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Yes! Can't wait to watch ... which will be tomorrow. 😂

Giorgia M

My night is complete!!! ❤️‍🩹


it's my bday this weekend so i'm claiming this upload as my personal gift from my therapist beveraggi ♡

Jana Fuller

This is probably one of my favorite shows for people to react to its always so much fun and messy messy messy!


These are probably two of my least favorite epis this season. Don't worry, good stuff is coming. My fav run of the show is 3B-4B. I agree that Lucas needs to stay out of Nathan and Haley's marriage, but at least he's coming from a place of love for Haley (though some of it probably is Lucas being mad at Nathan for being mad at him for reasons I find questionable. Nathan is mad about Lucas seeing Haley and stopping Dan?🤔 I don't like it when Nathan and Lucas fight.), so it's a little more complex. Peyton's interference on the other hand, is not complex. She's doing it for herself. Haley didn't leave her, but she's mad that Haley left Nathan, like people leave her. She basically expects Nathan to treat Haley like she's treating Haley... and Ellie, that's why she keeps inserting herself in their business. 🙄 "It's about time you started to fight for your husband." Excuse me. Take a seat. That annoyed me so much. (Along with how she's been treating Haley the whole season.) Stay out of their marriage, especially when you don't know what's going on. It has nothing to do with her. Haley working with Chris, (among other things she's been doing) is fighting for her husband. Haley's too nice. Idk why she's still trying w Peyton. She owes Peyton nothing. Jesus, she made a mistake (like she has made), let her fu€king fix it. The fact that she was going to draft Nathan to spite her, really pissed me off. 🙄 Haley thanking her for not picking Nathan? Absolutely not. She should have stabbed her w that fork and told her to mind her own business. (JK, sort of, lol.) This has gone on too long. I accepted it the first epi, but when Brooke called her out on projecting her shit onto Haley, it should have stopped. For me, her issues excuse nothing. Everyone on this show has issues. She's just being mean and a bad friend at this point. In comparison, I am loving Brooke and Haley's friendship. ❤️

Portia Crain

So the whole test thing I kind of get... I mean not if it's to test haley thats messed up... but in order for their relationship to move forward nathan has to be able to trust her again and this is a way for him to see if he can (not to see if she will do anything but more so him just having faith). And I think it's so important like you said that they don't lose themselves for each other (haley with her music and Nathan with his basketball)


This is a spoiler since he's CURRENTLY only on the FIRST half of season 3. Please delete or edit!


Unless maybe it's not a test and it's what he told Chris it was. Simply helping Haley because she loves it and he loves her. He told Chris he would find a way to get Haley to work with him after she turned him down. Maybe the test is just what Nathan is telling Haley. We shall see.


I agree with Heather. This is a spoiler and would recommend deleting it or at least editing it where there are no spoilers.


I get where you're coming from when it comes to Peyton saying she was going to draft Nathan ... but I don't think the main reason was to spite Haley. She asked Nathan if he would want her to draft him to ya know avoid awkwardness and such, so I think she was seeing it as more of helping Nathan out. Plus Peyton's been dealing a lot with Jake leaving and this big news of her being adopted, then meeting her birth mother ... she doesn't see the things Haley is doing to "fight" for Nathan. Plus Nathan could've clued her in on the "test" he's doing with Haley since he seems to be going to Peyton the most as a friend currently. I don't know. Plus another thing about Peyton & Haley, I think she's even more pissed at Haley because she believed she was going to come back & not be gone as long as she was ("sometimes they come back" picture she created for Nathan). Peyton originally was all for Haley going on tour ... just not the way how it went. Okay, that was wayyyyy more than I was originally going to write in my response to your comment. Oops. 😂


It was not out of awkwardness for the situation. She did it to punish Haley for leaving Nathan. Just like she "rewarded" Haley for "fighting for her husband" by changing her mind and picking Mouth. Why is she holding this power? Of course she doesn't see what Haley is doing. She doesn't care to. That's why she should stay out of it. She's just so determined that Haley needs to be treated a certain way (like she's treating Ellie, who left and is now back) that she's just right about everything. I get where you're coming from, you're sympathetic to her issues. Peyton's hurt excuses her behavior. I get that Peyton has other things going on and she's projecting it onto Haley and Nathan, but for me it's gone on too long for me to sympathize. At this point she's just being mean and bitchy and it's annoying.


I agree it's gone on too long (this is where I think we see the BTS stuff start to come into play) and I understand where you're coming from. I just think, in my opinion, Peyton is misunderstood and gets too much hate from the fandom. I also had another thought. Peyton was around all summer to see how Haley being gone affected both Nathan and Lucas while Brooke was gone, so I think that's why they bring Braley together during this time and separate Paley. I don't know. Either way, it's great drama and a good way to have the audience debate with one another which you know means great writing (minus the creator).


Ah, the cripple joke. Yep, definitely didn't age well. 😂 But you know, I let it slide because of the time, but still ya know as a disabled person, it just shows there is still tons to do when it comes to language & representation (don't get me started ... I can write a WHOLE thing about it). ANYWAY, great reaction as always! Dude, the beginning of course was the best. When I saw Dan in the thumbnail, I was like "Oh, yes! It opens with Dan ... he's going to hate this." Sorry, we enjoy your pain of Dan Scott. I honestly don't know what to comment, but man, the boy draft—another classic and iconic episode with so much drama and a great setup for more. But other than that, there was so much to comment on. I do love that Karen is taking on Dan for the mayoral election!!! Come on, Karen. Take him down. Also, I think there wasn't much basketball in season 2 because the season already came to an ending, so they focused more on the relationships between everyone. All right I think that's it. For anything else like about Peyton, refer to an earlier comment I replied to because I could go on and on about her to be honest. Can't wait for the next upload. Season 3 is great and it only gets better.


According to the show, Peyton and Lucas spent the summer together. Nathan was at High Flyers, Brooke was in LA and Haley was MIA. But, wtv the reason I'm loving Brooke and Haley's friendship right now. ❤️


Comments from the first episode: - Karen should've answered this to Dan when he was flaunting the fact he left her for Deb: "What makes you think I was the one who lost?" You know just to keep up with the pettiness - Also, my theory of how Rachel got in Lucas' car, simple; this is One Tree Hill, every door is unlocked at all times.


I’m so behind on these but will catch up!!