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“.....K.R.G-10 Awake.” spoke the pink haired girl as she was awakened by the sound in her ears.

Once her mind started to boot up, the girl took small earphones out of her ears that retracted into her collar. Her nights required the earphones be inserted in her heads as subliminal Team Rocket messages would loop on repeat to keep her conditioning at bay. It was what her superiors ordered and it was something she had to comply with. She never questioned orders given to her as she felt it was want she wanted....at least, she sure it was.

Sitting up in sync with other girls that looked exactly like her, the girl known as K.R.G-10 was in her own bed in a room lined with beds each with a pink haired girl. Same face, same colours, same bust, one would think they were all clones, but the truth was they all had former other lives.

K.R.G-10 in this case was the Cerulean Gym Leader Misty. She lived with her sisters running the Pokemon Gym and had fond memories travelling with her friends Ash and Brock. That was until one day when she went to Goldenrod City to pick up her Psyduck from the local Daycare where a Team Rocket Recruiter hypnotized her and then transformed her appearance and mind into that of a  Team Rocket Grunt. Her body moulded into the perfect image as imagined by the Team Rocket Leader and made unidentifiable to anyone, while her mind was made loyal and obedient as far as hypnosis would allow. The metal collar not only changed her voice to match the other grunts but sent brainwaves to her mind whenever it detected resistance in her head. The long-term plan was to fully brainwash her mind so that not even her subconscious would ever recall who she was. As she was, Misty's expression always looked dazed and half asleep but over time she would act more human, at least human by a normal Grunt's evil standards.

As Misty (Which for now we shall call her) got out of bed naked as did the other Grunts that were converted like her, they all lined up single file and walked out of the sleeping quarters.

A short time later, Misty was in the showers with the other girls washing her body. Every morning routine was the same at the Celedon Rocket HQ, get up, shower and wash every inch of her body, receive uniform in the next room, breakfast, then receiving today's mission or orders. It had been two months since Misty was converted. She was placed within the group of new recruits where she would stay until she started to act more human through the slow brainwashing and less robotic. This process usually only lasted a month, however Misty was taking longer with no signs of progress beyond her dazed half asleep state. Misty had no idea why she was still in this group of Grunts, but she never worried too much as she had not been instructed to.

“Ahhh yes!” smiled the girl next to her, K-R-G-27 was her name. “I love these big boobies! Feels so good to grope and squeeze! Can't wait to get a nice cock in-between these beauties!”

As the girl enjoyed fondling her chest, something about Misty caught her eye.

“Geez, who fired the gardener?” K-R-G-27 looked down at Misty's lower area. “You never shaved down there since you got here?”

“No.” Misty replied. “I have not been ordered to shave my vagina.”

“Jeez, you're STILL in your early stage?” K-R-G-27 sighed. “You've been here what, two months and still in derp mode? Not once have you ever considered shaving that pink jungle you've got there to please any Grunt partner you might hook up with?”

“No, again I have not been ordered to...”

“Oh whatever, like I care.” the girl waked off.

That was the last of the second group of girls brought in since Misty arrived. Misty knew without a doubt that she would be no doubt moved in with the normal Rocket Grunts, the ones that volunteered to join Team Rocket, and get access to other things like promotions, being allowed to mingle with the male grunts, better Pokemon and even in some cases, transport like strange Meowth Balloons and even Mechas. As Misty continued to wash, she then looked down at her body. While it was part of the recruitment process that she would shave down there on a regular basis, it was something the Recruiter that changed her forgot to mention. As such, Misty never shaved down there as she was not told to. In her old life, it was something she regularly did so that no hair would poke out of her swimsuits and bikinis being the water fanatic and swimmer that she used to be. Now, the changed girl grew a big pink bush of pubic hair that covered her vagina. Previously she did not even think about it as it was not part of her orders or routine but as the other grunt pointed it out, she was started to question herself.

“S-Shave....partner....” she mumbled as her hands moved up to her chest, seemingly about to grope them when the speakers in the shower started to play a tune signalling that shower time was over as the water from her shower ceased. Blinking her eyes twice, her mind resumed its routine thought as the water from the shower shut off for everyone. Each soaking wet girl walked to the center of the shower room where a stack of folded towels were picked out by each Rocket Girl to dry themselves off almost the exact same effective way. Once completely dry, the group of girls marched single file into the changing room. Once there however, the girl that spoke to Misty earlier already finished changing into her uniform.

“Ahh, nice to do things faster and more natural then you robots!” the girl winked. “Later bitches!”

As the girl left the room all changed, the other girls took a plastic seal bag from a basket, each labelled with their Rocket names. While they were all the same size, it was still policy for each girl to stick with the same uniform as it made it easy to track missing grunts. After every day, all the uniforms are washed or outright replaced even if one had only the tiniest hole from the toughest missions, not to show any weakness to Team Rocket to anyone. Like the rest of the girls, Misty began by sliding her thong panties up her long legs to snugly fit between her womanhood and deep within her butt. Then her black uniform was slipped on before her grey belt was wrapped around her waist. Her two sole Pokeballs containing Zubat and Koffing were then attached to her belt, ready for deployment at any notice. Her grey boots and gloves then put on her feet and hands respectively, for a good while they had altered her prints and had now changed them enough so her prints could no longer identify her as Misty from Cerulean. Same with the fresh contacts she placed in her eyes, her natural eye colour was no more and now matched with the other Grunts. She was required to keep using them to protect her hypnotized state till she reached the next stage of her corruption where she pasted the point of no return. The regular use of her face cream also altered her face. Lining Misty up with the other girls and pointing out which one was her was getting harder and harder to do as her face now matched the other girls. Physically, the Misty of old was completely gone. All that was left was the suppressed memories within her mind, but even they were holding on by a rope. With her black hat placed on her head, Misty and rest of the Grunts were ready for the day.

A short time later, Misty was sat into the cafeteria of the Rocket base with the other Grunts eating their specially prepared breakfast with one seat empty, the girl that spoke to Misty, no doubt getting her promotion this morning. They all took a spoon full of the strange grey pastery they were fed at the same time to eat at the same time almost robotic. At this stage, the converted Grunts were not allowed to mingle with Grunts outside their group in-case anything they said triggered anything that might make the converted Grunts remember who they were, not to mention the male Grunts that joined willingly taking advantage of the girls without freewill. As the Grunt ate their breakfast, a trio watched on.

“So these are those converted Team Rocket member then?” James looked from afar.

“Brainwashed into loyal soldiers for da organization whether they like it or not.” Meowth sighed. “We'll be outta work if this catches on.”

“Aww who cares about those lifeless robots anyway?” Jessie moaned. “Just because they lack human emotion doesn’t mean they won't slip up in some way!”

“Guess we'd know all about slipping up huh.” Meowth sighed again.

“Too true.” James agreed.

“And what kind of attitude is that?” Jessie slapped both her team mates in the back of their heads. “Its like you WANT them to replace us! Now stop your whining and lets get back to Kalos already!”

“Right.” James replied.

“Just where do ya think that boy twerp and his friends went to?” Meowth wondered as the three started to walk off. “Last we saw of em they were picking up da twerpette at that restaurant with all dose attractive girls!”

“Well then that's a good place to start when we get back to Kalos.” said Jessie.

“Boy.....twerp?” Misty's mind froze as if something inside her head was screaming to be remembered. Just as she was trying to remember some body from her past life, the collar around Misty's neck started to vibrate and the red R lit up and blinked, giving her mind a tiny shock inside while that memory that was coming back to her rubbed away like a pleasant brain freeze, vanishing back deep into her subconscious. After the collar stopped vibrating, Misty resumed eating her breakfast. Once finished, all the Rocket Grunts along with Misty stood and and walked over to the Mission Brief room what they would all be given their duties for the day.

“See? This one Grunt looked liked she was remembering something?” a female Rocket Grunt played security camera footage to her superior in a surveillance room.

“What is her assigned name?” asked the female Team Rocket Executive, looking from behind the Grunt at the footage.

A click of a mouse cursor on Misty highlighted her Rocket Name in a text box.

“Kanto Rocket Grunt Ten.” the Executive read her name. “Are we not in the thirties or forties of the Conversion Plan?”

“Yes, this one seems to be having trouble fully converting to a full Grunt.” the Grunt explained. “The physical changes are all there, but her mind is still in the early stages of conversion.”

“She must be strong minded. What was she before we started converting her?” the Executive continued her questioning.

A click of Misty's Rocket name brought up a profile of her former life.

“The Cerulean Gym Leader Miss.” the Grunt answered.

“Figures a Gym Leader would be the hardest to turn into a Grunt.” the Executive sighed. “Has there been anything else that seemed off about her today?”

“Just this one moment in the shower.” the Grunt played a clip from one of the shower cam of Misty's conversation with the other Grunt, stopping at the moment when Misty was about to grope her breasts.

“Interesting.” The Executive pondered. “She nearly did something outside of hypnotic commands and started to remember something at breakfast at the mere moment Jessie mentioned a boy.”

“A love interest maybe?” the Grunt suggested.

“Yes, could be.” the Executive nodded. “This could be key to finally breaking her. I will look at her old profile in my office before I do what I think might work.”

“What about Jessie?” the Grunt asked.

“Oh forget her.” the Executive ordered. “We know better than to mess with the HootHoots Company. If her and her two comrades decide to mess with them, its no real loss on our end.”

A short mission briefing later, Misty and some of the Grunts in her group were assigned to Mt Moon, a regular place of interest for the organization. Not only was it treated as a training ground for the newer Grunt's first assignments, they would often be on the look out for rare Pokemon fossils to either revive or sell on the black market. It was more of the safer missions for the new recruits before moving on up to the likes of breaking and entering, robberies, stalking a target, or even just take a whole building hostage. Misty however, had been granted the Mt Moon assignment more times than any other Grunt. Her slow progressing mental conversion had also effected the missions she was put on, never being allowed to progress to a more dangerous or risky mission.  Any Grunt at this point would be annoyed, Misty however had no emotion to even complain.

As a small team of Grunt got out of a van that on the outside just looked like a normal van but on the inside more resembling a vehicle an armoured police team would travel in, they made their way into the lit up cave, kept lit up by electric lights Team Rocket had installed over time.

“Alright you rookies.” spoke a male Team Leader as the Grunts lined up for attention. “For some of you, this will be your first assignment which I will take you over one by one. The rest of you, depending on how you performed last time will either do the exact same role or move further up from the cave. For today....K.R.G-10, you are watching the entrance again. Don't screw it up again.”

“Yes Superior.” Misty replied.

As Misty stood by the entrance, the other Grunts followed the group leader to the further depths of the cave. The way the assignment worked was that Grunts would be scattered throughout the cave. Some would watch for Trainers or the police, others would search for fossils. The better a Grunt would do during the day, the further into the cave they would be assigned to, the highest being kept by the Team Leader for his protection. Misty was still stuck at the bottom, always watching the entrance as the weak first line of defence. Many trainers starting on their journey would pass through the cave, hence why this was treated as a training ground for newer Grunts. Very rarely would powerful trainers show up at the ground, so the weaker newer Pokemon would be at least some battle experience for converted Grunts and their assigned Pokemon. While Misty was a Gym Leader in her old life, remembering her old strategies was considered too risky for the conversion as they could trigger old memories.

Misty stood there for a good hour, only occasionally looking around in-case she saw something or heard a sound in the cave. The only thing in her mind was to watch out for intruders, that was all.  Soon enough, a young trainer found himself looking at Misty.

“T-Team Rocket?” the young boy muttered.

“We Team Rocket are Pokemon Gangsters.” Misty spoke in her monotone voice.

“Huh, you don't seem all that frightening to me...” the kid looked puzzled, reaching for a Pokeball. “I choose you, Charmander!”

The orange Fire Pokemon emerged from its Pokeball, ready to fight for its master.

“Zubat...go.” Misty threw a Pokeball out, letting out her low levelled Zubat. As the young boy stood there considering his first attack, Misty was doing the same.

“Fire....type.” Misty thought. “If I evade its attacks then strike when the timing....”

Before Misty could think any further, the collar vibrated again, making her head fuzzy. Despite the low levelled Pokemon, her experience as a Gym Leader were starting to work the cogs in her head. A dangerous risk that might trigger her old memories, so the collar reacted as such to condition her mind that what she thought was bad, although this happened so often her mind was clearly not getting the message.

“Z-Zubat, Supersoni...” Misty commanded her Pokemon, often what her mind would go to after a telling off from her collar, constantly spamming Supersonic even if the Pokemon was already confused. However, before she could even finish yelling her attack, the boy yelled;


The starter Pokemon did as commanded. Zubat stood no chance, it was an instant KO.

“Nice job Charmander!” the boy smiled. “Good thing I saved that TM my grandpa gave me for my birthday!”

“Oh.” the converted trainer responded, not with sadness or disappointment, but rather just an emotionless reaction. “Go Koffing.”

After attempting a Smog attack that resulted in the Fire Pokemon dodging, the Charmander again used Fire Blast to knock-out his opponent.”

“Annnnd that's how they do it!” the young boy jumped in the air. “Man, that was the easiest battle yet!”

The boy recalled his Pokemon and walked pasted Misty, who just stood there.

“Man, you're one weird lady but I'm glad I won't turn out as pathetic as you!” the boy poked his tongue out. “If I can beat Team Rocket this easy, the Cerulean Gym should be super easy!”

“Ceru.......Gym....” Misty repeated as the boy walked into the cave, only for her collar to react again. Only instead of resuming her normal robotic stance, Misty looked down at her hand, clutched in a fist. She looked at it for a good few minutes before finally saying; “This feeling....what is it....”

She put her fist down to focus on another area, lifting up her mini shirt that was a tiny bit wet.

“Why...am I wet down...there?”

She soon let go of the skirt and shook her head, returning to her guard positioning. The rest of the  day proved uneventful as far as the mission was concerned. Typically Misty would be easily beaten by several trainers in one day but today saw only the one. Once the sun started to set, the other Grunts made their way out the cave along with the team leader, walking towards Misty.

“Good work Grunts.” the Leader complemented the group. “I guess this was a slow day for rookie trainers getting in our way, but you did great finding a few fossils.”

The leader walked towards Misty. His feeling of accomplishment for the day soon turned into an annoyed sigh.

“K.R.G.10, I would say I'm disappointed but my expectations started low anyway.” the Team Leader scolded her for losing to the only trainer of the day.

“My apologies superior.” Misty saluted.

“I'm going to be stuck with you forever arnt I?” the Leader walked past her. “Alright Team, move out.”

The Grunts all exited the cave and got back into the van to return to base. By the time they returned to the headquarters, it was already night-time. As usual, the grunts all waited in a room with chairs as the Team Leader gave his report for the day to his superiors who would analyse such data as which Grunts showed progress (Or in the case of Misty, did not.), any that showed any strange behaviour from either the conversion progress or to rat out any spies, injuries sustained, the rare case of any fallen or captured Grunts, and so on. Once the supiriors were happy with the day's findings, the Grunts were ordered to return to their sleeping quarters as per routine.

Misty stood in line like every other day as each Grunt in her group queued outside their sleeping quarters by a Laundry basket to strip out of their uniform for it to be washed before they were allowed to head for bed. Each girl showing no shame in taking their clothes off in front of the other Grunts, any staff walking past by or those peaking, or indeed the lucky male Grunt who's role was to collect the uniforms for the day and then walked them all for the next day. Misty had done this many times, just like the others not showing a shared of dignity or emotion when taking her clothes off. Just as it was Misty's turn, she went to pull her top off, when suddenly;

“Not you. K.R.G.10 correct?”

Misty turned her head. Standing before her was the Rocket Executive that was spying on her from the cameras earlier.

“Yes superior!” Misty responded.

“You're to come with me, I have a special assignment just for you.” the Executive told Misty. The two walked away from the queue to a more secluded area.

“What is my assignment superior?” asked Misty, before being handed a room key.

“You are to spend the night in this room.” the Higher Up ordered.

“Yes...superior.” Misty looked at the key in her hand as her superior walked away. The order seems odd to Misty but she showed no objections to carrying out the task at hand.

After a brief walk around the base, Misty found herself in a place she had never ventured before,  the private dorm rooms of the regular male Grunts. Confused and somewhat blushing at why she was summoned to go there, Misty walked down the hallway of doors looking for the room she was going to spend the night in. Double checking her key, the tag read room 0.0.6 Male Rocket Dorm 03. She found herself standing in front of the room in no time, placing in the key in the keyhole, and opening the door to the room, revealing she would not be alone in the room.

“Welcome.” The Male Rocket Grunt sat on the bed spoke to Misty, grinning at the sight of her. “So you're the lucky girl I'm spending the night with.”

“I am confused.” Misty admitted. “What is my assignment here?”

“Orders from the higher ups.” the male explained. “From what I'm told, you're a Converted Grunt who's showing hardly any progress towards full conversion. K.R.G.10 right?”

“Yes, that is my assigned name.” Misty confirmed.

“I'll call you Ten for short, you can call me Curt.” The male Grunt got up from the bed. “Put your collar earphones.”

“Yes...Curt.” Misty was not used to calling people by normal names, usually only by rank or K.R.G numbers. She did as instructed and extended the earphones out of her collar and put them in her ears. As her collar blinked to confirm her action, she could hear the familiar voice that spoke  to her during her sleep.

“Ahh, you're connected.” the voice spoke. “Good evening K.R.G.10. Your special assignment  for tonight is to spend the night with the Male Grunt we have chosen for you. You are to obey everything he orders you to do, no matter how strange or uncomfortable it might feel. You may ask questions if you wish. Take the earphones out if you understand your orders.”

Misty took out the earphones, understanding what she had to do.

“Good.” the Male Grunt walked closer to Misty, removing Misty's hat. “Now that's all cleared up, we can get down to business.”

“Business?” Misty asked, blushing once more.

“Yes, we are going to have sex.” the Grunt answered with a grin.

“S-Sex?” Misty muttered looking down. “I'm not sure....I ever...”

“Its okay.” Curt pulled her face upward with a finger on her chin. “None of you Converted lot are really sure about that stuff, which is why when one of you is not fully converting on schedule, you get assigned to one of us Male Grunts.”

“B-But why?” asked Misty.

“I dunno the exact specifics, but according to the lab boys sexual activity can speed up the mental part of your conversion.” The Male Grunt explained. “Something to do with how your head gets during and after an orgasm.”

“But I.....I'm not exactly sure what to...” Misty confessed her lack of sex know-how.

“Which is why I'll lead.” Curt's head moved closer to Misty's. “Just let me do the work and do exactly as I say.

The two Rocket Rockets embraced in a kiss. Misty's eyes first widened at the charm man's lips, only learning to accept them as it started to feel less of an intrusion of her lips and more something that actually felt nice. Her stomach filling with butterflies the longer the kiss continued and the twitching feeling in her pantie department. So enough, Curt withdrew his head, with only a string of saliva connecting the two for a few seconds.

“Top off.” ordered Curt. Misty obeyed by undoing her belt, lifting off her Rocket top from the bottom, upwards to her chest lifting up her large breast temporary then letting them bounce free as the top popped off her head. The male grunt grinned at Misty exposed chest, while Misty almost felt a need to cover her bare breasts with her arms. “Skirt next.”

Unhooking her skirt, Misty let it drop down to her boots, leaving her in only a thong,gloves and boots. The girl strangely feeling more embarrassed revealing more of her body in front of the man she only met just a moment ago. The male Grunt now begun his own undressing by undoing his own belt to let his own pants fall to the ground.

“Down on your knees and suck me off!” Curt ordered. Slowly, Misty knelled down in front of him and pulled down his pants. Her eyes caught by surprised at the long erect item close to poking her face. For a brief few seconds, Misty felt unsure of the situation, something so alien for her to feel. She was very used to obeying no questions asked but this felt more different than just another mission and especially going so long without a shock from her collar. Soon enough, she reminded herself that she was meant to be loyal to Team Rocket, it was how she was made and sculpted as, a loyal Team Rocket grunt. If she would willingly risk her own well being for the mission, why should putting a cock in her mouth be so hard? With her gloves taken off, Misty grabbed hold of the hard throbbing cock and began to lick its tip in a similar fashion to licking a lollipop.

“Love it when you converted are so shy.” Curt smiled in perverted delight.

“Do you...get many...girls...” Misty asked, her speech broken up by going back and forth between talking and putting the bell-end in her mouth, playing with it first with her puffy lips and stroking it with her tongue is a circular motion before starting to suck it hard.

“I had my fair share.” the Male Grunt explained. “I was transferred from the Johto branch just last week and helped a good bunch of girls like you fully convert. Mmm yes, now put it all in!”

The cock sucking female started moving her head forward to accept the full cock in her mouth. The feeling of having it rest on her mouth made Misty moan and look upward at the man. What felt awkward at first started feeling comforting.

“Put the earphones back in.” the next order was given to Misty who did as she was told. “Good, now continue.”

“I trust now you have Grunt's cock in your mouth now.” The voice in the ear phones spoke once again as Misty bobbled her head back and forth with her lips latched on tightly to the erect member. “Must be feeling good making the male feel amazing with your mouth right? Such a long hard cock made possible by your allure now engulfed by the inside of your mouth, all wet and hungry for your guest's offering!”

“Mmmm.” Misty moaned, the commentary in her ears was right, something about this scenario did arouse her as womanhood grew only hotter.

“Look up at him, has to feel so empowering to make a guy moan like that by your actions yet as the same time, so wanted.” the voice instructed. “He likes what you are doing to him, you like what you're doing to him. How can something so disgraceful feel so good?”

“Mmmmm.” moaned Misty again, for the first time in her second life she was actually enjoying something. Even though the voice in her ears suggested it, it felt more like her own actions than anything before this night. Her half open eyes looking at the towering man, his grin and heavy breathing from her cocking sucking, it made her want him even more.

“Such a naughty girl, you like being naughty don't you?” the voice asked as a geyser of ho cum filled he female grunt's mouth. “Wow, pretty good to making him cum so early! Why don't you present his offering to him?”

Misty withdrew her head from the cock and put her tongue out, showing the grunt a pool of cum resting on her tongue, her eyes.

“Now swallow.” the voice commanded and without objection, Misty drank the hot cum.

“Good girl.” The voice congratulated her. “Remove the ear phones till further notice.”

“Not too shabby!” the male Grunt praised his cock sucker once Misty could hear him again. “Enjoyed my seed?”

“Y-yes...” Misty answered him. “I...enjoyed sucking....your cock.”

“Lets see how that other hole stacks up, get on the bed.” the Grunt ordered.

Misty crawled past Curt and onto the soft bed behind him while slipping out of her gloves. Once on, the male Grunt grabbed Misty's legs to turn her over, forcing her to lay on her back while pulling off her boots. The converted Grunt's heart raced, seeing the Male look down as her near naked body ready to perform an experience she was unfamiliar with. As her mind wondered what emotions were about to come, Curt pulled off her panties, her last bit of her clothing, her whole body on display for him to eyeball and admire. One area took the experienced lover by surprise.

“Huh. You've certainly hired no gardener down there.” Curt looked down at Misty's pink field of womanhood hair.

“It's that...bad?” Misty blushed, almost feeling ashamed.

“I don't mean it by that.” Curt reassured her. “Just normally they tend to have all the girls shaven down there and conditioned to keep it that way. Guess your recruiter forgot that small detail.”

“Do you...like it?” Misty asked.

“Should be interesting, makes a change from the exact same pussy every single time.” the male Grunt spread her legs wide open. “You ready Cotton Candy?”

“Wha...” Misty seemed surprised by the nickname more than about to experience sex for the first time.

“Well, you have overkilled it a little!” the male Grunt laughed. “Almost looks like Cotton Candy down there with all that pinkness! Still, least I'll remember you better than the others!”

“Th-than....AAAAAHHHHHH!” Misty left out a loud moan. She was so lost in the conversation, the feeling of the Male Grunt's cock entering her vagina took her by shock. A whole world of sexual urges awakened in her mind, her womanhood feeling so full, that long hard hot cock reaching so far inside, scrapping and rubbed against the walls of her womanhood. Misty had been a occasional masturbater in her old life with only a finger or two entering her never regions. Since her new life started, she had zero sexual emotions for the longest time, only for her urges to slowly build up inside but denied by either her conditioning or the collar around her neck. In that moment, two months of held up arousal was finally set free.

“Ahhhh yes!” the Male smiled satisfied with calming another virginity. “Oh almost forgot, put the ear phones back on.”

Her hands shaking, Misty slowly reached for the collar to put the ear phones back in her ears.

“Someone's enjoying herself!” the voice in the earphones spoke again.

“Y-YES!!!” Misty's eyes now looked more awaken for the first time in months while her mouth and tongue hung open.

“Good, coz thats only the beginning.” the voice giggled as Curt began humping motions, pumping his cock back and forth. The cock ploughing her inside her most secret of areas only heighten her arousal further, her large breasts bouncing in rhythm with Curt's motions and with no collar shocks to the head to restrict her feelings. Misty felt more free than before, able to let out her build up urges with loud yells and sweat dripping off her perfectly shaped body.

“Do you like this?” the voice asked.

“Y-YES!!!!!” Misty replied with a scream.

“Feels so sinful but so good right?” the voice continued.

“OH ARCEUS, ITS FEELS SO GOOOOOOD!” the female bit her lip.

“Yeah, you so like this naughty feeling.” the earphone voice. “Being naughty is the best right?”

“YEEESSSS, OOOOOH, I'M SUCH A NAUGHTY GIRL.....” Misty felt something building inside of her, something familiar but multiplied by a hundred.

“Then cum if you're such a naughty slut.” the voice commanded.

“AAAHHHH, I'MA NAUGHTY SLUT, AHHHHHHHHHH!” Misty let out her first orgasm in forever, or her first as far as she was aware.

“YEAAAAAAAAAH!” The Male Grunt also came. “This never gets tiresome!”

The converted female grunt breathed heavily. Her mind had been opened to a whole new world of feelings and desires. She couldnt even think the way she used to, she was acting on her own thoughts rather than what she was told to do.

“Wanna go again?” the voice asked.

“Y-yes!”Misty smiled.

“Why not get on all fours and try it that way?” the voice recommended.

Misty while still with aching limbs turned around and slowly got up in the all fours doggy position. Curt moved forward, inserting his still erect cock into Misty's dripping wet pussy.

“Ooooh!” Misty moaned again as the male Grunt started humping again, his lower body banging into her round ass.

“Still feel good?” asked the voice.

“V-Very!” Misty's mouth hung open.

“What feels different this time?” the voice asked again.

“T-The way.....he smacks my butt with his......ahhhhh!” moaned Misty.

“Yeah, I bet you'd love your ass smacked like that, spanked by other Grunts while walking down the hallway, grabbed and groped with while they slide their tongue down your mouth, even cock entering your back hole as well.” the voice filled her head with more thoughts. “Only slutty naughty girls like all that.”


“Haha, what a naughty Grunt.” the voice laughed at her admittance. “Then prove it.”

“Yesssss, AAAAHHHHH AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!” Misty's body rocked with another  powerful orgasm, causing her to fall on her front onto the wet mattress. “M-More.....”

“My, such a horny bitch too.” the voice commented. “Alright, let him lay down and you ride him cowgirl.”

Curt then laid down on the bed with his hard cock standing. While unfamiliar with this position, Misty's new mindset had a good idea what to do. She got on top of the male Grunt and sat on him, with his cock shooting upward into her pulsating hungry pussy once again.

“OOOOOOOOHHHHHHH!” Misty yelled, never tiring of the warmth or hardness of a cock entering inside of her. A big perverted smile formed from her wide open mouth as drool rained down on her body and her male lover. “I....LOVE....THIS!”

Without even any instruction, Misty began bouncing up and down, riding her new favourite toy. It did not take her long to start going at a fast speed that her huge breasts bounced upwards and downwards while Curt groped her ass in the process.

“You really love this don't you horny bitch?” the voice spoke again.

“YES!!!!!!” Misty replied. “THIS IS THE BEST!”

“You love to be so naughty, so slutty, so sinful!” the voice grinned on the other side. “You're so wicked and bad, that's what being a Team Rocket Grunt is all about!”

“WICKED.......BAD.....” Misty's words became broken in pure pleasure.

“You are a Team Rocket Grunt.” the voice said. “You live to serve Team Rocket and its leader Giovanni! You are not just naughty and devilish in bed, you are like that outside the bedroom too! Stealing Pokemon, robbing people and properties, serving your organization till your last breath, these things are just as good as sex!”


“Being a loyal Grunt is the best feeling, your superiors love that, the Male Grunts love that! You can play with all of them if you’re the most loyal hard working Grunt!”


“Repeat after me, you are nothing but a Team Rocket Grunt. You are a bad natured naughty slutty girl who lives by Team Rocket and dies by Team Rocket!”



“W-w....where are I'm?

The ginger haired Gym Leader stood somewhere very strange. All there was around her was white as far as the eye could see. No walls, no objects, nothing. It was hard to tell but the place looked like it stretched out for miles and miles, in all directions.

“Think Misty, think.” The trainer bonked her head trying to remember how she got here. “I was...on the way to pick up Psyduck...then that woman at the Daycare....argh, why can't I remember nothing beyond that?”

As Misty looked around again, she saw an object in the short distance. That was odd, there was nothing there a few seconds ago. With no other clue or idea as to where she was, Misty ran towards the object. When she arrived in front of it, it turned out to be a tall mirror.

“Well this is hardly helpful.” Misty looked at her reflection, her normal slim swimmer body with the cute behind, wearing her trademark yellow top, suspenders and jean shorts. “But how did it get here anyway?”

Misty looked behind her again hoping something else would appear. When her head turned back at the mirror, a stranger was looking back at her.

“Oh jeez!” Misty was spooked by the sudden change of reflection. The reflection showed a much bustier and hourglass shaped woman about her age with short neater pink hair and wearing a black Team Rocket outfit. Once she calmed down, she noticed the reflection was copying her every movement.

“That's...odd.” Misty looked down at her own body, nothing looked different. “Is that thing broken or something?”

Looking up gain, Misty saw the reflection was now grinning back at her.

“What is this...” Misty looked closer.

“BOO!” The reflection spoke, causing Misty to fall back and land on her behind. She shuddered in fear as the reflection stood out of the mirror, then the mirror vanished.

“This is too weird.” Misty gulped. “Who...or what are you?”

“Someone you know very well.” the Grunt replied.

“Wait....you're that woman from the Daycare!” Misty suddenly remembered more.

“No dumbass.” the reflection sighed. “I...am you.”

“What are you talking about?” the Gym Leader looked confused. “How can you be me if I'm....wait, the Hypno? Is the Hypno doing all this?!?”

“Get with the times you dumb slut.” the Grunt sighed again. “That was two months ago!”

“Two months?” Misty was shocked. “That can't be! I was standing in the Daycare just a moment ago....what is this place?”

“This place is also you.” the Grunt explained. “Or to be exact, the inside of your mind!”

“My mind?” Misty questioned.

“Well, the part still holding onto the memories of your past life.” The Grunt continued. “You've been tucked away, in a deep sleep as it were, running on auto pilot on the outside with the hypnosis as your pilot.”

“Hypnosis? You don't mean...” The redhead felt a sweat drop run down her head.

“Yeah, you were changed to look like me, and slowly but surly losing your mind of your memories thanks to the food and audio in our sleep that was fed to us!” The Grunt licked her lips. “Right now, you're in the final stage, about to pass the point of no return as your old life collapses and is replaced with mine!”

“Me? A Team Rocket Grunt?” Misty looked angry. “Never! I will never join Team Rocket under any circumstances!”

“You've not had a choice bitch.” The Grunt lifted her arms. “This place is normally filled with millions of memories but now the only thing left is you, the only part of you holding on for dear life as you fade away like a forgotten memory!”

“That's not true.” Misty objected. “I still remember everything! My sisters, my Pokemon, Ash, Brock, Togepi, Delia, Tra.....T.....who was that guy who did all those drawings? I used to travel that oceany place with that other guy, that boy who owed me....oh god.”

“As I said, your old life is vanishing away.” the Grunt continued. “But you only have to look to down to know that!”

“AAAAAGGGGHHHHH, MY CLOTHES!” Misty covered herself as best she could with her arms as her clothes had all vanished. “WHY AM I NAKED? WHERE ARE CLOTHES.....w-wait, what did I even used to wear?!?”

“See?!” the Grunt magically appeared behind Misty, with the redhead sat closely in-between her legs. “If you can't even remember your clothes, what chance do you have of holding onto the last of your memories?”

“Ahhhh.” Misty felt the hands on the Grunt cup her breasts, groping them in a circular motion. “N-No....can't let you.....win...”

As Misty blushed and closed her eyes from the pleasure of having her breasts played with, her eyes opened again to see the mirror had returned. Now she had to watch herself being seduced by...herself. As the Grunt continued, Misty's breasts suddenly started to swell up in size.

“Ahhh, what's happening to me?!?” Misty moaned louder as her breasts got bigger and rounder. What used to be hidden behind the Grunt's hands were now two huge melons matching the size of the Grunt's own pair.

“You are becoming...me!” the Grunt confirmed to her as Misty's behind widened. “With your old life fading away, all there'll be lift is me! Just look around.”

Misty looked upwards as visions started to float around this void, what looked like screens showing not her old memories, but brand new ones of her having sex with the Male Grunt.

“N-No...that can't be...” Misty watched the memories acting in a way she never behaved before in her life.

“You?” the Grunt kissed her neck. “That is all you my love, the first real actions that were our own ever since we changed! No orders, no obediance, just us giving into our sinful lust!”

Misty started to feel aroused by the visions, seeing herself be used in many different positions and going full force when on top of the main Grunt. Her hair started to match the more tidy and shorter style of the Grunt's.

“C-Can't....lose....” Misty struggled. “My f-friends...my f-family...I...”

“You remember that time you spend alone at Bill's lighthouse?” the Grunt whispered in Misty's ear.


“Yes you do.” The Grunt knew she was lying. “I am you after all.”


“That boy you always liked? That time you found out about his new friend Serena?”

“S-Stop it...”

“You cried your eyes out, running past those self centered sisters of yours to go out, riding your bike to that lighthouse where Bill lived.” continued the Grunt. “You stood at the edge of that cliff for so long, such nasty thoughts going around in that head of ours. You felt unwanted, the boy that never loved you back, your sister's treating you like crap for years for not looking as pretty as them, dumping their Gym responsibilities onto you? Unloved, used, heartbroken, I know how close we were to doing it too, till that Bill saw you and you got on your bike before he could ask what was going on. No one knew about that, only us alone!”

Misty felt tears running down her eyes, that horrible memory she kept to herself being reminded by her darker self. Feeling so horrible.

“Thing is, you can feel belonged!” the Grunt carried on. “You can have a new bigger family, one that will make you feel good all the time! One that will reward you for all your good work! Every night a different lover, every day a new mission to prove yourself! Yeeeees, you belong to Team Rocket!”

“I...be.....” Misty's mouth hung open while her hair changed a pink shade. “I.....BELONG.....TO TEAM......ROCKET!!”

“Then cum for me, dirty Rocket Grunt!” The Grunt stroked Misty's pussy fast.

“AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!” Misty orgasmed as she started to vanish, her spirit merging into the body of her evil self. The Grunt grinned as her transformation was now complete.

“I belong to Team Rocket!” the new Misty smiled. “I serve Giovanni and the organization!”

K.R.G-10 awoke like she had woken up from a nice dream, one she could not full remember, only that it felt so good. As her eyes blinked, something felt different. She no longer felt the need to announce her waking up every morning like clockwork. In-fact, there was no music coming out a speaker to wake her up like every other morning.

“Hey there fucktoy.” spoke the Male Grunt, stood from the bed  K.R.G-10 was sleeping in.

“Hey there Lugia cock!” K.R.G-10 sat up while making a lustful smile. “Where you off to in a hurry?”

“Looks like you're finally fully converted.” Curt pop his top on. “Its morning, so I gotta head for work.”

“Mmmm, can't we just screw about for a bit?  K.R.G-10 gave her womanhood a stroke. “My poor little fuckhole's hungry.”

“Would love to, but duty is duty.” the male Grunt kissed her forehead. “You should think about getting up too, the higher ups will wanna see your progress after all.”

“Will I...ever see you again?” the reborn female asked, switching from horny to curious.

“Maybe, maybe not.” Curt finished getting dressed. “Pretty hard to tell me from all the other Male Grunts and hard to tell you apart from all the females. Then again, they're all as hung as me, would you miss me for long after having sex with identical Male Grunts?”

“Well...you were my first....” K.R.G-10 shamefully admitted. “You'll always have that over them...”

“...cute.” winked Curt. “Perhaps I will see ya around.”

The male Grunt left the room, leaving Misty to sit there on the bed thinking about her lover for the night. Would she ever see that particular Grunt again? Is this how all the late Grunt bloomers feel after being converted fully via sex? Would it even matter if they all looked the same?

“...no.” The female grunt shook her head. “He fucking means something to me. I will find him, someday and I will show him how far I've come, how he molded me into the woman I am now!”

With a new goal in mind, K.R.G-10 finally got out of bed, picked up her discarded clothes all over the room, and got dressed.

Some time later, the Grunt left the room and walked back to her normal quarters. She had to report to a higher up to got see the Team Rocket Doctor to check on her completed progress. K.R.G-10 sighed, recalling the times the Doctor would check on her quite often and being disappointed at the lack of any progress. She felt amazing walking down the hallway like a normal person, at least one that was proud to shake her booty side to side as she walked, and not like a robot before but what if she had not progressed enough, or if it worked too well that they had to re-wipe her memory and start over? Would they know about her feelings towards Curt, would it even be allowed? It seemed her new outlook only brought up new questions.

“Hey Grunt!” spoke a familiar voice.

“Yes?” K.R.G-10 replied as she looked behind her to see the Team Leader from before.

“I need you on the Mt Moon training exercise today.” the Leader explained.

“But I was told I had to...” the female Grunt tried to explain.

“Look, I'm short one Grunt today.” The Leader continued. “Those damn Officer Jennys caught one of my assigned Grunts yesterday. Its okay, I'll clear it with the Admins when we get back. Let's just check which one you are.”

The Team Leader scanned what looked like a barcode checker over K.R.G-10's collar. After a beep sound from the device, the Leader let out a heavy sigh.

“Oh no, K.R.G-10!” The Leader moaned. “Well, its better than nothing I guess. Hurry your ass in gear, we're already running late!”

As the converted Grunt followed along, she wondered if the Team Leader had no idea of her conversion from last night. With that knowledge in mind, she let out a little grin, knowing her chance to shine had arrived.

“Hehheh, this is going to be interesting!” she thought.

After going through the same routine of getting into the van, a short mission assignment to assign roles and a scolding from the Leader, K.R.G-10 was in her familiar post of guard watch while the others looked for fossils. No longer just standing to attention like one of the Galor Royal Family guards, the grunt was stretching her limbs, folding herself and even hand-standing at moments to pass the time.

“Man it feels sooo good to freely move this body!” she spoke in mid handstand. “Standing so long can make a converted Grunt ache so much!”

“Who's there?” spoke a voice.

K.R.G-10's eyes turned to the upside down figure standing in the entrance of the cave. Getting her baring back as she stood on her feet again, the Grunt was met with a familiar face.

“Well well, if it isnt that little shit from before!” The Grunt addressed the young trainer from her last training exercise.

“Oh, you're the same robot from before.” the boy remembered his encounter with the emotionless Grunt. “Look, I'm just here to catch a Clefairy that I missed the last time I was here so if you don't mind, I'd rather not waste time beating you again.”

“You ain't getting past me kid.” the Grunt blocked his way. “Not this time.”

“Fine.” sighed the trainer. “Charmeleon, I choo...”

Before the boy could even swing his Pokeball, the Grunt swiftly grabbed his arm and pinned it to the wall.

“Wh-what are you doing?!?” the shocked boy asked. “Its illegal for a trainer to....

“Hmm, Charmeleon.” K.R.G-10 grabbed the Pokeball with her free hand. “I'll gladly take that!”

“Hey give that back!” the struggling boy demanded. “You can't just take my partner like...”

“You sure you wanna concern yourself with that?” The Grunt's voice changed to more of an playful whisper as she leaned forward more. Looking down, the boy blushed at the sight of the large orbs pressing against his own chest, blooming new emotions that were strange to him. “Wanna kiss?”

“Well....I....” stuttered the boy, feeling uncomfortable at first but started to feel good about where this was going. As his tongue wettened his own lips, ready to pucker up as K.R.G-10 moved in closer, he found himself immediately thrown to the ground, landing awkwardly ontop of the Diglett in his pocket. “OWWWWWWWWW!”

“Heheh, letting pervert!” the Grunt laughing, holding up the boy's belt with his remaining Pokeballs attached, as well as the boy's Pokedex. She threw the encyclopedia to the floor, then began to stab her heel into the device, smashing it into pieces in front of the boy still in pain, and scrapping it hard like a mess on her shoe onto a welcome mat.

“M-My Pokedex....” the boy started to cry. “You witch...”

“Go home to mommy you little prick.” The Grunt stuck her tongue out. “And tell your little friends to never fuck with Team Rocket!”

In no position to argue, the boy ran limping for his life out the cave in tears. Humiliated, and all his progress as a trainer literally smashed to pieces.

“Fuck, that felt amazing....” K.R.G-10 groped one of her breasts as a reward for herself. “Being an evil bitch is the best! Course, that was just a personal victory. Time to show that higher up what I'm made of!”

Hours soon past in the cave. The training mission was coming to an end and all the Grunts reported in with their find, Pokemon fossils stacked in small piles and any goods stolen from easily defeat-able trainers. The trainees all lined up for inspection as the Team Leader evaluated their performance.

“Hmm, seems a little light today.” The leader walked past each Grunt, at most with two or three fossils beside them. “Either the cave is running dry or WHAT THE HELL?”

The Leader got to the end of the Grunt line, met with K.R.G-10 sitting on top of a large pile of Pokemon Fossils with her legs crossed and the cheekiest grin on her face, holding up multiple belts with Pokeballs attached.

“No fucking way!” the Leader rubbed his eyes in disbelieve. “Did I not get of bed yet? Is this a dream?”

“Oh its real Superior.” the cocky Grunt jumped off the fossil pile. “Should make up for my dumbstruck slacking should it not?”

“Plentiful!” the Leader began crying tears of joy. “It pleases me to say this, but you pass with flying colours K.R.G-10!!!”

“Ahh don't fucking milk it in.” K.R.G-10 almost blushed from her months of screw ups.

Another day arrived as K.R.G-10 arose from her bed, not like a robot from the morning alarm, but rather her sitting up and letting out a rather loud yawn.

“Ahhh, feels great to just wake up naturally!” the Grunt yawned, jumping out the bed in her birthday suit while the other identical Grunts slept in their zombie state. “And the showers are all to myself!”

Shortly after a quick dash into the showers, the room echoed with both splashing water and singing as the Pink Haired Grunt washed her sweet frame as sexual and as playful as she wanted.

“I'm walking on sunshine! Woooooa.....OH!” K.R.G-10 sung, letting out a moan while washing her most bushy area became more of a pleasure than a chore. “Mmmm, all those other Grunts I had to witness play with themselves in the shower once converted, oooh this is so fucking sweet!”

Once satisfied, the horny Grunt finally turned off the shower and began to make her way to the next room to get dress. At that moment, the other Grunts entered the showers to start their daily wash, walking into each space like robots.

“Later, zombie cunts!” The converted Grunt poked her tongue. The other Grunts taking no notice.

“Hmm, 36D, no change in physical frame.” spoke a female Team Rocket Doctor measuring K.R.G-10's breasts with a tape measure.

“Ya know Doc, you could have told me I was having this check up this morning!” The naked Grunt sat on a bed in the Doctor's room. “I would not of had to get dressed then undressed again so soon, and we could have had a more “personal” check up in the shower together!”

“Rocket Grunt shows signs of successful mental conversion, only a perverted mindset side effect from the sexual encounter two days ago.” The Doctor wrote down on a clipboard.

“Aww Doc, you'll hurt my feelings!” The Grunt joked sarcastically. “Is Mr Doctor not putting out or something?”

“One final test and you may report your progress to the higher ups.” the Doctor walked her to her desk to pick up a paper. “Just answer this questionnaire and....oh.”

To the Doctor's surprise, K.R.G-10 grabbed her from behind and groped both of her breasts with a hard squeeze.

“I'm not done with the physical Doc!” The Grunt nibble at her ear. “Don't you wanna see how pervertedly minded I actually am?”

“Its been awhile...” the Doctor stumbled. “Since a Grunt tried this on me....rarely a girl even.”

“Oh, so I'm not your first aye?” The Grunt ripped open the Doctor's buttoned blouse. “Now who's the pervert?”

The aroused Doctor began by locking lips with her pink haired patient, who did not waste time cupping her hands back at the busty Team Rocket Doctor, grabbing and caressing the large twins before popping them out of their huge bra to fondle more closer. K.R.G.10 guided her partner back towards the bed where she had been examined on, ready to give the horny doctor an examination of her own, her lips making their way down her neck and collarbone, before her mouth got so playful with a breast, licking every part of it before sucking so hard on a nipple.

“Mmm, guess I hit the jackpot for my first lesbian encounter!” K.R.G.10 circled her tongue around her lips. “Such sweet big ass titties you have.”

“Mmm, you Grunt's aren’t so bad yourself.” the Doctor smiled and moaned. It really had been too long since her last girl on girl session. “Even so, you still have answer this questiona....oh my!”

Before she could finish, the perverted ripped a hole in her stocking in-between the Doctor's legs, then took a part of surgical scissors to cut off the lingerie underwear enough to not get in the way of her “servicing” the Doctor's wet pussy.

“Fire away!” the Grunt licked at the Doctor's vaginal lips, then poking her tongue inside of her.

“Oooookay!” The Doctor bit her lip. “Question one, name.”


“What issss your purpose?”

“To serve Team Rocket, duh.”

“Which involves?”

“Steal....yum, the Pokemon of dumb twat trainers for my leader Giovanni!”

“Good gooooooood....are you aware of how you came into being?”

“Yeah, I was some dumb twat trainer you conditioned into someone muuuch, slurp, fucking better.”

“Yes yes, right there!” The Doctor squeezed the Grunt's head with her silky legs. “Annnnnd, you don't ever THINK ABOUT.....your past life?”

“Mmmm, what's...to think about....can't imagine...past me....got any action.....THIS good....trill of the steal......pervy co-workers that lust....over me.....regular action.....what's not to love.....”

“Damn right....” the Doctor groped a breast with her feel hand, already close to the end in more than one way. “Final question......oh yes.......don't stop.......what do you see....yourself in five yeaaaaaaaars?”

The Grunt was too into her pussy licking to even answer the question as her tongue stroked and poked much faster, knowing she was close to a sweet reward.

“Ahhhh, ahhhhh, ahhhhhhhhhhhh.......”The Doctor screamed out an orgasm all over K.R.G.10's face. Once the pink haired patient was done licking every dropped, she moved up way upwards towards the panting Doctor.

“Damn you're good....” The Doctor's voice was a lot more high pitched than before.

“You lot made me this way.” The Grunt grinned. “I fucking love it!”

“Anyway....your final answer?” The Doctor held up the clipboard.

“Why don't you do another more thrall check up of me and I'll tell you.” K.R.G.10 pushed the Doctor down on the bed, then positioned herself to sit on her face. “Besides, now my fuckhole's hungry for lady tongue, stat!”

Not disagreeing, the Doctor took her medicine as prescribed.

Life for the Corrupted former Gym Leader followed exactly as she described, and desired. She was an evil minded Team Rocket Grunt and was conditioned as such to enjoy being one. Stealing Pokemon and valuables was such a joy despite not keeping anything for herself, just to look at the shininess and gleam of a diamond, jewel, or knowledge that an extremely rare or powerful Pokemon hid inside of a Master Ball made her feel to alive, often licking her stolen good and hiding either in her cleavage or even her underwear if there was room. Shrunken Pokeballs that sometimes shook in her womanhood gave her such empowerment and pleasure, placing her heel down on some loser's pants to tease their feeling of arouse-ment from her dominating stance, tying people up with bare any clothes and sometimes a bondage session and/or left with a sex toy for company as she escape, clearly this job had so many perks to having no wages outside of her company card.

And then there was her pleasures outside of work. K.R.G-10 was no stranger to flirting with other Rocket Grunts after work, or even during Team Missions where she would often sneak in a quick blowjob or pussy meal in an alley. Her sexual reawakening was far more active than her occasional masturbation session in her old life thanks for her newly rewritten mind and heightened horniness, but also a challenge to herself to fit her first partner, a challenge given all the Male Grunts looked the exact same like the Females, never mind the fact she never asked any of her partners the question, she was more than happy to continue her search forever. Legends told among Male Grunts of a Female Grunt that invited many Grunts to regular gangbangs spread like wildfire among chitchat and whispers between them. The higher ups encouraged against it, but in reality as long as sexual activities did not effect the outcome of a mission, they would look the other way. K.R.G-10 was the most sexually active Grunt, but it was the side effect of finally corrupting her mind and still produced results. Not to mention, some higher ups partook in her activities.

In no time at all, K.R.G-10 jumped up the ranks. Her issued Zubat and Koffing had become a Crobat and Weezing in record time and her record of successful missions gained her a promotion, giving her assess to even more Pokemon like Houndoom and Hypno, but also her choice in roles and jobs to work within Team Rocket. For her first new job in her new Admin role, one came to mind she wanted to try out so bad.

“Excuse me.” spoke a girl entering a familiar building. “I'm here to pick up my Munchlax. I believe it was the elderly lady I spoke to?”

“Ahh yes, she's....taken ill.” spoke a young woman with short pinkish red hair. “I'm covering for her.”

“Oh my, I hope she's okay.” the Trainer said concerned for the old lady.

“May I asked your name?” asked the temporary Daycare Center worker.

“Funny enough, its May.” the trainer sighed at the pun she heard a million time with her name. How she just wished she was named something else.

“Ah yes, I have you listed down here.” The woman looked down at a list. “Here you go.”

The woman opened a Pokeball to let out a yellow Pokemon. Despite being the same colour Pokeball, it certainly wasn’t May's Munchlax.

“Wait, that's not my Mun...”

“Now Hypno, Hypnosis.” the woman ordered the Pokemon as it swung its pendulum back and forth.

“Hyp...no....” Misty muttered before her eyelids started to get heavy as she got trapped into a forced trace. All thought freezing in her mind and instead a desire to wait to be told what to do like the most obedient Pokemon. The Contest Coordinator could not even react fast enough from the Hypnosis attack.

“Target acquired.” the woman took off her white coat to reveal a familiar black uniform with a red R on the top. As familiar as this set up was, it was now the former Gym Leader in the shoes of a Rocket Recruiter as K.R.G-10, now promoted to K.R.A-5, fondled the large chest of her former friend now stuck in a trance and her new mindset, an enemy. But not for long. “And unlike my recruitment, I'm gonna take my sweet ass time corrupting your ass!”

After five hours of brainwashing and playtime through hypnosis, two identical Rocket Grunts exited the back room of the Daycare where earlier only one Grunt and a Trainer under mind control had entered. May was a Rocket Grunt exactly like K.R.A-5, at least how she used to be at the start. In an constant sleepy daze, monotone voice, and swearing her allegiance to the Team Rocket organization. Body altered to match, clothes matching her captor, even her brunette hair cut, styled, and dyed to that trademark pink bob-cut.

“Now, lets go through the last part one more time for my enjoyment.” K.R.A-5 licked her fingers at she put her gloves back on.”

“Yes superior.” replied the emotionless May, now named H.R.G-7. She put her legs together and raise an arm for a salute as hr recruiter did the same, only with a wicked smile.

“You are a loyal Team Rocket Grunt!”

“I am a loyal Team Rocket Grunt!”

“You are no longer May, your assigned name is H.R.G-7!”

“I am....no longer May, my assigned name is H.R.G-7!”

“You will address me and other higher Grunts as Superiors, or my assigned name of K.R.A-5!”

“I will address you and other higher Grunts as Superiors, or your assigned name K.R.A-5!”

“You live to serve Team Rocket, it is your only goal in life!”

“I live to serve Team Rocket, it is my only goal in life!”

“You will steal Pokemon and money for Team Rocket!”

“I will steal Pokemon and money for Team Rocket!”

“You will obey your superiors without question. Failure to do so will be met with severe consequences!”

“I will obey my superiors without question. Failure to do so will be met with severe consequences!”

“You adore our leader, the Great Giovanni!”

“I adore our leader, the Great Giovanni!”

“You will worship him like a God! He create you and all of us Grunts in his perfect vision!”

“I will worship him like a God! He create me and all of us Grunts in his perfect vision!”

“Giovanni is everything! You are disposable! If it means giving your life so that he lives, you will do so without question!”

“Giovanni is everything! I am disposable! If it means giving my life so that he lives, I will do so without question!”



“Man, I love that man!” K.R.A-5 licked her lips at the mere mention of the man as she slapped her new recruit on the butt. “Come my mindless slut, time to start your journey into your new life!”

“Yes superior.” the former May followed alongside her superior who only kept groping her hand full of ass.

As the two Grunts disappeared into the night, so did any trace of the trainer May, just like Misty before her and many other trainers, Jennys, and others that tried to oppose the evil organization, all fell to Team Rocket, becoming mindless Rocket Grunts, then fully Rocket Grunts without a mental memory of their old lives. None more hard working as Misty, K.R.G-10, K.R.A.5 or whatever you call her. The legend of this arousing yet cold yet successful Rocket Grunt will go down in company history as one of their best.

As for the ex-trainer May, that's another story for another time...

The End?


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