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August! August August August...

I'm getting there with the updates resuming more how they should be. A few small gaps but its getting there. 

I know also the big-ish projects have slowed a bit, but that's mainly because of the possible new desktop I mentioned last month. Just so I don't work on something big-ish then it gets put on that backburner when the desktop arrives and you wait even longer for it to finish, kinda like Sailor Moo from months back. That said, summer is getting close to an end, I better start work on the annual Ashley Swimsuit pic regardless. ;)

Speaking of the new desktop, I had to delay paying the shipping for it to arrive as something financial came up. New estimate for it will be late August/early September hopefully but that could change again. 

That said, I still will get as many goodies made as I can during this transition. After all if you've not seen, I FINALLY completed Rocket Corruption at the Speed of Light! WOOHOO!

The other thing to be aware of is at the end of this month, I'll be having my second vaccine finally. I hear the second is usually the more likely to make you feel ill for a bit but on the bright side it is much more local than the first. 

And you know what time it is Reward Tier Donators! Let me know your Reward Requests for the month of August! ;)

Think thats about it for the month of July. Enjoy one more month of Bikini Season, I mean summer! XD