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And hopefully its more content heavy than June. ^^;

Sorry the content was a bit lacking last month, a combo of getting sick, twice, and then the anxieties kicking in just made me feel awful, tired and no energy at all, and on the month of course I was stating how important it was. @_@

Pretty much take what I was staying in the June update and apply it here. XD

So far as far as things on the financial situation goes, not too bad. We have chipping a little bit of debt away and going into this month, looks like we should chip out an even bigger chunk. Still a long way to go but it's starting to look promising.

Still selling parts of my collection on ebay and already sold a good amount so far. Again, if you're into collecting gaming stuff, be sure to check out my listings.


And as we are into a new month, do let me know your requests for July for those of you in a Reward Tier. ;)

I'll cap off by staying thank you everyone that's helping out in this changing time, both existing donators, new donators and ones that decided to up their donation! It really means the world and with your continued support over the rest of the year and beyond, we can get to that destination of debt freeness!

Let's draw some stuff, as well as look forward to Xenoblade 3! X3 



It’s alright that there wasn’t that much content in June! What’s important is that you’re hopefully doing well!