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It had been a long journey for the Frontier Brain Anabel but she was finally at her destination, standing in front of the mostly wooden dojo home to her best friend and lover, Greta. She had really been looking forward to this occasion after a long week as her job as a Frontier Brain, battling only the strongest Pokemon trainers. Some would be easily defeated by her way of communicating to her Pokemon through telepathy what attacks to do next, other trainers would either be strong or wise enough to see past this tactic and win their Frontier symbol. Of course, this was also Greta's job as well, so she too was going to be exhausted from all those battles with trainers and equally be excited for this rare day off. They had a whole day's worth of activities planned for months, it was certainly going on be one of the most eventful days of their relationship and in-fact their lives. 

Anabel stood at the door of the dojo and rang the doorbell while holding a champagne bottle tied in a red bow in her other hand. Breathing in deeply and smiling, she waited for Greta to open the door, a wait almost non-existant as Greta opened the door.  

“Well, Greta, I made it, despite your directions.” Anabel opened the conversation, a tad bit annoyed by Greta's direction giving skills but was delighted to be there anyway. 

“Ah Anabel, welcome!” Greta greeted her lover while wearing an cooking apron with the words “Kiss the chief” over her normal attire. “I hope you're prepared for an unforgettable luncheon!”

“Yeah.” the purple haired trainer mumbled as she walked in, just glad she could finally sit down and rest her feet. Once her host Greta showed her partner to her seat at the dinning room table, Greta tended to the kitchen in the other room to check on their meal. The Battle Tycoon had also been looking super forward to the luncheon as well, a chance to cook for her partner. What person wouldn’t love to cook their beloved a great meal? In this case, Anabel doubt Greta could really cook something out of this world, but Greta, ever the one to think ahead without a plan, was keen to prove Anabel wrong. Once opening the kitchen door however, the blonde haired chief was met with a disastrous sight. Greta gasped as she ran over to the smoking fuming oven. 

“Oh, egads! My roast is ruined!” she proclaimed as Greta opened and closed the oven door at the sight of her burnt meal. Panicking, she needed a new plan fast. Greta knew that Anabel would never let this go, always bringing it up the next time she screwed up in anything. That was the last thing she wanted. 

“But what if....I were to purchase fast food and disguise it as my own cooking?” Greta looked out the window and noticed the local Otaku Burger just a stone's throw away from her dojo. She hated the fact her students would sneak off to buy burgers instead of train sometimes, but in a crisis like this, she was more than willing to use it to save her bacon, even if they did not serve bacon breakfasts. “Ohohoho, delightfully devilish, Greta!”

Just as Greta took off her apron and had a leg out the window, more disaster struck as Anabel walked into the kitchen to see what the hold up was.

“Uh..” Before Anabel could conger up any words, the sight of her best friend going out the window rose her suspicion levels to the max. Just then, the radio began to play a song at random.

“Greta with her crazy explanations, the Salon Maiden's gonna need her medication, when she hears Greta's lame exaggerations, there'll be trouble in town tonight!”

“GRETAAAA!!!” Anabel yelled angrily wondering what the hell Greta was up to this time.

“Anabel! I was just, uh, just stretching my calves on the windowsill.” Greta pretended to stretch her leg to convince Anabel her fib was true. She was the more athletic of the two so Greta know Anabel would not know every exercise technique in the book, one of only few things she beat Anabel at compared to the Salon Maiden's many hundreds. “Isometric exercise! Care to join me?”

“Why is there smoke coming out of your oven, Greta?” Anabel pointed to the smoking oven. 

“Uh- Ooh! That isn't smoke, it's steam!” The dojo owner continued her lie. “Steam from the steamed Clampeals we're having! Mmm, steamed Clampeals!”

Convinced, but still feeling that something was a little off, Anabel left the kitchen to return to her seat at the dinning table to wait for the Steamed Clampeals that would never come.


Greta leaped out the window, called out her Bug Pokemon Heracross from its Pokeball, and flew towards the fast food establishment, forgetting to both turn off the oven and remove her igniting apron from it. 

One large purchase of fast food and a return flight to the dojo later, Greta re-entered the dinning room holding up a large silver tray of fries and burgers disguised as her own cooking. 

“Babe, I hope you're ready for mouthwatering hamburgers!” announced the cooking con-artist. 

“I thought we were having steamed Clampeals?” Anabel looked confused at the sudden menu change

“D'oh, no! I said Steamed Hams! That's what I call hamburgers!” the Arena Tycoon fell deeper and deeper into her pit of lies, making things up as she went along.

“You call hamburgers steamed hams?” The Salon Maiden tried to recall a time when she ever heard Greta use the phase but as Greta was not a regular fast food junkie could not think of any occasion. 

“Yes. It's a regional dialect.” Greta claimed.

“Uh-huh. What region?” her partner asked.

“Uh, South West Kanto?” the Blonde Frontier Brain just thought of the first place that sprung to mind. 

“Really?” Anabel felt very unconvinced. “Well, I'm from near Tohjo Falls, and I've never heard anyone use the phrase "Steamed Hams"!”

“No, not in Tohjo Falls, no!” Greta tried to correct her best friend on her fable. “It's a. Cinnabar Island expression.”

“I see.” the Salon Maiden seemed convinced, having never really been to Cinnabar before but knew of its volcanic climate which had to of explained the term “Streamed Hams”. Regardless, the two began their meal. Some way into their meal, Anabel figured something else was off.  “You know, these hamburgers are quite similar to the ones they have at Otaku Burger.”

“Ohohoho, no!” Greta waved her hand in correction with a glass of bubbly in the other. “Patented Greta-burgers! Ooold family recipe!”

“For steamed hams.” Anabel raised an eyebrow.

“Yes.” nodded Greta. 

“Yes, and you call them steamed hams, despite the fact they are obviously grilled.” The Salon Maiden lifted up a bun to reveal the grilled Miltank meat inside. 

Sweating buckets as she was about to be busted, Greta could only mutter gibberish. 

“Yeah...You don't th......One thing I sh.....”

A distinct strong smell of burning caught Greta's attention. Seeing it as a way out;

“Excuse me for one second.”

“Of course.” Anabel responded as Greta left the dinning table to return to the kitchen. One quick look at the burning inferno that was her former kitchen and Greta was immediately back in the dinning room. She had to get Anabel out of here, but without admitting to her lies. 

“AAAAAA WELL, THAT was wonderful!” Greta faked a yawn and stretch of her arms. “Good times was had by all, I'm pooped”

“Yes, I should be...” Anabel looked at her watch and got up from her seat ready to leave when she caught a tiny glimpse of the firey glow from the swinging kitchen door. “GOOD LORD, WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THERE?!?”

“The Legendary Articuno?” Greta again just answering with the first answer that popped in her head again.

“Uh, A LEGENDARY ARTICUNO?!?” Anabel reacted angry from the most ridiculous thing she had heard all day. “AT THIS TIME OF YEAR, AT THIS TIME OF DAY, IN THIS PART OF THE KANTO REGION, NESTING ENTIRELY IN YOUR KITCHEN?!?”

“Yes.” smiled Greta.

Stunned by that response, Anabel could only ask;

“May I see it?”

Greta thought about it for a second, but now enough was enough. 


The two exited the dojo calmly like nothing was happening, at least one of them knew as they return to the front of the dojo.

“UMBREON!” cried the Arena Tycoon's favourite Pokemon from the top floor, alerting its mistress of the fire spreading throughout the dojo. “UMBRE UMBREON!!!”

“No Umbreon, its just the Legendary Ice Bird!” Greta reassured her Pokemon with her fib.

“Well Greta, you are an odd lover, but I must say, you steam a good ham!” Anabel smiled and thanks Greta for the meal. As she slowly walked away from the dojo, she turned around at cry of Greta's Pokemon screaming for help, her one final suspicion.


Greta gave the thumbs up to Anabel to tell her everything's okay. Certain everything was okay, despite missing the burning building, Anabel continued to leave. Once out of sight, Greta ran back into the dojo to rescue her fav Pokemon from the disaster she caused.  

“Arceus, this a dangerous one!” Greta laid down in a hospital bed, comically her whole body in a cast. “I nearly flipping died in there!”

“Yes, it was maybe a bit reckless.” Anabel sat by her lover's bed, feeding her grapes she brought for her. “But, it was either this or further waiting for the next Anabel + Greta Show!”

Close to the bed were Umbreon and Espeon, both trainer's Pokemon tending to each other as the Psychic Pokemon licked the Dark type's neck, as Umbreon wore a few bandages and a cone around its head, nearly resembling a Vapreon. 

“And where the heck was the Yuri part anyhow?” Greta complained. “I get the Hot and Streamy trolling, but the Yuri? Pretty much non.....”

Anabel hushed Greta's moaning with a long kiss on the lips. 

“.....that's all I'm going to get in this fanfic isn’t it?” Greta sighed. 

“Well the condition you're in, you're hardly up for much else!” Anabel pointed out. 




Have a fun day everyone! I'll get to the overdue updates as soon as I can.


* LICKED the Dark type's neck.