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“Hey, slow down will ya?” yelled a teenage school boy, catching up with a friend of his as they rushed to the park. 

“Yeah, I think this is where she got off.” said the other looking around. 

“Tajiri, why are you going into all this effort just return that girl's text book? Surly the bus company has a lost and found?”

“Perhaps Shinji, but despite her hight, she seemed kinda hot. Besides, isnt this how most romantic relationships start?”

“Yeah, like she's gonna ask you out!”

The two boys were referring to Makoto. Tajiri had noticed she left a text book on the bus and rather then leave it to the bus company (And to get a hot date), Tajiri decided to get off at the next stop and run back to the park to hand it to her. Fortunately, she was nowhere to be seen.         

“Aww man.” Tajiri moaned. “She most of gone home by now.”

“It was pretty slim she's still be here.” Shinji patted his friend on the back. “She could live anywhere from here.”

“Guess you're right, wanna grab a soda?”


The two boys walked to the nearby vending machine and brought a soda can each, then sat on a branch in the park to enjoy their cold refreshing drinks. 

“This park sure seems empty.” Shinji noticed. 

“Well, it is the evening after all.” Tajiri responded. “On a week day like this, most folk would be at home watching TV or something or heading for their night shift.”

“Guess you're right. Say, you thought about what you're gonna do after high school?” 

“I really dunno.”

“You don't know what you're going to do for the rest of your life?”

“It's just...well I guess I've had this problem all my life, even in kindergarten whenever anyone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I always drew a blank because I wasn’t entirely sure just what I wanted to be. And with unemployment on a high thanks to a useless employment program and constant monsters destroying buildings, it's pretty hard even to get a shop job. I'm kind of leaning towards writing for a living, but my parents seem to want to lean me towards something I know I'll hate like construction or something like that.”

“Yeah, I can picture it now, you as a huge muscular bricklayer or a fanfic writer!” Shinji joked.

“Shut up you.” Tajiri jokingly punched his best friend in the arm. 

“I wouldnt worry too much, I'm sure something will turn up some day.”

“Yeah, you're right.”

“Speaking of monster attacks, which of those Sailor Scouts do you think's the hottest?”

“Ahh definitely Jupiter. She looks well fit almost like that girl on the bus and well busty. What about you?”

“Think its got to be a tie between Moon and Mercury, they look well cute and...”


The boys looked and saw two girls dressed in the same school uniforms as them walk towards them sexually. 

“Erm, do we know you?” Tajiri asked, having never seen the gitls before. “Do you know them Shinji?”

“Never seen them in school before.” Shinji replied.

“Oh we've never met.” the red haired female student spoke. “But your typical boys' stories got us so bored that we now want you to take our virginities!” 

“.........YOUR WHAT?” Tajiri and Shinji spoke in unison and awe, not for a second expecting any girl to asked them such a thing. 

“Yeah, we feel so sorry that your lives are so pitiful and nothing special that we want to spice it up and become the takers of your virginally, while you do likewise to ours!” the blue haired girl explained.

“....this sounds fishy.” Tajiri wondered. “No girl would just ask for sex like that unless they wanted money or something.”

“Oh come on Tajiri, don't ruin this chance for me and you!” Shinji brushed off his friend's concern. “So what, shall we go over to your place or something girls? Have to buy protection on the way as well, though I've never actually brought...”

“No no, we want it right here, right now!” the blue haired girl explaining while her and the red hair girl began to pull down both boys' pants. 

“Hey this is a public park!” Tajiri panicked, only to have his pants and underwear pulled off his legs successfully. “What if someone sees us?!?”

“Silly boy.” the red haired unhooked her skirt, then took off her shirt then pulled down her panties. “The park is near enough empty at this hour.”

“Besides, who cares if someone sees us?” the blue haired girl was now as naked as her friend, throwing her bra onto Shinji's face. The two girls grabbed the legs on the boys and laid them out on the ground. “Besides, your cocks don't seem to be all concerned!”

“I am yours as you please!” Shinji smiled in bliss.

“No dude....what if we knock them up?” Tajiri still panicked.


“Too late....AHHH!” Both boys moaned as the two girls sat on their hips, entering both their erect member each into a girl's pussy. 

“AHHH!” Both girls moaned similarly. 

“My, you hare big boys!” the red headed girl commented, then the two girls began bouncing themselves up and down on the boys, pleasuring their pussies with the boy's cocks rubbing in and out of their womanhoods.

“Yyeah!” Shinji moaned, experiencing the feeling of a girl's vagina that was a thousand times great a feeling then he had evr imagined. “Ride that cowgirl!!”

“AHHH, oh Jesus!” Tajiri stuttered, his nerves getting the better of him. While true, he did like his friend think about girls often and  fantasized about what sex with them would be like, this experience was far from that enjoyable for him, worrying about getting caught or knocking the girl up. 

“Ooooh you're so tight!” Shinji told the red haired girl. “Ahhhh yes, bounce those red titties of yours!!” 

“Wait, red tits?!?” Tajiri looked at the red head, noticing her skin was now completely red. Then looking at the girl he was fucking, she had also turned a light blue skin colour. With a further vanishing of human features and a growth of long dragon like tails, the girl revealed themselves to be none other then our two twin Youma. “M-M-MONSTERS!!!!!”

“OH GOD.....FEEL...TOO...GOOD....AHHHH, TO CARE!!!” Shinji moaned, lost in his arousal. 

“No point fighting it boys, just cum for us.” Castor licked her lips, and without a second's more delay, the boy's cocks erupted out their cum inside the Youmas' pussies. As soon as that happened, the boys' bodies began to flash a light blue colour. Too exhausted to fight or check out what was happening, the boy just laid there as their began to grow fur all over their bodies in the same colour as their natural hair.  Hands and feet become paws with sharp claws, bones cracked, twisted and melded into a new anatomy, mouth extended forwards while teeth grew sharper and eyes turned ever so dark and evil looking, and tails popped out from their behinds. Which the light had faded, both boys now resembled a mixture of dog, wolf and human hybrid of creature. Getting up on all fours, the former boys sat in front of their Mistresses like obedient dogs, their minds now corrupt with vicious but obedient dog like mindsets, with permanently erect horny cocks made seven inches longer.  

“You were right Castor.” Pollax petted her new doggie on the head before “socking its erect member as the dog let its tongue out. “Getting ourselves some pets was really worth it!”

“I know right? Sure, we have those darn Sailors to deal with, but that does not mean we cannot torment the locals of this doomed city too!” Castor clicked her fingers. Collars attached to leashes now appeared around the dogs' necks. “Right, who's next?”

“I believe its just the blond bimbos left.” Pollax answered.

“Right, better pay one of them a visit then. Come along our pets!”

“WOOF!” Both dogs barked in unison as the Youma took hold of their leashes and vanished from the park into the darkness of the young night....

To Be Continued





* My, you are big boys!”, the re- headed girl commented, then the two girls began bouncing themselves up and down on the boys, pleasuring their pussies with the boys' cocks rubbing in and out of their womanhoods.