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“Oww!” Makoto moaned as she banged her forehead against the top part of the bus door as she got out. She rubbed her head as the bus drove away with passengers looking at her with both concern and laughter from the younger school kids. “Damnit, you'd think I'd learn by now...”

As Makoto sighed at her little accident, she began to wonder into the park, which would lead her home. It was not often she would hit her head like that but when she did, the stroll through the park home would normally make her forget about it, even when it was empty like today, but not this time, feeling a little depressed about it. 

“Why do I have to be so tall?” she thought to herself. “Why couldn’t I of been the normal height like all the other girls? I keep hurting my head like that, I stand out in a group quite literally, and it doesn’t help when boys keep starring at my larger chest rather then my face! I feel like a freaking giant among everybody.“

Makoto was usually good at hiding her displeasure of being taller then most girls, but today was just one of those bad days. Just this morning, she outgrew another shirt, then she scared off a bunch of kindergartens on the way to school because they thought Godzilla was rampaging thought Japan because of her height, and then the ordeal with the bus. It was days like this she really hated what she was and how her height became her greatest disadvantage. It was times like that she had to remind herself of the advantages, like in sports like basketball or even helping someone reach something. It was not the end of the world being what she was and at the end of the day, what was she going to do about it?

“Ahh well!” Makoto suddenly cheered up, remembering all the times her height and extra strength came in handy in a good way. “It's not like I can change how big I am anyway! Besides, its only a minor thing...”

“Then why were you upset, Sailor Jupiter?” spoke a voice. 

Makoto stopped in cation, checking her surroundings for the source of the voice. She spotted two figures jumping out of the park tree towards her, one in front, the other behind her. 

“Youmas?” Makoto spoke angrily. “Can't you just leave me be for today?”

“We don't make appointments to attack silly.” Castor spoke from the front.

“We don't just attack when it suits you darn Sailors.” Pollux spoke from behind. 

“Whatever, maybe I can let out some stream by beating you both.” Makoto reached for her transformation pen and held it into the air. “Jupiter Power...”

“NOW!” Both twin youma raised an arm quickly and fired an orb of energy directly at Makoto, both hitting her with a flash successfully before she could even finish her enchanted transformation words. As the smoke settled and the sound of a transformation pen hitting the ground echoed, Makoto was struggling to move for some reason. Her legs now stuck together and her arms stuck to her sides, the smoke revealed that while her clothes did indeed disappear, it was not the Sailor Scout uniform she was expecting, but instead a full body black latex suit. 

“Hey what is this?!?” Makoto looked down. Only her head was spared the cool rubber latex, but everything from the neck to her toes was concealed inside the suit, and it was very revealing and tight too, showing off her curves,  her hardened nipples, her pussy, even her ass and butt crack. It was like the latex was a whole second skin to her.  

“Interesting.” Castor walked towards her. “I guess the rubber suit conceals your lightning powers, not that you could use them without your pen after all!”

 Makoto tried her best to move, but her arms and legs were stuck like glue. 

“Carreful now.” Castor pointed her finger at Makoto. “You don't want to...fall!”

With a simple push of her finger, Castor pushed Makoto backwards. 

“AAAAHHHHHHH!” Makoto screamed, falling on her back like a tree, only to be caught by Pollux and laid down on the ground. 

“There we go.” Pollux smiled. “Now we can play with you safely!”

“Get me out of this thing you fiends!” Makoto demanded angrily.

“Watch your tongue!”  Pollux waved a finger before tapping the bound girl's forehead. Like magic, a hood appeared over Makoto's head, leaving a round opening for her face, much like a full body scuba suit, with all of hair tucked inside. 

“Hehheh, I bet you must feel hot under all that rubber.” Castor tease as she keeled down and grabbed two hands full of Jupiter boob and squeezed hard.  

“AAAAHHHH!” Makoto moaned pleasurably. With the added hood and arousal coming from her groped  breasts, she really was beginning to feel hot. Her face started to glow an exhausted red as tucked in hair made her face sweat, and the pleasure from her chest only make the rest of her body wet from sweat inside the suit. 

“Oh, looks like she's enjoying herself!” Pollux teased. 

“AHH, AHHH, GO TO HELL....” Makoto managed to utter. 

“Already been.” Pollux began to tap Makoto's forehead again. “Anyway, put a cock in it!”

Just as Pollux spoke, the hood under went another change which covered Makoto's face, only leaving two holes for her nose to breath, two big round holes for her eyes, but what really caught her attention was the long rubber cock gag resting on her tongue inside her month. 

“MRRPH MRRRPPPHHH!” Makoto tried to moan, but was only biting on the rubber cock and not making much sense to the two Youma. 

“Lucky you.”Castor continued with the breast groping as well as pinching and flicking Makoto's nipples like they were rubber tongs. “You get to be fondled by us, AND you've got something to suck on too! What a lucky girl.”


“Of course, I think you'd really appreciate the feel of rubber if we say, cut off some of your senses!” “Pollux once more tapped the bound girl's forehead. 

Makoto did not like the sound of that, shaking her head as the holes for her eyes began to close up, while she felt something move down her ears. Makoto was now completely covered in rubber, with her sight entirely blackened and her hearing make temporary deaf by the rubber inside which acted like ear plugs. While in her dark prison, her only senses left were smell and touch, touch that make her extra sensitive to the hands of the two Youma playing with her. While Castor was still tormenting her poor breasts, she felt another pair of hands rubber down her sides, like the rubber was being rubbed into her skin. Still hot and sweating like a pig inside, the rubber was starting to feel really good against her skin. The second pair of hands, which Makoto assumed to be the other Youma, then turned their attention to Makoto's never regions, which had openings invisible to the naked eye for toilet duties as well as “other” things. Two fingers rubbed against her womanhood before they wormed their way inside. As the fingers began fingering her pussy, Makoto felt like a caterpillar inside a cocoon, with something building inside of her like she was about to become a butterfly. The sensation of not known what or where exactly the Youmas would target next on her body only aroused her sex drive even more and more, to the point where she began sucking on her cock gag because after all, she could not shout for help and no one could see her do it within her latex prison, so really her now perverted mind just took over. She could feel the orgasm coming, and there was no way she could hold it back, not in her situation. 

“MRRRRRPPPHHHHHHH!!!!” Makoto screamed through her cock gag, letting out the most amazing orgasm of her life. As she did, a familiar feeling kicked in, similar to when she could transform into her Sailor outfit but slightly different, almost like a guilty pleasure that was changing her whole body, causing her to force her eyes shut. When she opened them, Makoto could finally see the evening sky once again, as well as the two Youma looking down at her.

“Welcome back to the world.” Castor grinned.    

“Boy, what a healthy pervert you are!” Pollux giggled. “You really loved that rubber.”

“What did...” Makoto squeaked. Her voice sounded a little strange, like it had a squeakiness to it. She found she could hear, talk and even move once again. Placing a hand in front of her face, she saw it was now coated in a light green shiny skin that looked like latex rubber. Pinching at it only hurt and did not pull it off, like it was her own skin. She looked down at the rest of body to confirm it was also covered in the latex, and still showing detail like her nipples and pussy, even her erect clit. 

“Careful getting up.” Pollux warned as Makoto got to her feet. Her legs felt wobbly and unstable like jelly, but she managed to catch her balance soon enough. She noticed she now sprouted a long rubber tail much similar to the Youma. Her whole body was indeed covered in green latex except her hair which remained the same. Her eyes looked normal, well expect that they looked made of rubber, and her lips were bright red and open in an O shape, unable to close her mouth. To anyone looking, she looked like a living breathing sex doll. 

“You...changed...me...”  Makoto squeaked as she felt her body. “...What have you done to me?”

“Whatever our powers have chosen to do to you.” Castor explained. “Your skin is now made entirely out of latex rubber, and if you act lifeless, you can look like a normal sex doll. You also have the ability to change your appearance, like if you wanted in inflate your breasts or ass, change your height, or...”

“Wait, did you say I could change my height?” Makoto asked. 

“Sure. If you just breath out and really focus on what you wish to shrink or shorten.” Castor explained.

“Okay...” Makoto started to focus and breath air out of her body. Slowly but surly, Makoto started to lose centimetres, then inches in height, soon matching the same height as the twin Youma, but not for too long, desiring to be smaller. As she deflated further, her body also started to under develop as her large breasts shrank back into her body, leaving her flat as an ironing board, while her big peachy behind  was now a tiny pair of buttocks and her tail now as thin as a monkey's. Her curves now smoothed till there were no more curves on her body. By the time Makoto was satisfied, she now looked like an eight year old, or rather an living eight year old sex doll.      

“Why did you deflat yourself to look like an eight year old?” Pollux asked as the twin Youma now towered over the smaller Makoto. 

“Because, this was the last age I remember that I did not feel bigger then anyone else!” Makoto looked pleasantly at the Youma, as she was unable to smile. “This feels amazing! I've missed this feeling of everyone adult looking like giants from down here! And my chest! Ooooo, my chest feels so much lighter too! This is sooooo great!”

“Hehheh, why don't you try focusing on your clit?” Castor grinned. 

“My clit...hmmm.” Makoto got curious and decide to inhale a little bit of air while focusing on her clit. To her absolute astonishment, it grew into a seven inch cock, while the rest of her pussy shaped into a ball sack. “I-I-I have....”

“Yes, a rubber cock and balls.” Pollux laughed. “You look like a little boy now!”

“That's not all.” Castor explained. “You can make it any size you want, inflate yourself to make you look taller, pregnant, fatter, make your breasts, ass, or whatever body part look big or small. Even this...”

Castor and Pollux knleed down in front of Makoto and each put their mouths to a nipple and started blowing Makoto's breasts up like a balloon. When they were done, she had breasts the size of melons, but she still remained the same height. 

“And your breasts will even feel as light as balloons too.” Castor winked. “Doesn’t the rubber feel so good too?”

“Yes!!” Makoto groped her huge breasts. “It feels so good to rub and play with myself!!!”

Stopping for a second, Makoto inhaled air and returned to her original size and cup size. 

“Good, your mental image is also the original measurements you will return to once you desire it.” Castor further explained. “Why don't you go have fun with others now? I'm sure you can get up to all sorts of sexy activities looking like a sex doll!”

“Yes...” Makoto started to imagine. “I could...”

A little time later at a local hospital, the further sadden girl Naru was visiting, not to sort her “little” problem out, but to visit Umino who survived the collision with the bus no thanks to her, that and a recently turned to evil Rei, though had a few broken bones but nothing too seriously. Naru managed to be let go from the police after convincing them it was just an accident. After all, saying the devil made her do it would only grant her a first class ticket to the local nut house. She managed to nip home for a quick change of clothes before she would visit Umino. She now wore a pair of jeans and a long t shirt that would best hide her permanent erect cock. Which the jeans did not help so much, the t shirt at least concealed it better then that and her school skirt.  She carried a box of chocolates as a get well gift as she looked for Umino's room. 

“Oh dear.” Naru sighed, still feeling bad for putting Umino in the hospital, as well as her wild encounters beforehand. “I would give anything for this day to just end...”

Eventually, she found the room where Umino was staying, room Fifteen on the top floor. 

“Hey Umino.” She walked through the door. “I'm SO so sorry for what...”

No answer. In-fact, Umino was not in the room but something Naru had never expected was laying on the hospital bed, a seemingly lifeless green female sex doll with her arms and legs wide open, and a tail for some reason. 

“What the....” Naru looked puzzled. “Why is there a sex doll in a hospital room of all....”

Just starring at the doll caused unusual new urges throughout her body, but none more so then her cock, throbbing like it was happy to see it. 

“Oh no...” Naru quickly closed the door behind her. “....I can't be thinking what I fear I'm thinking......can I?”

Confused feelings were now dormant inside the poor girl's mind. Now that she knew the feeling of having a manhood as well as her natural womanhood, Naru now wondered just what a pussy would feel like again her...well after all, it was not like she would find any lover now, and it was just a sex doll.

“.....fine.” Naru locked the door behind her. “But just quickly.”

Naru began undressing by taking off her shirt, then unzipping her jeans, letting out an pleasurably moan as her cock could finally breath freely again. With her jeans dropped down to her ankles, she slipped out of them and her shoes and being crawling onto the bed. With cock in hand, she began to position herself. 

“Lets see...” Naru gently positioned her very sensitive cock towards the rubber vagina. “It goes in like....this......AAAAAHHHHH!”

Naru moaned once the rubber pussy walls rubbed against her cock, sending mass arousal like none she ever felt. Grabbing the legs, she started a humping routine. 


Starting slow, Naru quickly increased humping speed and already being to sweat as she felt her cock being pleasured and her pussy beginning to leak from getting turned on by the strange actions. 

“THIS, AHHHH, IS FUICKING AMAZING!!!!” Naru tried to lower her tone, but was so in awe of the arousal, she couldn’t help but yell. “OH GOD, MY COCK AND PUSSY ARE GONNA CUM!!! THEY'RE GONNA CUM AT THE SAME TIME!!!!! AHHHH AAAAAHHHHHH AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!”

Just as she said, her pussy let out an almighty orgasm like a huge dam just exploded, while her cock shot up a blast of cum like a fire hose inside the rubber pussy. Before Naru could even have a moment to reflect on how utterly fantastic an orgasm from both her pussy and cock felt at the same time, she lost all feeling in her body, falling on her back, but not hard and hurting, but gentle and soft like she was light as a feather. As Naru began to panic, unable to take as well as move, she saw the sex doll stand up from the bed on its own!

“I can't move!” Naru thought. “Why can't I move, or even feel anything?”

“Well well.” Makoto licked her round lips with a rubber tongue. “So that's what happens whenever anyone fuck with me....literally.”

Makoto got off the bed and picked up Naru so she could see herself in the mirror in the room. To Naru's horror, what looked back at her was another rubber sex doll, one that looked like herself, even with the rubber cock!

“I'm...I a sex doll?!?” Naru panicked in her thoughts. Just like Makoto, her lips were now bright red and in an O shape, but her skin colour remained the same.   

“Guess you're stuck as a sex doll for the rest of your days.” Makoto said. “Too bad you cannot live like me but hey, at least now you'll get all the fucks you want!”

Makoto then carried Naru to the bed and laid her down, making sure her legs and arms were wide open. 

“Your friend should be back from X Rays pretty soon.” Makoto explained as she unlocked the door. “I'm sure he'll have plenty of fun with you!”

“Umino?!?” Naru thought in shock. “No! He can't see me like this!” 

“Well, gotta run!” Makoto opened the window by the bed. “Have fun!”

Makoto jumped out of the window which despite the height, Makoto could easily inflate herself like a balloon and land gently like a feather. Naru however, had the horror of watching the door open as Umino entered the room. 

“Thank goodness I got off lucky with a broken arm and bruises.” Umino with his left arm in a cast chatted with himself, almost like nothing had happened earlier. “I wonder why Naru would want to...” 

The injured boy paused, as he saw the sex doll resting on his bed. 

“UMINO!!!” Naru screamed in her thoughts. “ITS ME, NARU!!! PLEASE RECONISE ITS ME!!!”

“W-why is there a sex doll that looks like Naru?” Umino wondered. “And one with an erect penis for that matter?”

Umino thought for a bit until a light bulb lit up above his head.

“Ahhh I see, this must be what admirers do these days to say they're sorry!” Umino smiled. “There must be some service out there where you can make sex dolls of yourself to give to your admirers when you REALLY need to say sorry! And the cock must be something to hold onto! Yes, can't be anything else! Boy, all is forgive! I'll have to make one of myself to thank Naru when I go back to school!”

“NO YOU FOOL!” Naru tried screaming again in her thoughts, but the sight of Umino dropping his pants and underwear down and crawling towards her only confirmed there was nowhere you could communicate with him or anybody for that matter. “N-NO, GET THAT THING AWAY FROM ME!!!!”

And just like that, Umino's worst day ever became one of his best....

To Be Continued


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