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Thought this was all going to be anime and videogame characters for New Character Sunday? lol. XD

In reads to TMNT (Or TMHT as it became here for awhile. XD), I remember watching it.....and that's about it. I know the names of most of the iconic characters and whatnot, but if you were to ask me the lessner known characters or describe a full episode plot or story arc...I'd be lost for words. XD

So as to why I draw April this week, it happened when I was in a mood to draw her in bondage months ago but just did not find the time to draw her. And I think this planted the seeds for New Character Sunday, as while drawing Ashley, Dawn and the usual girls is good and all, I never really get to draw other characters that I would like a crack at and it also expands the audience as well. Her boobs might be a bit off (They're usually much bigger, right? XD) but hey, its one off the list! ;)

Want to suggest a character with a theme (Fetish, pin up, etc.)? Leave a comment below and I'll consider it. ;)




After watching the most recent TMNT it’s nostalgic to see the original April instead of the teenage one from the reboot plus the most recent one would need a redirect and loli warning


Yeah as I've seen. XD I do intend to one day go and rediscover the original TMNT so see what I recall from my childhood (As I probably was too young to remember it that much) though its another on my To Watch pile (Seriously, it was the same with Thundercats and I'm still only halfway through that after buying the DVDs years ago. XD) so its gonna be a looooooooooong time before I even consider looking at the other adaptations of TMNT, lol. XD