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 “Ah, that’s good to hear! I was slightly worried that I had ended up getting the wrong phone number entirely… Anyway, I’d heard you run a food catering company, alongside your own restaurant; is that correct?” The ‘voice’ that was coming through the speakers of the videophone was both stilted and extremely robotic sounding in its overall tone, almost as if whoever was currently making this phone call was using an extremely basic text to speech package of some kind to communicate with Delia.

Not only that; the videophone screen, which would normally allow all of the people talking to see each other, remained off; this implying that either the other phone was either one of the very rare phones left around which wasn’t compatible with video calls, or this caller had switched the video off...

Blinking a few times in confusion at both of these strange facts, Delia soon realized that this wasn’t your standard phone call. Not by a long shot! She then remembered her manners and responded to the question which had been asked of her. “That’s correct, I do run both those businesses and make some custom dishes, for either home delivery or collection. So then, what would you like to order?”

“I was thinking of getting a desert pie made with a mixture of Figy and Iapana Berries inside it, with Razz and Nanab Berries on the top,” the voice replied, still sounding every bit as wooden as before.

However, all the secrecy which had been surrounding this phone call suddenly made perfect sense to Delia’s mind, with regards both the extremely mechanical sounding voice and lack of any visuals… Clearly, the person that was currently calling her didn’t want to run the risk of them being identified by anybody who might be listening into this phone conversation, on either end. Which was perfectly understandable really, given what they were actually asking her for! This order was a code phrase she had come up with for some of her customers to secretly signal that they were actually looking for a ‘special order’, one which related to her other line of work, since no-one (at least those who didn’t have a very eccentric taste in food) would even consider eating an desert which contained this specific combination of berries…

Quickly shifting mental gears, Delia now continued on with the conversation, acting as if nothing was out of the ordinary. “Why yes, I just so happen to have all those fruits in stock. Just got them in fresh this morning! So then, would you like me to customize this special order at my own discretion, or did you have a more specific style of pie already planned out?” Those clients who already had their ideas worked out in full, before they had called her, certainly helped to make all of her preparations a whole lot easier; but there was also something positive to be said about her having total artistic freedom…

“I would be perfectly fine with you taking the lead on the design of this special project! I’ll trust your professional judgement on this particular matter, since the advertised terms and conditions were all perfectly acceptable to me,” the voice responded, with it still sounding totally calm and impersonal.

Delia’s eyes widened slightly at this response: was she after being given almost carte blanche here, with the only limitation being her own judgement on the situation? Wow! Either this person was extremely trusting of strangers, she'd dealt with them before now; or they had been referred onto her by one of her previous clients, all of whom had nothing but praise for her. “I see now, that’s certainly a great deal of trust that you are placing in me! I sincerely hope that your order will be something which you’ll greatly enjoy and have you coming back for more… A quick question though, would you happen to have one of the leaflets which advertised my products?”

“I certainly do,” the voice responded. “Why do you ask?” While it still sounded the same as before, Delia suspected that whoever was on the other end was now genuinely confused about why she’d asked that particular question.

“I was just checking that, in order to be totally certain,” Delia quickly replied. “Given that it has been quite a while since I have gotten any special orders like this, I will need a little bit of extra preparation time to get everything fully ready for you. How does meeting me at the bakery, in roughly a day’s time, sound to you? The address is marked down on your leaflet, so the place is very easy to find.”

Delia was using a very simple code she had come up with, to disguise both the exact time and where exactly she would be ready to meet up with her costumers. She had first tested this initial concept out with her regular clients and, once she was satisfied that the idea worked as intended, she had added the final version of the code into all of her adverts for this job. Days, whenever it was used in this particular context, had actually meant hours. So, what she had really said to this customer was that they'd be meeting up in about an hour’s time; doing so at the place which had been already listed on the advert.

“I see now, that would be absolutely perfect, thank you. I’ll be there to collect my order at that time. Will talk to you more then!” After that last comment ended, there was a gentle click, as the person on the other end of the line now hung up…

Delia sighed softly to herself, as she put down the phone herself, her mind reeling from what she’d heard. Well now! It had certainly been quite a while since she had gotten any clients, either old or new, in in that particular line of work. But the one part that annoyed her quite a bit about doing it, was when someone would ring her up totally unannounced, thus forcing her to quickly modify all of the plans which she might have made for that day or even a couple of days at a time, depending on how long they had booked her services for. It was a bit frustrating sometimes, but also very enjoyable, for the most part; making it well worth all the effort.

Still, she had been quite right to hide this phone call away from Mimey… Her Pokémon partner was certainly a big help around the house, but he didn’t exactly know everything about her past, with it also not really being that able to keep important secrets hidden from others! And she really couldn’t let too many people know about what exactly her side job: one which she had first taken up during her younger years, and still dabbled in sporadically, entailed. Sure, it did pay out really well, it having helped to keep the Ketchum bank balance in the black for several months at a time; at least until her official job had become able to sustain both itself and her lifestyle as a single mom (when combined with some very wise spending choices on her part), but the actual details of that part time job would certainly raise some eyebrows! There were some people in Pallet Town that would probably end up snobbishly looking down their noses on her, simply for being connected to that particular profession.

Either that, or they would end up begging to become another one of her clients, which would make things exceptionally awkward between them; if they encountered each other during a more normal encounter and potentially tip off some of the other residents that something strange was going on.

Worse still, if her son somehow happened to find out the truth about her, he would probably never look at her in the same way ever again... Of course, given just how dense Ash could about be certain topics at times and particularly those related to romantic items, he might not actually connect all of these dots together correctly! Still, that situation could potentially end up changing, sooner or later.

While Ash had actually been through puberty and also given the whole ‘Pidgey and Beedrill’ talk, his single-minded focus on becoming a Pokémon Master had pretty much drowned out his entire libido, with him only just barely noticing some of the truly amazing physical features about all of the many attractive females who had either travelled alongside him, or had encountered in passing! Of course, Delia and Sam did have a little side bet going on between themselves, about when exactly this dam of repressed hormones would finally burst open and who exactly would be the lucky lady (or ladies, as Delia’s personal side of this wager had claimed) to first wage a ‘very special battle’ against Ash in the bedroom…

“Hmm, I wonder if my standard work outfit will even fit me now,” Delia softly wondered to herself. Sure, she kept herself in really good shape, doing so by regular exercising and a proper diet… Then again, it had been quite a while since she had somebody call her up for this particular kind of work!

Entering the hall and walking over to the front door, she then called to her only Pokémon, who was still busily working away in the kitchen: “Mimey, I'm going to be heading out for a little while. There are some minor issues which I have to take care of, over at the restaurant. Could you help look after the house for me please, while I'm taking care of this matter?”

“Mime Mime,” the Pokémon answered happily, as he continued doing the dishes, totally unaware of his mistress' true intentions. Hearing this response; Delia now smiled softly to herself, as she put on a production of opening and closing the front door, as she ‘left the house’, locking it shut behind her.

She then silently tiptoed up the stairs and back into her own bedroom, while taking great care not to make any noises which would give her presence away to Mimey. Once she had got there and locked the door behind her, she carefully opened up a secret drawer, one which was located under her bed, revealing a small briefcase secured with a number combination lock. After she had entered the three digit code to unlock it, with this code being “1.5.0”, this briefcase opened up to reveal its contents: a few articles of very skimpy looking clothing, all of which were made out of shiny black latex!

The female Ketchum now slowly began to undress, starting off by unbuttoning her trademark pink top and removing it, which was followed up by her lifting her yellow inner shirt over up her head. Her long blue dress fell down her legs, once the belt which helped to hold it in place was unhooked from her waist, revealing Delia's whole body, clad in only a pair of plain white bra and panties. This was a situation which didn’t last long though, as Delia soon freed both of her large breasts from their containment, throwing her bra down onto the floor and then dropping her panties down her silky legs to join her skirt. She finished up by slipping out of her socks as she stepped out of the small plie of clothes. Her image of housewife and mother now stripped off completely, the naked MILF now began to change into her secret role: that of a hot and sexy Dominatrix for hire!

Delia’s exposed breasts only enjoyed the feeling of cool fresh on them air briefly, as she now slipped on a jet black bra made out of latex and closed it in the back, a process which almost passed without any major hitches; but the item of clothing certainly felt a little bit tighter than her everyday bra did.

“Oh dear, you two ladies have certainly grown out quite a bit since the last time I wore this, haven’t you? I guess it really has been a while,” Delia looked down at her overflowing breasts with a slightly disapproving gaze. Bras in her size were certainly not cheap and getting sexy ones made out of latex only upped the price tag even more. She had her suspicions recently, but now it was confirmed: they had grown from a 34D to a 36D. She then shook her head and sighed to herself. “No matter, almost all my clients love to see a pair of beauties which are sized like these one, especially when they look like they are just about to explode out of the bra that’s holding them!”

Delia’s attention next turned to the rubber thong panties, which were also coloured a shiny jet black. She slowly slid them up her long and beautiful legs, hoping that at least her butt would behave itself, while she was coating her womanhood in shiny black rubber. It felt almost perfect, but she still felt a slightly cosier squeeze around her waist and in the butt crack than what she had been expecting.

“Argh! Not you too,” Delia grumbled softly, as she firmly smacked one of her exposed buttcheeks in mild annoyance; her frown fading as she noted that they had kept the firm muscle definition she’d worked so far for. “This client had better be willing to pay me well for my time, or I'm gonna waste most of my next paycheque on some replacement clothing!”

She put on the black latex gaiter belt next, doing so in order to prepare for the items which she had been worried about the most when starting off: her long rubber stockings. Starting off with the left stocking, Delia now slowly and carefully pulled the latex up her leg, biting down on her lip nervously as the shiny slick material slowly but surely slid up her limb...

Success! There was no embarrassing situation where the stocking only made it half way up her leg, before sticking, requiring it to be slowly removed and having to apply some lube to help ease it on. Sure, there was still a little bit of tightness, like the rest of her latex items, but nothing which would cause her alarm, like her shiny black leg wear potentially ripping apart during this session as she was moving about. Delia’s other leg accepted the other stocking just as well too, and she then hooked in all of the straps from her belt on the front and back to keep these items secure for certain, despite just how tight they were.

Next, she slipped into the pair of high heeled latex boots and zipped them up, securing them on her feet. It really had been a long time since she had used them, or any kind of sexy heels really, as she’d felt almost off balance in them and was standing far higher up than in her normal shoes; but making a few sexy and dominant poses before the mirror soon reminded her mind how to best to stand and walk about in them, while also helping her to adjust back to a persona which she’d be needing to use again very soon.

Staring at her own reflection in the mirror, Delia felt so glad that she had not left herself go, as she’d seen other people do in her lifetime. Despite her surprising bust and butt growth, she still looked as hot as she ever did; if not more so! The very sight of her sexy body, as well as the slight chill of these latex garments, made both of her nipples press up against the rubbery material; which was covering them. She sure wished that she could do this side gig a little more often, even if it was only for fun.

But alas, her normal everyday life did not allow for this to be a regular event anymore. The potential risk of being spotted, while she was still wearing a clearly kinky outfit like this one (along with of all the resulting fallout from this discovery on the Ketchum family’s reputation), either by Ash himself or one of the other people who knew her reasonably well; made it almost impossible for her to ever consider doing this gig every day. Not unless she decided to move away from Pallet Town to a larger city, where she could blend in easier… And Delia really didn’t want to leave Pallet Town! Not only did she have a lot of friends in the local area herself and really enjoyed the more peaceful lifestyle which was on offer here, it wouldn’t very be fair on Ash to lose his easy access to Professor Oak’s research lab (where most of his team were stored) and a home to relax in, during those time periods when his pervious Pokémon journey had finished up and before he decided to start off on a brand new one...

But Arceus! Delia had really missed being able to press her extremely sexy body directly up against a mirror and then watch her own reflection whispering naughty things right back at her. Still though, she had several more preparations left to make, before her client actually arrived for their session…

To add to her already arousing look, Delia buckled a black spikey collar (the band of which was made out of rubber) around her neck and secured a domino eye mask also made out of latex in place. This mask helped to hide the upper half of her facial features (apart from her eyes) from view, making it that much harder for people to work out who she really was, if she ever ended up encountering her clients again in a more casual setting, or vice versa. Once Delia had adjusted this mask, to make sure that it would not slip loose and potentially cut off her line of sight at an inappropriate time (or cause a headache from the straps being pulled too tight), a pair of shiny black latex opera length gloves were pulled down over both of her arms, the tightness of which really showed off her extremely well-toned upper limbs…

After applying a dark shade of lipstick to her lips, Delia finally removed the hair tie from her ponytail, ruffled her hair slightly and let it sit in a natural way; thus finishing off the drastic transformation of her overall appearance: having gone from the image of the fairly plain-looking housewife and single mother who had been present in the room earlier, to a drop-dead sexy femme fatale dressed up in a skimpy black latex outfit! Staring at her reflection briefly, Delia winked in a playful manner and blew herself a kiss, shivering slightly in arousal; as her doppelganger mimicked her every move flawlessly.

Her sexy persona was after finally awakening from its very long slumber... Delia could not wait to go dust off her old whip and all the other general sex toys which she used for this job! Or maybe she’d get to try out some of the more unique items which she has access to in her box of goodies, or had read about in the catalogue of fetish items which she had gotten delivered to the dungeon, getting them ordered and delivered for the next day? After all, this client had said to her that they would be perfectly willing to consider trying out some of Delia’s more unique ‘ideas’ as a part of their session, them totally trusting her judgement on this particular topic.

“Now then… To the Ketchum Cave! Wow, it has been a really long time since I said that line; even in jest,” Delia smirked to herself, while she pushed a hidden button located behind the mirror, causing a concealed stairway; which led directly from her own bedroom to the ‘Ketchum Cave’, to open up.


The client is someone that Delia knows really well and they also realize who she is


This client is someone that Delia knows really well, but they don't realize who she is


It's someone who has encountered Delia's son Ash, but they haven't directly met Delia herself


The client is either someone who neither Delia nor Ash have ever met before, or they are one of the many lookalikes who are present in the Pokémon World


This client is an expy of someone from a different series entirely


Delia takes her time to explore the 'Ketchum Cave', with her examining some of the equipment to help ensure that it still works properly




A special thanks to my anonymous commissioner who helped out with this entry. :) The updates for Thursday, Friday and Saturday will arrive around Saturday night. Remember, the fanfic update for this Saturday will be swapped with the Monday update. ;)

leoryff Studios

Grass and Rock types might cause HP damage, but Steel and Dark types excite her!