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Oh, so no apology for making us wait TWO WEEKS for this reaction, huh?! Any more waiting to see your reaction to the Rumbling, and I would have probaply started it IN REAL LIFE to see how you would have reacted to THAT- *Cough cough* Yeah, uh, amazing reaction! XD If you couldn't tell, this is like, my favorite anime and favorite show *ever,* lmao, and watching you react to it feels kind of like watching the show again for the first time, especially hearing all of your predictions about what you think is gonna happen next, because that's definitely what I did while watching it. Aot got me out of a very dark place, and that's why I'm so passionate about it (which is really funny, considering how dark, violent and depressing the show is, lol), so please excuse this ESSAY of a comment I'm about to write regarding my thoughts about the Rumbling (and a bunch of other things). When I first saw this, like, don't get me wrong, I understood WHY Eren would do it. Like, I wouldn't just want to wait around to watch me, my friends and my family to get slaughtered, but DAMN, the whole WORLD? Like, if we took EVERY person of the country where I live and killed them, that wouldn't even amount to 1 % of the world's population. That's insane to think about. An entire COUNTRY dead, and not even 1 % of the people Eren is trying to kill would have died. That's absurd. It feels more like a statistic than a tradegy. And the worst part is, Zeke's original euthanization plan wouldn't have been much better. It would have still been genocide, just "peaceful" genocide. Sure, the whole WORLD wouldn't have died, but its still incredibly messed up. More than death, I fear never being born into this world, so I DESPISED Zeke's plan from the start, but...I can't really agree with the Rumbling either, you know? There are better ways to use it than world-scale genocide (for example, destroying Marley's military and forcing their surrender, then "offering" other countries the chance to ally with Paradis, and working up from there). But, it's Eren we're talking about. Even though I didin't want it, I was expecting this from the start, and I was really surprised when so many didin't see this coming. Ever since literally episode 1, Eren's ONLY goal was to kill his enemies and free his people. I don't understand why so many watching thought that Eren's plan would change just because the enemy changed from Titans to humans. To me, the Rumbling was always predictable, but that dosen't make it any less depressing. I think this is just one of these many, brutally realistic moments in the show where there is no good option, and the outcome is ALWAYS bad for somebody, regardless of what you try. So it once again comes down to just fighting for what you believe in. Also, to answer a few of the questions you had (don’t worry, no spoilers): yes, it is implied that Founder Ymir willingly went back to King Fritz after gaining the Power of the Titans. She was just too brainwashed by her slavery to ever even think about rebelling, and it is also implied that she did geniunely love King Fritz, and wanted him to love her, too, which is INCREDIBLY messed up. It is also implied that when she scarificed herself for him, she COULD have regenerated using her Titan powers, but because Fritz (obviously) didin’t return her love, she lost her will to live, and allowed herself to die. This was the start of the Curse of Ymir, which was mentioned in season 3: as Ymir (the Founding Titan) lost her life 13 years after gaining Titan powers, so, too, would all other Titan Shifters, as none may surpass the Founder. As a matter of fact, the origin of the Nine Titans was shown in the episode as well: when Ymir’s body was eaten by her children, and then their bodies by their children, the Founding Titan split into the Armored, Attack, Beast, Cart, Colossal, Female, Jaw and Warhammer Titans, (you can see their silouhettes as Fritz is talking about passing Ymir’s power on), with the Founding Titan remaining in Ymir’s posession. Another thing about the Founding Titan – and this seems to be causing the most confusion for you – is that it can ONLY control Subjects of Ymir, aka Eldians. It has zero power over anyone belonging to a different race, meaning that Marleyans, Onyakonpon, and anyone else belonging to a different lineage DIDIN’T see Eren’s message. Phew, I think that’s everything. And oh yeah, when Surma (that random recruit) was about to get eaten by a Titan, I LOVED that little wave and smile you did, haha. It’s SUCH a huge contrast to when you were so devastated and horrified by characters getting eaten by Titans during the first episodes. I kind of imagine this is what happens to Survey Corps soldiers, too: little by little, they get used to it, and can even use dark humor to cope with it, but they never get TRULY used to it, you know? It’s always awful watching someone get eaten by a Titan (well, except that one asshole in Season 3 who murdered Grisha’s sister. Didin’t feel anything for him, lmao. I wish the show would have SHOWN him get eaten, not just his corpse afterwards. Literally the ONLY time I’ve wanted to SEE it, and OF COURSE the show sensors it, lol). ANYWAY, thanks to anyone who actually read through this novella, lmao. I truly apprecaite it. It’s incredibly fun to get to share my emotions and thoughts about this MASTERPIECE of a show, and its even better if people actually listen. To end things on a lighter note, I’m gonna share a meme I found somewhere on the internet about the Rumbling (can’t remeber where I got it, but it was super funny in my opinion), so here it is: Eren: Hey Armin, did you know that if we walk for long enough, we’ll fall of the edge of the Earth? Armin: Eren, the Earth isn’t flat... Eren: YET! :D *Activates the Rumbling*


The 2 movies are the show's true ending, for some reason they decided to do it like that instead of a season. I LIVE for your reactions to these last episodes, I love how this story keeps being mind-blowing, even when it's near its end