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  Light stung the eyes of Dawn as she awoken. Upon opening them, she had found herself bound to an X Frame with her wrists and ankles strapped in, keeping her arms and legs wide open. Her clothing was thankfully still intact, though her backpack was missing, as were her boots. Even if she still have it with her, her bound state would make it useless to call out her Pokemon. The room was an empty storage room, with nothing but Dawn within it's grey brick walls. Trapped with herself bound, all she could do was wonder how the heck she got there.  
  Not long later, the door in front of Dawn opened. At least, Dawn was face to face with her captor, someone she knew all too well.  
   “Jessie!” Dawn spoke angrily. “I might of known!”  
   “Oh how? Because me and my comrades harass you every single day?” Jessie spoke sarcasticly. “You're a real Sherlock Horsea arnt ya?”  
   “Quite, but why have you kidnapped me? Isn’t you're goal to capture Pikachu and/or Pokemon?”  
   “Oh it is, but today we're trying out something new, something where we need a lab Rattata, and I thought you'd do nicely.”  
   “What are you doing to do to me?” Dawn struggled against the binding, in fear of what she had in mind.    
   “You'll see quite shortly, but first I need to prepare you for the experiment!”  
  As soon as Jessie pulled out a pair of scissors from her pocket, Dawn began to hear alarm bells in her mind once Jessie began to walk over to her. Once in front of her, Jessie snipped at the straps and side of Dawn's top, letting it fall to the floor and leave Dawn's white bra on for show. Next came the pink skirt which Jessie made a straight cut on the front to make to drop onto the floor, revealing Dawn's Piplup panties. Jessie then took off Dawn's hat and dropped it on the ever growing pile of discarded clothing, and took out her hair clips as well, letting Dawn's hair down.    
   “Almost there.” said Jessie as she snipped each strap of Dawn's bra, and then the middle, making Dawn's breasts come free from their restraint and in full view of Jeesie. Dawn blushed, feeling embarrassed at Jeesie looking at her naked breasts.  
   “Nice tits.” Jessie smirked. “You're really grown into a fine woman after all these years. Let's see what you're like...down there.”  
   “No, don't!” Dawn pleaded, but it did not stop Jeesie from cutting each side of her panties and making them fall onto the pile. Dawn could only weep as she was now fully naked, unable to cover herself because of her bonds.    
   “Oh ho.” Jessie laughed as she looked at Dawn's pussy. “I bet you're still a virgin, I can usually tell. You also shave down here, you showing your pussy off to someone? Ash, or maybe even that Zoey girl?”  
   “Please let me go.” Dawn weeped, looking away from Jessie. “This is already so humiliating...”  
   “Oh, we're only just beginning. Let me just get something.”  
  Jessie walked towards a table to pick out something, while Dawn feared what that thing could be. Was she going to torture her, play around with her with sex toys, or even fulfil some sort of sick fetish of hers on her? Of all the things Dawn worried what it could be, she never expected the very thing Jessie held up.  
   “...a feather?” Dawn questioned, looking at the large white feather Jessie held up.  
   “What, disappointed its not a dildo you pervert?” Jessie teased as she walked back to Dawn. “This is a Swanna feather. They're the softest you can find and ideal for what I have in mind. I wonder just how ticklish you are Dawn?”  
   “I take it that's why you did not gag me then.”  
   “Correct, to hear you laugh so loud, people will hear you for miles. Now lets turn that frown into a big huge laughing smile shall we?”  
  Dawn was not going to allow Jessie the privilege of hearing her laugh or even giggle. Ticklish she might be, she knew she just had to hold it in the best she could, not giving in to the torture. As the feather touched her left arm pit however, her fingers and toes sprang to life from just how soft the feather was. Dawn had to bite her lip as Jessie stroked the feather up and down her arm pit. As much as Dawn was trying not to laugh, her face was turning red and her cheeks inflated with concealed laughter.  
   “Soft enough for ya?” Jessie winked. “There's no point holding it in, you'll crack eventually!”  
  It was no use, as much as Dawn tried, the tickling sensation just grew and grew inside of her until she opened her mouth, gasping for air and;  
   “Why should I? You seem to be enjoying yourself?” Jessie teased before backing the feather away. Poor Dawn panted, but still smiled from the sensation.    
   “ * Gasp * Got you....sick trill?” Dawn caught her breath.  
   “Oh I'm just getting started.” Jessie flicked a button on a remote. “Say hello to my friends!”  
  To Dawn's horror, a bunch of robot arms holding more feather descended from the ceiling down to Dawn.    
   “Y-You wouldnt!” Dawn cried, knowing she was about to be humiliated even further.  
   “Already did. Wonder if your feet, sides, legs and belly button are as ticklish as your arm pits?”  
  Just as Jessie wondered, each of the robotic arms applied their held feathers on each body part Jessie mentioned and began stroking it. There was no chance of holding her breath this time as Dawn burst into laughter immediately,    
  As much as she struggled to get out of her restraints, her struggling proved useless. Even if the bounds were very loose, her limbs were already tiring from the mass tickling. It was then Dawn was about to lose control of something else.  



Please  keep in mind that this is a Work in Progress so there's likely to be  spelling and grammar mistakes that will be corrected in the future.

Like what you've read and have maybe an idea/suggestion for the story? Leave a comment below and I'll read and consider it. ;) 


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