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Hope you all had a good day today!

As its Christmas Day, instead of an artwork preview today I'm going to give you all a preview of what's to come in 2018, in terms of new features for being a Donator! And bullet pointed so you can skip to which ever appeals to you most.

An All New Themed Update Day-
Much like Classic Wednesday and Saturdays when I upload a Cleanser page and a Fanfic Preview, there will be a 3rd themed day every week. Unlike the other themed days however, this new one will be ALL NEW content. As to what that en-tells, you'll see come next month. As for the day, I thinking Sundays, but plans may change, plus it will be exclusive to $2 and up Donators.
Overhaul of the Front Page- Namely the introduction text and to make everything look cleaner, as well as links to FAQs for those wondering about certain things.

Rewards and Goals- Slight edits to the Rewards and the Goals. Nothing major, just some adjusting so we can really get the rewards a-rolling better.

More Preview Galleries- I have a few places in mind to open Preview galleries to not only expand the audience further, but also many other places you can watch me for notifications when I upload something new to Patreon.

Deviantart Adjustments- Mainly make the home page cleaner as well as adjust commission prices a little to reflect Patreon rewards further (i.e cheaper to Donate rather then a sole commission).

Faster Art- One of the reasons for the new Themed Update day is to also help me work faster and manage my creation time better. Again, you'll find out once I launch the new Themed Update Day.

2017 has been a great year for the Patreon gallery and with these updates, 2018's about to get better. ;)



Quick question when will the fanfic previews become full fledged fanfics?


When they're finished. Think of them like my Art Previews, each time I do some more progress, I add that progress to Patreon. Granted, I've uploaded a fair few previews of different unfinished stories this month, but being Christmas it is a busy season. XD None the less, you'll start seeing new progress on Fanfics pretty soon. ;)