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“Thanks for the ride home!” Dawn thanked the ship crew as she got off the passenger ship, having arrived back in Canalave City after a wonderful journey in the Johto. It felt so good for her to be back in her home region of Sinnoh. Even though it was late at night due to the regional time differences, just seeing the city again brought so many memories of her first journey, travelling all around the Sinnoh region with her friends Ash and Brock. From visiting Canalave City with them, to her farewell to her best friends as they went back to Kanto, the City certainly had more meaning to her then she had realized. 

“Say, you're from Twinleaf Town right?” asked the ship's captain. “That's a long journey from here, you sure you'll be safe?”

“No need to worry!” Dawn uttered her catchphrase. “I'm heading over at the local Pokemon Center so I'll stay the night there and start heading home in the morning.”

“Pip, Piplup!” her Pokemon Piplup spoke to reassure the concerned captain.

As the ship's lights switched off for the night, Dawn walked down the dark harbour alone with her partner Pokemon. Her footsteps echoing the silent and empty docks, such a walk would give someone the chills but the eighteen year old pressed on with her “No Need To Worry” attitude even though Piplup was feeling slightly scared.

“Ah don't worry Piplup.” Dawn told her shivering Pokemon. “It's only a ten minute walk from here to the Pokemon Center. Soon enough, we'll both be snug under some warm bed covers together and we can make our way home to mom in the morning!”

As Dawn looked up at the starry sky as a way to ignore the dark spooky walk herself, she thought and wondered how Ash was getting on. Already, he had made his way to the Kalos region from what she heard and already made some new friends along the way, making her wish it was just her, him, and Brock once again. As much as she enjoyed her solo adventures, they did not match the joy she felt from her first journey . She did bump into her old rivals Zoey, Kenny and Ursula in Hoeen and Johto, though strangely Zoey was absent in Johto, but it was still not exactly the same as travelling with Ash and Brock at the same time. 

“I hope Zoey's okay too.” she asked herself, remembering she had not heard from her best friend since she left Hoenn. “Maybe I'll visit Kanto next and complete in it's Grand Festival. 

“HEHEHEHEHEHEH!” A loud laugh suddenly echoed down the docks, giving Dawn and Piplup such a fright.

“EEK!” Dawn moaned as her spine chilled in fear. “W-Who goes there?”

She turned around to see no one there, just the empty dock that she had been walking down. 

“Up here my DeeDee.” spoke the same mysterious voice.

Dawn could not believe what her eyes were seeing once she looked up and saw her best friend Zoey, flying in the air on a wooden broom wearing a witch's outfit and hat while a black Glameow sat behind her. 

“ZOEY!” Dawn spoke in awe. “H-How are you...”

“Oh I've been reborn.” Zoey spoke as she slid her crotch back and forth on her broom to rub her womanhood in such a sadistic manner. “I'm now a witch!”

“A witch? But witches are not real. You can't possible...”

With a zap of her hand, Zoey zapped her magic onto Piplup who with a poof of smoke turned into a plushie.

“Real enough for you Dawn?” Zoey grinned as she started to descend to the ground. 

“PIPLUP!” Dawn panicked over her now lifeless Pokemon. “S-STAY BACK ZOEY! DON'T COME NEAR TO ME!”

“Oh relax Dawn.” Zoey's heels clonked on the concrete ground as she landed then walked towards Dawn. “I'm not going to harm you in anyway.”

“Y-You're not?” 

“No.” Zoey grabbed her friend's breasts, getting a good squeeze out of them. “Instead I'm going to make you more beautiful then you already are. As pretty as you you are Dawn, there are things I can do to make you more...hot.”

All of sudden, Dawn felt a pain in her breast as her breasts started to glow. Feeling so hot and aroused in her top, the sound of a snap took her by surprise as her bra hooks broke, followed by a ripping sound as boob flesh popped out through ripped holes in her top while her nipples poked so hard against the fabric. Soon enough, the whole front of Dawn's top ripped open and both her breasts bounced out, no longer the respectable c cup they once were but now like a pair of double E melons instead. 

“MY BREASTS!” Dawn's eyes widened at how ridiculously large her rack had become. “YOU'VE RUINED MY BREASTS!!!”

“Oh don't worry Dawn.” Zoey then groped Dawn's behind. “We'll make sure the rest of your body gets the same attention!”

“OH NO!” Dawn yelled as she could feel her Piplup Panties get tighter, wedging in like a thong before also snapped under the pressure of her already big butt inflating up in size, growing even wider and peachier and snapping her pink skirt off as well. “MY ASS!”

“Let's get the rest of those clothes off.” Zoey clicked her fingers which caused all of Dawn's clothes to scatter into tiny pieces, even her hat and hair clips, leaving Dawn both naked and vastly expanded, trying to cover her huge breasts and pussy the best she could with her arms. “VERY nice! But still needs a few more touches.”

With her hands pressed against the sides of Dawn's tummy, Zoey pushed her hands in, reshaping Dawn like she was clay to become much slimmer. Once slim enough, Zoey placed a hand onto Dawn's face and stroke it downwards causing Dawn's lips to inflate the size of two fingers pressed together and coated in a permanent gloss pink, while her eye lashes grew larger. 

“Still missing something...” Zoey pondered. “I know, look at your pussy!”

“My pussy...” Dawn looked down in-between her huge cleavage the best she could. At first she saw nothing else out of the ordinary but then she realized the small bit of blue pubic hair was no longer there but instead a small bright yellow tiny bush of hair. “Blonde? But that means...”

Soon all of Dawn's long blue hair started to lighten from dark to light blue, but then changing colour completely into a bright yellow golden blonde. 

“Perfect!” Zoey laughed as she magiced up a tall mirror to show Dawn her work. “You certainly look the part now!”

“NOOO!” Dawn looked shocked at her reflection. No longer did the blue haired normal girl look back at her but instead someone that look much more like a pornstar. “YOU'VE MADE ME LOOK LIKE SOME...BIMBO!”

“And one hot bimbo at that!” Zoey licked her lips. “Huge breasts for me to bury me face into a suck on, a fine booty for me to grab on, succulent lips for me to kiss and for you to tease my body with, oh yes, I'm gonna have tons of fun with you Dawn!”

“CHANGE ME BACK!” Dawn protested. “I don't want anyone to treat me as a dumb bimbo!”

“Oh that's right, you're certainly not a DUMB bimbo, not yet anyway...” Zoey clicked her fingers once more.

“No, don't you....dare.....” Dawn began to feel light-headed as she could feel her HQ drop into the mid double digit numbers. “My head....feels....wei.....we......funny.” 

“Say Dawn, what's a Pokemon?” Zoey asked.

“Don't be silly, it's like....a little creature thingy that does things like... shoot fire and water, and things like that!”

“And what's two plus two?”

“Well duh, that's.....wait a mo....that's....two and two....is that like, six or something?”

“Congrats! You as dumb as a rock!” Zoey laughed at Dawn's idiocy.

“NNNOOOOO!” Dawn screamed as she felt important knowledge was now missing inside her head. “LIKE OH MY GOD, I'M NOT, LIKE TOTALLY CLEAVERS ANYMORES! GIMMIE BACK MY SMARTS NOW YOU TOTAL MEANIE!!!” 

“Hehhehheh, such a hot sexy bimbo.” Zoey admired her work. “But not yet a horny bimbo.”

A zap of Zoey's finger sent a sting of pink magic blasted towards Dawn's exposed pussy. Dawn looked down in confusion as nothing else physical happened to her. 

“Hey Dawn, look down at this!” Zoey lifted up her black skirt, revealing she was going commando. 

“Ohh...” Dawn moaned as she left almost immediately aroused. Unable to control herself, both her nipples and her clit used harden. Her enlarged breasts felt so hot as did her pussy now dripping a mix of her pleasure juice and her body sweat while her tongue hung out her mouth. 

“Just imagine all the things you could do with my pussy.” Zoey egged on Dawn as her friend lost herself more and more into her high arousal. 

“Oooooh yeah....” Dawn bite her plush lip. All her concerns were put at the back of her mind as Dawn's perverted fantasies now dominated her thoughts, fantasies that she only thought about in bed while she pleasured herself thinking about her friend Zoey but now were as common thought as remembering to breath or  to eat and drink. Groping her own breasts sent a big shock throughout Dawn's body, she could not believe how sensitive her breasts had become, feeling just so good she almost came to the sensation. 

“Why don't you get a taste?” Zoey suggested to Dawn.

“Okay!” Dawn giggled as she walked towards Zoey, her breasts bouncing  and her ass jiggling to her now overly walk. She knelled down in front of Zoey and  wasted no time to lock her mouth lips onto Zoeey pussy lips for a big “smooch”. 

“Aaaaah yes!” Zoey moaned. “You're pretty good at this!”

Dawn sucked and licked at Zoey's vagina, ensuring her tongue hit exactly the right spots while her left hand tended to her own pussy, at first stroking it, then jamming two of her fingers into her sweet honey pot, the arousal getting so high it only made her work on Zoey's pussy much faster and wilder. 

“Yesssss, YESSSSSSS!” Zoey's screams echoed down the lonely docks.  “T-T-TELL ME WHAT YOU AAAARE DAWN!!! SWEAR YOU LOYAL-TY! TO ME!!!”

“Mmmmmm.” Dawn moaned. “I'ma dumb horny bimbo who like, totally loves to me-masturbate to my Mistress Zoey and do whatever she says.....”

“Ahhhhhhh yessssss, that's hooooooot!” Zoey drooled to Dawn's submission. “OH ARCEUS, I'M GONNA.....AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!”

Reaching her limit, the lesbian witch squirted her vaginal Water Gun attack all over Dawn's face while the horny bimbo hung her jaw wide open to accept every drop of sweet Mistress juice she was receiving. 

“Oooh fuck yeah!” Zoey moan in post orgasm, collapsing on her knees. Looking at her sweet bimbo lover stare at her in blank thought while the witch's cum drooled down her mouth, Zoey hugged Dawn and rubbed her face against Dawn's face in utter girly cutesy fashion. “Oh Dawn, you're SOOOOOO adorable as a horny bimbo and drooling my sweet juices out your mouth! I love you like this!”

After a sweet kiss on the lips, Zoey got up on her legs and stroked Dawn's blonde hair like a pet doggy. 

“Ready to cause some more mischief my dear slutty sexpot?” Zoey grinned.

“Miswha?” Dawn looked confused. 

“Oh right, you're dumb as a Bidumb.” Zoey remembered. “Trouble.”

“Oooooooooh!” Dawn finally understood her Mistress. “Okay dokay!”

To know what had happened to Zoey, we need to take a trip back in time.

It was just after the Hoenn Grand Festival. All was going well for the familiar set of Coordinators with Dawn going on to win the whole thing, Ursula taking second place, even May and Kenny took third and forth place respectively. 

All for expect Zoey.

As she slammed her fists down on her hotel table while watching the Grand Festival, she wondered where it had all gone wrong. While she did win the Sinnoh Grand Festival, for some reason or another, her skill could only muster up three contest ribbons, three! Without the additional two ribbons, Zoey could not even enter the Hoenn Grand Festival, instead choosing to sit in her hotel room instead of going down there to cheer her friends on like some kind of cheerleader. The redhead felt so useless and brought down after achieving such a high goal before, her battle with Dawn for the prize of contest champion was perfect, her friend had come a long way from their first battle to their last thank to Dawn's friends and Zoey's own advise, support and love, but now Zoey had entered a losing streak in contest, feeling she had let everyone who cheered for her and Dawn during that perfect battle down. 

“Damnit why?!?” she clutched her fists. “Did my title of Sinnoh Contest Champion mean absolutely nothing here in Hoenn? Are my efforts just all for nothing unless it's absolute perfection one hundred percent? Why? Why have I stumbled into the ranking of a beginner all of a sudden? Am I really that useless?”

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

“Go away.” Zoey spoke, not feeling up to seeing anyone just now.

“Zoey, it's Kenny.” spoke the voice at the other side of the door. “Can I please come in?”

Not hearing a response after a few seconds, Kenny entered the room anyway. 

“What part of go away did you not understand?” Zoey drew dagger from her eyes at Kenny. 

“Is it wrong for a friend to be concerned?” Kenny asked. “After our Contest Battle, you ran away. It only took me this long to find you since then.”

“To what, rubbing your victory in my face?”

“I didn't say that, I'm just worried about you.”

“Well don't be. Whatever I'm doing wrong, I'll sort it out myself!”

“And what about Dawn? Are you going to congratulate her at least?”

“Why would Dawn concern herself over a nobody like me who couldn't even make it to the Grand Festival this time? She's better off just forgetting me.”

“That's not true.” Kenny knew Dawn's true feelings towards Zoey too well, having rejected him before and telling him in private , as Dawn have complete confidence to Kenny as a dear friend, that after the Hoenn Grand Festival, she would confess her true deep feelings towards Zoey. “D-Dawn cares a great deal about you, she...”

“Just get out.” Zoey pointed to the door as she got up to walk towards the mirror, looking a the sunset that made the city glow a bright orange. 

“No, not until I know what's wrong with you Zoey.” Kenny protested, refusing to leave. “We're all worried about you Zoey. Me, Candise, your mom, and especially Dawn. We just want to help you, because we care about you. Do you really want to shut us all out and continue worrying if you're okay...”

“I SAID FUCK OFF!” Zoey suddenly snapped as she pointed to the door again. However unintentually and unknowing she even had that kind of power, magic zapped out of her finger and struck Kenny, causing him to vanish like a poof of smoke. Zoey then felt a chill of fear consume her whole body, unable to stop shaking, her legs gave way and made her sit on the floor.

“.......wha.......what the fuck just happened?” Zoey uttered, looking at her hands like they were stained in blood like a murderer's. “What the hell am I?”

Looking back at where Kenny was supposed to me, all Zoey could see were a pile of clothes, with something wiggling out of them.

“Aaaaagoooooooo?” a baby's head popped out of Kenny's pile of clothing, a baby who looked all too familiar to Zoey.

“K-Kenny?!? Zoey looked at the baby, terrified at what she had done. “Oh my god........I regressed Kenny!”

Clueless of what had happened or even who he was anymore, Kenny could only respond by putting his foot in his mouth. 

“I........I need to get the hell outta here.” Zoey regained her composure, grabbing her backpack and glasses while stepping over Kenny. “I'm sorry Kenny, I'm sooooo sorry!”

With tears in her eyes, Zoey just ran down the hotel hallway, leaving the baby Kenny to fend for himself till someone like a hotel maid would find him not too long. Zoey could not think straight, having just magically turned an eighteen year old boy back into a baby. All that was going through her mind was getting as far away from this place as possible in fear that if the Officer Jennys arrested her, scientists would want to conduct experiments on her, she knew full well of the myths and rumors of organizations like Team Rocket and Team Plasma genetically creating Pokemon to fulfil their evil desires. They would love to get a hold of her and robbed what was left of her normal life would be. Along with that fear, the same words repeated inside of her head.

“What kind of monster am I?!?”    

Back in the present day, the witch Zoey and her bimbofied Dawn magically appeared in a dark forest, stood high on a tree branch. 

“Like, what just happened?” Dawn asked as she scratched her blonde head.

“Why I teleported us here in Kalos where that friend Ash of yours is current travelling.” Zoey explained. 

“Telewha?” Dawn seemed still confused. 

“Urg, I used my magic to send us from one place to another.” Zoey tried her best to explain. 

“Daww, learning stuff's BORING.” The still naked bimbo rubbed her pussy with a finger. “Can we like, fuck instead?”

“Not just now my horny little slut.” Zoey petted Dawn on the head like a pet. “As right now, there's someone else I'd like to mess with.

Zoey pointed down at the bottom of the tree where a familiar face sat with someone Zoey had never met before on a fallen tree trunk, gazing at the stars and unaware that a wicked witch and a huge breasted bimbo were watching them. 

“Wow, the stars sure look amazing!” Ash Ketchum looked up at the sky. “You were right Serena, the Kalos night sky does look amazing from this forest.”

“Yes, it does...” Serena blushed. 

“Daaa hey, it's Ash!” Dawn started to feel giggle. “Maybe he's wanna fuc...”

Dawn's speech was interrupted as Dawn cast a spell to make a pink ballgag appear in Dawn's mouth. From the inside of Dawn's mouth grew a cock dildo resting on the bimbo's tongue as she happily began sucking on it like a baby with its pacifier. 

“Suck on that for awhile.” Zoey sighed. “I need you to be quiet.”  

  “Actually Ash.” Serena continued as she grabbed the end of her skirt tightly. “There''s a reason for me that I brought us out here...alone. There's something I've been meaning to tell you.”

“Sure, what is it Serena?” Ash looked at Serena. 

“Well....the thing is I....what I'm mean to say is well.....” Serena mumbled, too scared to say those words in her heart she had always wanted Ash to hear. 

“Poor girl.” Zoey tutted as she continuously spied on the couple. “Trying her let out her feelings towards a boy who's clueless about love. Perhaps I'll give her a “hand”...”

“What is it Serena?” Ash asked again.

“It's just that I......I.....love....” Serena stuttered, but before she was about to let out the last important word, a feeling besides Butterfrees in her chest started to occar as Zoey prepared her next spell. The buttons on her pink dress began to fly on, her blue ribbon snapped off and her black inner top started to rip holes as her once respectable bust was inflating like a balloon into a ridiculous double E cup and out and exposed for Ash to see. “....OH MY GOD!!!!”

“WOAH!” Ash stood up in shock. “What on earth happened to your....your......things?”

“For fuck's sake, don't you even know what breasts are Ash?” Zoey facepalmed herself. “Guess I'm gonna have to educate you on that too!”

“WHY THE HELL DID MY BREASTS SUDDENLY GROW LIKE THIS?!?” Serena cried as she tried to hide her Pokeball sized nipples the best she could. “I LOOK LIKE A FREAK!!!! I'M RUINED!!!!”

“Hold on Serena, I'll get something to cover y.....” before Ash could say any more, he felt a sharp pain as well, only for him it was in an entirely different area of is body. Like magic, the eighteen year old boy's pants dropped doqn to his ankles along with his underwear, all for Serena to see what was there....or rather...

“ASH!!!” Serena screamed horrified. “IS THERE SOMETHING YOU'RE NOT TELLING ME?!?”

“What the...” Ash look down as he noticed a part of his body had vanished, replaced by something very alien to him. “I-Its gone!!! My manhood is...gone!”

“What's happening to us?!?” Serena asked. “First my breasts and now you have a vagina!!! And wait, was your hair always that light?”

“My hai...” a touch of his hair confirmed to Ash it was also getting much longer, as well as lighter once Ash was able to pull hair to his eyes. “Blonde? My hair's becoming a yellow blonde?!?”

“Oh no, you're becoming more and more like a girl!” Serena feared as she saw the boy she fell for start to fade away into her own gender. 

“Never mind me, your hair's changed too!” Ash pointed out, covering his mouth while letting out a much higher pitch of voice. 

Serena felt her own hair. Her once cut hair had now returned to it's original length in an instant, removing any trace of her sacrifice. However much like Ash, Serena was also turning into a blonde as well while Ash's top ripped open as he now grew a matching set of hue breasts like Serena's. 

“We gonna find Clemont!” Serena suggested as she stood up. “Maybe he can.....AAHHH!”

Interrupting Serena was a very tight feeling down below like as if her underwear had shrunk, but instead her behind was growing much larger, flesh digging into her Fennekin panties before they tore off and her widened hips snapped off her skirt, revealing her most private of places to Ash and making her face as bright red as a Fetchling's. At the same time, Ash's ass also grew to the same size, the two almost looking more and more like twins as their bimbofication continued on.  

“Why won't this stop?!?” Serena cried as she covered her exposed womanhood with her hands. She let out a small moan as the touch from her fingers confirmed to her that her pussy was now a hundred times more sensitive. While her tongue hung out from her mouth, her lips puffed up as did Ash's, completing their physical transformations. 

“This can't be real!” Ash looked down at herself, or least what she could see in-between her cleavage. “This is gonna be some sort of a dre....AAAAHHH!”

Trying to move her breasts out the way to see more only make Ash moan from a sensation of pleasure she had never felt as her breasts were now as sensitive as her pussy. 

“And now the final touch...” Zoey licked her lips, as her magic started to rob the two trainers one last thing.

“Ash, stop playing your bre...bre....boobies!” Serena pleaded to Ash. “This is like, totally seri...seri....huh? Why I like talk funny?”

“Like I dunno Serena.” Ash started to talk like Serena. “But my titties are on fire!!! Oh my gosh, this feels totally awesome!!! You gotta try dis!!!”

“No Ash, we gonna...gonna...” Serena found it hard to think as she started to get mega aroused by Ash playing with herself. Her hands reacted, going from covering her private place to sodtly scratching and stroking it. “.....OH....MY.....GOD!!! MY PUSSY IS SOOOOOOO HORNY!!!”

“Ohhh yeahhhh.” Ash drooled. “You look soooo hot doing dat!”

The two continued masturbating at one another. The loss of their intelligence and heightened arousal made the two lost in their pleasures, going from shock and horror melting into sex fuelled fantasies, a new experience for the formal male but for Serena a familiar nightly ritual made many times more exciting and sexy. 


Serena unleashed a strong orgasm once her mining fingers struck gold. Never in her life had she came so much like that, damping the grassy ground below her with her love honey before her legs gave way and she was on her knees. 

“OH MY, I'M GONNA....TOOO....” Ash trembled as she was now playing with her brand new pussy for the first time as well. The former boy's orgasmic scream echoed throughout the forest, her juices spraying all over Serena's face and body while Serena happily accepted Ash's offering like a warn shower of love. Her body now wet and shiny from the mix of her body sweat and Ash's pussy juice, Serena back up to embrace Ash. 

“I'm not afraid any more.” Serena giggled as she snogged Ash's open mouth, still breathless from her first orgasm. “I love you Ash. I like, always totally loved you but now, I fucking adore you like this!”

“I like...love you too!” Ash kissed back. “I love you, I love my big boobies pressed against your big boobies, I love my big booty butt, and I love my horny pussy! I wanna fuck you forever!”

“Me too, Ashley!” Serena christened Ash's new female name as the two kept feeling each other up, too horny to stop and too in love to even care. “Nothing can stop us fuc...”

“EXCUSE ME WEIRDLY NAKED LADIES!” Spoke a voice. “You two are keepers! Would one of you take care of my brother?”

It was Bonnie, already down on one knee proposing her plea to get her brother a wife with an adorable smile on her face.

“Aww cutie!” Ashley awed at Bonnie.    

“Aww, I wanna pinch those cheeks of hers!” Serena also fell for Bonnie's cuteness. 

“Wait....” Bonnie got up in a state of confusion. “....Ash? Serena? What happened to you? And why...”

“Well well.” Zoey finally descented from the tree along with her dumb human pet still lost in a trace like a baby with a pacifier as Dawn sucked on her dildo gag. “Looks like a little girl has gotten herself lost in the woods. And do you know what happens to little girls in the woods when they run into a Wicked Witch like me?”

“Uh oh...” Bonnie felt a freeze chill down her spine as she feared the worst. 

Back in the past, we cut to Zoey arriving back in her home town of Snowpoint City. Scared and confused, Zoey phoned and turned to the only person she felt safe telling what had happened with her sudden magical outburst. That person told her to return home right away, so Zoey took a ship back to Sinnoh soon after. It was already late night once she arrived back as she made her way home. The streets were empty while fresh snow fell onto the ground, which happened to be one of the rare “Diamond Dust” snowfalls that the city was famous for. Seeing the sparkling snow around her gave Zoey a sense of comfort that she was home as seeing the snow always brought back childhood memories of watching and playing in the Diamond Dust snow, bringing joy to her every single time. However tonight, it only lit up a tiny smile on the redhead's cold face, not feeling much up to smiling after what she did to her friend Kenny.

“I truly hope Kenny's okay...” Zoey breathed into her hands to warm them. 

Soon enough, Zoey was standing in front of her front door. Her knocking echoed down the street as she stood and waited for an answer. The door opened soon after.

“M-Mom.” Zoey spoke. 

“Zoey.” the woman replied. “Welcome home.”

As much as she wanted to hug her mother and be told everything would be okay, Zoey chose not to, only walking inside and sitting down by the coffee table. 

“You hungry?” Zoey's mother asked. “Want a hot chocolate or something?”

“No thank you.” Zoey replied. “I just want this nightmare over.”

Her mother paused for a second before walking over to her daughter and sitting at the opposite of the table.

“Then I guess there's no hiding this from you any more.” 

“Hiding what exactly mom?”

Taking a deep breath, Zoey's mother started to explain everything.

“Basically, our descendants were all witches. For over five hundred years, the women in our bloodline have had the ability to use magic and cast spells. We would scare the locals with our black magic, the dark aura within our core makes us want to commit such evil mischief that we could not help ourselves. Many of our kind were punished by death, burnt to the stake as the people believe it was Arceus' will to rid our kind off this planet. Only one witch managed to escape from the burnings and continue our family line to this day, keeping her witch powers a secret and never using them again. However, as each child was born into our family tree, the ability for witchcraft remained deep within all our DNA, never to go away, but fading little by little, only triggered by certain actions of angry and depression like you experienced. Your ability to cast magic is only small, but now you have cast it, there's no telling when or if you may accidentally do it again.”

“Wait...so you're saying I'm....in-fact both of us are witches?!?” Zoey spoke in disbelief. 

“I know it's hard to believe Zoey but you saw it first hand. Your friend fell victim to your spell. What was it that caused you to get so worked up anyway.”

“Well, at first I thought it was due to me losing the Hoenn Grand Festival.” Zoey explained. “But for the longest time I've been thinking about dad and how he walked out on us.”

“Your dad?” Zoey's mother seemed surprised. 

“I know you and Dad used to argue a lot, but I always thought if I had been a better daughter for him, maybe he would have at least stayed for me and not just leave the both of us.”

“I see.” Zoey mother nodded. “Well anyway, back to the main matter at hand.”

“So what can I do to stop this?” Zoey asked. “I dunno if I can live this way knowing I could cause someone harm like this. Next time, I might be shot at and killed on the spot!”

“Well, there is one way, but...”

“But what exactly?”

“The only way to control your magic is to fully unleash your witch powers. You will control the spells you can use, however you will be consumed by the dark aura. You will feel reborn as your mind fills with your darkest desires and wicked ideas. You will become a full on witch as the genetics will reawaken and make you one hundred percent a witch.”

“......do it.” Zoey swiftly responded. 

“Are you...”

“Like I mentioned, I cannot live this way. If I cannot love or be with the people I care for because of the fear of hurting them, then this is better then being alone or dead.”

“Okay then. Come with me to the basement.”      

Getting up, Zoey followed her mother downstairs to the dark dusty stone basement below the house. As Zoey walked down the stairs, the appearance of the room seemed different to her.

“What is all this?” Zoey asked. Chalked on most of the floor was what looked like a ritual or summoning circle full of markings and writing that seem foreign to Zoey. 

“I prepared all this just in-case you decided on become a full Witch.” Zoey's mother explained. “You know once I perform this spell, there's no going back right?”

“It's what I want.” Zoey seemed determined to do this. “What do you want me to do exactly?”

“Take your clothes off and stand in the middle of the circle.” the mother explained.

“What all of them?” Zoey seemed surprised. 

“Your body has to be pure and have no materials like clothing during the spell.” Zoey's mother explained. 

“Well, okay.” Zoey started to feel Butterfrees in her stomach as she slowly took each item of clothing off until she was completely naked. She never liked showed off her body, hence why most of her skin was covered up. Not wanting her large chest to be the centre of attention to the male gender or any other feature, she would stayed covered and dressed like a tomboy, saving her naked beauty for the woman she would ultimately want to spend the rest of her life with. Once all her clothing was in a pile, Zoey walked towards the middle of the circle, making sure her most girly features were covered with her hands and arms even in front of her mother. 

“Arms to you sides dear.” her mother instructed. 

Biting her bottom lip, Zoey revealed her exposed breasts and vagina to her mother, placing her arms by her sides.

“You've really matured into a beautiful woman Zoey.” Zoey's mother stared at her naked daughter. 

“I wish I hadn't.” Zoey sighed.    

“Anyway, I need you to stand perfectly still Zoey as I perform the spell.” her mother continued on. “It will hurt but if you step out of the centre your body will break apart and be lost within the dark dimensions of magic forever.”

“I'll keep that in mind.” Zoey's heart raced like crazy, ready to undertake her transformation into witch hood. As she stood the most still she had ever done in her life, her mother started chanting a language that sounded nothing like any foreign language she had ever heard before. The ritual circle started to glow a bright gold yellow as it activated to the mother's words. What felt like a bolt of lightning struck Zoey's body shocking her to her core like every vain inside of her felt the electricity flowing all around. Her eyes rolled back and her jaw wide open, Zoey wanted to collapse to the floor and scream her lungs out to the pain she was going through, but all she did was clutch her fists and told herself in her mind to just endure it. Her mother showed no concern, just carrying on with the spell. As Zoey felt herself reaching her limit, a purple aura surround her body and the pain started to ease a little. At no fault of her own, such evil thoughts started to enter her mind. Thoughts of the dark arts and a need to cast spell on the people that wronged her in the past. Things like bringing death, torture or worse felt like ordinary things she would carry out even on innocent people. Blame she once pitted on herself was now being put on others like Dawn for not noticing her, Kenny for her Hoenn Contest lost and turning him into a baby, Ash for....well she did not care, she wanted him to suffer her wrath anyway. As the witchyness finally reawaken inside of her, the circle stopped glowing. Before Zoey could finally collapse onto the floor, she let out an unexpected orgasm from her pussy, squirting her witch potion all over the floor. 

“How do you feel?” Zoey's mother asked. 

“I...” Zoey breathed heavily from her intense orgasm. “I feel....better.”

A wicked grin appeared on Zoey's face. Truth be told, her body never felt better as the evil aura now housed inside her like how her blood moved around her body. Whatever kind thoughts ran inside her head were now dead and replaced with the sort of thoughts an insane psychopath would have. 

“Oh Arceus, this feels fucking great!” Zoey rubbed her wet pussy. “Why the hell did you keep this from me mother, I feel a million times better!”

“I hoped you could resist it.” Zoey's mother. “But I guess the apple doesnt fall far from the tree.”

Just then, Zoey's Glameow ran into the room towards Zoey, rubbed it's face against Zoey's. 

“Glameow?” Zoey looked puzzled. “Why are you here?”

“Heh, figures HE would sense the magic ritual from his Pokeball.” Zoey's mother spoke with her arms crossed. 

“He?” Zoey seemed confused. “What do you...”

“Guess I better tell you that as well.” Zoey's mother sighed. “Do you remember how you found your Glameow?”

“Yes, I found her abandoned in a box.” Zoey recalled. 

“You see, I was the one that left her there.” Zoey's mother revealed. 

“Why would you do that?” Zoey looked puzzled at her mother. 

“It was the same day I had that argument with you father, you know the last day you saw him.” the mother continued. “That was the angriest I had ever been in my life...so even though it was accidental...he kinda had it coming, soo......”

It was then Zoey put two and two together in her mind as she looked into her Pokemon's eyes. That last morning she saw her father as he rowed with her mother before she left for school, seeing her Glameow abandoned on the way home from school, and the fact her family's witch powers were passed down from generation to generation. An impossible scenario became reality for Zoey. 

“You mean....my Glameow's....”

“Yes Zoey, I turned your father into the Glameow that's always been with you. Zoey's mother revealed. “He has no memory of even being human or even male for that matter. I figured it would be best to explain that he just left then to tempt you into witchcraft at an early age, so I left him in that alleyway. He must of ran down here because his old mind could sense that familiar magic, the same that turned him into a Pokemon.”

“....oh daddy!” Zoey hugged her father turned Pokemon with tears running down her eyes. “All this time I thought I was to blame for you running away but you've been with me all this time! I could not be happier!”

“Of course not Zoey, you never once let either of us down.” Zoey's mother smiled. “Well, I wish you did not choose to become a witch, but you're old enough to make that decision and I can live with that.”

“Can we change Dad back then?” Zoey asked.

“You can if you want, but I'm certainly not!” the mother declined. “I caught that cheating bastard having an affair with the local Nurse Joy! Even after turning him into a Glameow I even turn that Joy bitch into a Machamp I was so pissed!”

“I see.” Zoey let go of her Pokemon daddy. As she felt the magic running through her body, Zoey had a spell in her mind she wanted to cast, while magic words came from her now dark heart to her head and fingers, then a stream of magic shot onto Glameow. Instead of turning the Pokemon into a human, her fur darkened into a pitch black colour resembling more a dark type Pokemon then a Normal type. “All witches need their black cat Pokemon after all, and it was his own damned fault for cheating on you so...I think he can stay my Pokemon!”

“That's very sweet of you dear.” the mother smiled at her witch daughter. “Where will you go now may I ask?”

“I'm doing the same thing anyone with powers like this would do.” Zoey grinned as evil plans swam in her head. “I'm gonna find all the people who've wronged me and make them all pay!”

“That's my evil witch daughter!”

As we return to the present day, the witched witch Zoey is riding her broom as she is giving case to another person in her life that wronged her, one that rode high at the top of the list for certain. 

“SOMEONE HELP ME!!!” Ursula cried as she was running away from Zoey while looking a little unusual. Her normal blue and white dress tattered thanks to the gigantic bimbo breasts that ripped out of her dress and now were bouncing freely as she ran down a dark alley with the evil witch riding her broom while rubbing her never regions on it too. Soon enough, her new bust weight was too much for Ursula and she soon tripped onto the ground, exhausted more quickly thanks to be beanbag sized boobs. “S-STAY BACK! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!”

“There's nowhere for you to run bitch.” Zoey licked her teeth. “For so long you mocked me and my dear Dawn, believing you were so much better then anyone and that you were the top bitch. Well this bitch is going to outbitch the hell out you!”  

With more zaps of magic from her fingers, Zoey degraded Ursula more and more, each magically zap shattering her clothes even more and bimboing her further. Just like the others before her, her ass and hips grew in size, her lips inflated for perfect cock sucking, her trademark redhead curls became bright yellow blonde ones, her brain shrank in size and her arousal grew off the charts. 

“So how does being a dumb horny bitch compare to being just a bitch now?” Zoey teased. 

“I'm totally not dumb!!!” Ursula moaned. “I am like......wanna suck cocks..... NO!!......I mean like.......I have smarts, I........ooooo, my pussy and tits are on fire!!!!”

With that, Ursula began to play with herself, unable to control her new urges. Zoey landed on the ground to marvel her newest bimbo slave.

“Just like all the rt.” Zoey picked out a pink ball from her witchy dress. 

“Like, is that a ball to suck on?” Ursula purred, thinking about guys' testicles. 

“No silly, it's a Bimbo Ball I created.” Zoey explained. “It helps me carry around you bimbos much more easier like Pokemon in Pokeballs. The inside in layered in cushions to lay down on and the air inside makes you extra horny to masturbate while you wait for me to summon you next!”

“Sounds totally awesome!!!” Ursula licked her puffy lips. “I wanna go in one!”

“In you go then you slut!” Zoey threw the Bimbo Ball at Ursula and the newly bimboed girl magically vanished inside the ball exactly like a Pokeball, only there was zero resistance to get out and the ball flew back to Zoey's hand. The witch looked closely at the ball as she could see a shrunken down Ursula was already playing with herself, fingering her hot pussy so fast. “Oh how I could play with you right now, but I've kept someone waiting far too long, such a special person who made all this possible thanks to her and her lover's inspiration and love toward his “Goddess.”

As Zoey winked to the audience she placed the Bimbo Ball on her dress belt where other Bimbo Balls containing Dawn, Ashley, and Serena were attached to it. With the click her heels, she rode her broom back in the sky. 

As the weeks went on, so did Zoey's wrath. She ensured the baby Kenny was safe and secure, however rather then changing him back or even delivering him to his parents, she instead decided to leave him with a herd of Kangskhan, figuring it would fuel her darker sense of humor especially after seeing that news report on some kid raised by Kangaskhan. Her next victim was her childhood friend Candice who was a strange one. Rather then fleeing or being scared about her friend being a witch, she accepted and wanted to be turned into a bimbo slave, happily stating “If that's what Zo-Zo believes is right, then I'm all for it! Turn me into a bimbo my witchy Mistress!” to which Zoey did even if she was puzzled by her friend's dedication to her new evil ways. Other victims included May because of the Wallace Cup, Cynthia just for the power game of having the champion as her slave, Johanna and Delia because she thought Dawn and Ashley's mothers made for hot MILFs, as well as whatever Officer Jennys dared to get in her way. Zoey even made a quick visit to see how one other bimbo was doing in Kalos. She had age progressed that Bonnie girl into an adult bimbo girl but decided to leave her with her brother as she left he needed all the help he could get. There was also an extra spell Zoey put on Bonnie that any girls she got close to and ask if they could help her brother get laid would temporary be dumbed down and suddenly horny to have sexual activity with her brother. While Clemont did get a lot of action from that spell, sadly it did sometimes backfire as a lot of girl rather do it with the bimboed Bonnie then Clemont, but Zoey was fine with that. She was unsure why she felt sorry for the inventor, maybe she was feeling generous or maybe it was the thought of him being alone for the rest of his life. Hell, he even seemed to stop caring about his friends Ash and Serena and where they vanished to thanks to all the action he was getting. 

As we cut to now, Zoey sat in an unknown location sat on a throne with Dawn nuzzled in front of her pussy as she serviced her Mistress's love “cauldron” while Ursula and May were licking her bare feet clean and sucking on her toes like they were cocks, while Ashley and Serena tended to her breasts, each playing with her nipples with her tongues and mouths, while finally Candice was busy with Zoey's mouth and neck. Many Officer Jennys were meanwhile having their way with Cynthia as Zoey watched. 

“OOOOOOHHHHHH.” Zoey moaned in pleasure. “Now...THIS...is the LIFE, ahhhh! I feel like a Goddess among witches!”

“You deserve like, nothing less!” the bimbos said in unison before resuming their sexy duties, ensuring their Mistress was happy.

And for the rest of her days, Zoey was always wickedly happy.

The End     



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