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  “A Hypnosis Show?” Misty looked baffled at the theatre sign. “Is this seriously what we're doing on our night off?”  
   “Oh come on Misty, it'll be fun!” her sister Daisy smiled. “Those magicians can do pretty amazing stunts on TV, so it should be even better live!”  
   “Yeah, but when you said you booked tickets for the theatre, I thought you meant like a play or musical or something.” Misty sighed at her sister.    
   “Because we knew you'd refuse to come.” Violet spoke. “We know from growing up you found magic to be stupid.”    
   “Well, I suppose it's better then just going home.” Misty sighed again.    
   “That's the spirit!” Lilly smiled.  
  It was one of only a few night offs of the month Misty and her trio of sisters got from running the Cerulean Pokemon Gym. They would take turns in deciding on each night off what thing they should do and on this night, it was Daisy's turn. True, Misty could of just headed home, but after being away from home for so long travelling with Ash and Brock for so long, she figured she would hang out with her family more often. Misty never found the art of magic shows too appealing. From an early age, she knew magic was not real and just just a stage act. Even the most impressive magic tricks she saw on TV did not catch her eye as she knew there was a way they managed to perform the trick, even if she could not figure out why. It was probably why she really hated the Pokemon Wrestling Federation as well for that matter, despite her misunderstanding of “Sports Entertainment”.  
  Inside, the girls were sat at the front row of the theatre, making Misty feel uneasy as she feared her or one of her sisters would be called out as a volunteer. Soon enough the show began with exploding pyro and colourful stage lights before the female Magician Francesca appeared on stage just like magic through the smoke of the pyro.    
   “Thank you, and welcome to my show!” Francesca waved to the crowd, who applauded her entrance.    
  The show began like any with simple staged magic tricks, as Francesca was a magician at heart and known best for her magic act in the Sinnoh region before moving on and touring with a new show that focused more on hypnosis then her trademark magic, never revealing why the sudden change of direction to anybody like a magician's secrets. Once the warm up magic act was performed, she moved onto the main body of her show.  
   “And now for the main theme of the show, I will first need a volunteer!”  Francesca announced to the audience. “Who would like to assist me?”  
  A show of hands rose from the audience with every member pleading to the magician to be chosen for the act, all accept one unimpressed redhead.    
   “Come on Misty, why don't you join in?” Daisy poked her elbow at Misty's arm.  
   “Look there's no way in a million years...” Misty moaned, before a stage light shined down at her, interrupting her.    
   “Oh, looks like we found our perfect volunteer!” Francesca pointed her magic cane at Misty.    
   “But I didnt...” Misty said confused, but her sisters pushed her out of her seat and onto the stage.    
   “And who might you be?” Francesca asked Misty.  
   “Well erm, my name is Misty.” Misty felt almost shy being up on the stage unexpectedly. “I'm the Cerulean City Gym Leader....”  
   “Oh, a local celebrity I see!” Francesca smiled. “A lucky choice I made! Well Misty, could you start by sitting on this chair?”  
  Not really wanting to go through with the act, Misty felt it would be rude and insulting to the Magician if she sat back down in the audience to decline, so she figured she would just go through with it and sat on the stage chair as instructed. After all, if she did not believe in Hypnosis, then what was there to fear exactly?  
   “Okay, watch the spinning coin Misty.” Francesca told her.    
   “Alright, I'm watching.” Misty sighed as her eyes moved left and right to the motions of the coin on a string in front of her face.    
   “I want you to clear your mind of everything other then the sound of my voice.” said Francesca. “What I say is the only thing that matters...”  
   “What you say......only...matters...” Misty began to feel light headed and numb in the mind. Her eyes half open as they felt like the weight of two heavy coins.    
   “You will do whatever I command you.” Francesca ordered.  “Obeying my every word is your only purpose.”  
   “Obeying your every word is my only purpose...” Misty repeated, now stuck into a trance.    
   “Good girl, now I want you to stand up.” Francesca took the coin away from Misty.  
  Misty stood out of her chair a stood still to attention. The audience awed as it looked like all the life had been sucked right out of Misty, leaving an empty shell that waits orders.    
   “Now then, what shall we make you do?” Francesca paused to think. “How about you act like one of those mythical creatures like say, oh I dunno...a chicken!”  
  Francesca clicked her fingers and Misty's mind was now rewritten as told by Francesca's command. She folded her arms like a chicken and began to flap them, while bending forward like the stance of a chicken, before she cheeped;  
   “Cluck cluck cluck!”  
  The audience applauded at what they were seeing as May circled the chair like a mindless chicken. This continued for a good ten minutes with various humiliating acts like bending down to eat pretend bird seed while her butt was in full view to the audience, jumping through hoops, and even pretending to lay an egg. After the audience had a good laugh, it was time to change Misty back.  
   “Right Misty.” Francesca told Misty who was sat back down on the chair. “Now when I click my fingers, you will return to normal. Also...”  
  Un heard from the audience, she quickly whispered sometghing in Misty's ear before clicking her fingers once more. Misty blinked her eyes as she awoke from hypnosis.  
   “W-what happened?” Misty asked. “Did it fail or something?”  
   “And there we go ladies and gentlemen!” Francesca bowed down as the audience clapped in huge applause. It was only when Misty return to her seat when her sisters, who were laughing to hard they could barely speak, told her of what she has just been forced to do under hypnosis.    
   “I did what?” Misty's face glowed the bright embarrassment red. She felt so used and humiliated, made into a laughing stock by that magician.   



Please  keep in mind that this is a Work in Progress so there's likely to be  spelling and grammar mistakes that will be corrected in the future.

Like what you've read and have maybe an idea/suggestion for the story? Leave a comment below and I'll read and consider it. ;) 


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