. I love when these kids grow and learn from their mistakes. One of my favorite storylines so far this season is the rebuilding of Naley. Nathan and Haley as individuals have come so far since season 1. Their very adult relationship has forced them to grow/develop faster than the other characters. Both of them seemed to have learned a lot from season 2. Despite some of Nathan's childish behavior at times (with Lucas mainly), this season has made me love Nathan and his growth even more.

Dani May

IDC what anyone says, Chris Keller has and always will be a comedic goldmine.


This was a great way to end the day after watching TTPD reactions all day. I needed something comforting and this show has always been my comfort show. First of all, yes let's praise Sophia Bush. She really shines on those emotional scenes and i was definitely wiping away tears as well, and I've watched this show too many times to count. Episode 10 definitely feels kind of all over the place tone wise and all the flashbacks felt tacked on as if they were trying to tell people what happened who hadn't seen the show. It was a weird choice. And I really hate the way Lucas doesn't give any consideration to what Brooke might think of him skipping town with Peyton without even talking to her about it beforehand.


All right, so, before I get to my comment on these episodes—I finally remembered what I wanted to say about 3x7! At least I think I do. 😂 It had to do with knocking or ringing of the doorbell—I don't believe Chris was the first person to do so ... I believe you missed when Ellie did it when she first showed up at the house. OKAY, now moving on to 3x9 & 3x10. As usual, I loved your reaction. It's so much fun watching it through your eyes. This is such a great show to react to and it only gets better. 3x9 was such a fun episode, starting off with the girls in jail. I'm surprised you didn't have more to say about the line Peyton had about where a parent of hers would be or where any of their parents. Such a classic scene. 😂 And yes, Sophia Bush always puts her all when it comes to the emotional scenes. They cast Brooke so well—honestly, they cast the whole cast so well. I can't picture anyone else in any of these roles. AND I love Peyton's conscience goth—it's interesting to see her inside come to life rather just stay in her head where we wouldn't be able to actually see what she's thinking. Now, for 3x10—yes, it jumps around a lot with flashbacks, but I love the clothes over bros moments where Brooke loses her mind on getting everything done. It just shows everyone you better be prepared when you hit that LIVE button because once it starts, it starts. It reminds me of a Shark Tank episode where the entrepreneur dealt with the same thing Brooke did—website went LIVE and numbers went through the roof and she called her brother to shut the website down and he told her not to because it means what she's putting out there, people really want. The first time I saw that episode, Brooke immediately came to my thoughts. Okay, now with the whole Lucas basically dropping Brooke to go help Peyton. Was it a smart move? Absolutely not, after everything that happened during their first go at their relationship. But he made a promise to his friend. Was he supposed to back out? I mean ... yes, he could've handled it better and talked to Brooke before getting in the car and heading off with Peyton. But he's not going to back out on a promise or else then he'd get even more hate. And I LOVED Peyton's reaction when she found out—it just showed that what happened the first time won't happen again. AND we also have to remember we're still talking about high school students here. There will still be plenty of mistakes (even repeated ones) to be made among them especially with Lucas since he's got a lot going on—knowing about Deb, his mom's mayoral election, his heart issues, basketball, still dealing with Dan, and now going for round two with Brooke. Am I excusing his behavior? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Brooke definitely deserves better and I don't know why she doesn't see that. 🤷 But I did love having Lucas run into an old friend to remind him of who he was, and he used that to bring him & Brooke closer together by bringing her to the River Court again. Okay, wow this is a VERY long comment. Just a few more things, then I'll be done. I loved the Naley moments because I mean ... who doesn't??? And come on, you have to love Chris Keller. He's the comedic relief of the show. Is he annoying? Yes. But it's who he is. And there's always a reason why they introduce characters in this show. Now the whole Dan being Mayor—yes, definitely got the real politics vibe going on. And finding about Deb—well, can't really say didn't see that coming because like you said sometimes women or anyone who is in an abusive relationship only have one thought of how to get out of it. All right, I think I'm done. This was a lot. I don't even know if Patreon is going to let this be a whole comment or I'll have to split it into two. But anyway loved your reaction as always!!! Can't wait for the next one. 😀

Janet Michelle

Not spoiling, but perfect that you're doing 2 episodes, because 15 and 16 definitely should def be watched back to back :)