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“YES!” Cried Greta. “IT FINALLY CAME!”

It was an early morning a few weeks before Halloween when Greta received a package in the post. She had waited awhile and prayed it would arrive in time for Halloween, and it did. Running into the living room, she got down on the floor, ripped open the box and there it was, the Magic Wand. She had ordered it from Magic-R-Us, a new store that opened recently that dealt with the selling of magical items, whether it was to cast spells or make magic potions, they had it all. Greta scanned the instruction manual with her eyeballs. It was quite simple really, all she had to do was think of what she wanted to achieve in a spell in her mind and wave the wand. No saying silly words or gaining special powers or going to a silly wizardry school, the wand did all the work.

“Oh man, this Halloween's going to be fun! Just imagine the fun I'm going to have...with Anabel!”

Later that morning, Anabel was in the garden, looking over the flowers of which she could sense their feelings. She was on another of her regular visits to her lover Greta. She would always get up early and either sit in the garden, or take a walk in the Tojoh Forest. She enjoyed this peace and quiet and serenity before the day started. Unaware she was being watched, Greta was watching from afar.

“Hehheh, I know exactly what spell I'm going to use first.” whispered Greta, as she waved the wand.

“And how are we today, my lovely tulip?” smiled Anabel, talking to a flower. “I bet you're enjoying this lovely wea-”

Anabel was interrupted when a button flew off her top. 

“That was strange.” said Anabel. “Am I growing up fast?”

Words could not be truer as Anabel felt her chest get heavy. She looked down to find that her breasts were growing in size! A second button flew off, Anabel held onto her breasts in shock.

“W-What's happening to me?” panicked Anabel, unaware what was going on. A third button came off, and then her whole top opened up to reveal her now DD cup breasts! They still continued to grow, to the point where Anabel fell to the ground, unable to support her new weights. She finally stopped growing at an F Cup.

“This is so humiliating!” cried Anabel, not having a clue what to do.

“Well look on the bright side.” said Greta, walking into the sense. “Least now no one will mistake you for a boy!”

Anabel looked round and looked angry at Greta.

“Greta! What is the meaning of this?!?”

“You like my magic wand? I just got it this morning!”

“Turn me back Greta!”

“Oh you'll turn back. The magic wears off in half an hour.”

“Half a bloody hour?!? I can't stay like this!”

“Fraid you have to, I've gotta get training now. Till then...”

Greta waved her wand again. Anabel felt another part of her body was expanding, this time her ass. Her bottoms felt extremely tight as she ass grew, until they ripped, totally exposing her ass, and her panties soon followed, snapping at the sheer size of her ass, which was like two large pillows.

“See you later babe!” smiled Greta.

“GRETA! YOU GET BACK HERE!!!” Shouted Anabel in rage. “WHAT IF SOMEONE SEES ME?!?”

Greta ignored Anabel's pleas as she put on her headphones to her ears and MP3 Player and began her training session. Poor Anabel felt so ashamed that she could die of embarrassment. Her dignity would be gone if she was spotted near naked and with giant breasts and buttocks. 

A few days had passed. A back to normal Anabel wanted revenge on her lover so badly, and she knew just how she would achieve it. Another package in the mail, this time address to her, arrived. Opening it quickly, it was another wand from the same store. Anabel had found the catalogue Greta had ordered from, and had done so herself. After a quick reading of the manual, her revenge was ready to be played out.

Meanwhile, Greta was working out, stretching her body in various exercises while listening to her MP3 Player on her headphones, not noticing her lover hidden behind her. Greta had not used the wand since the first incident. She figured Anabel was pissed about the expansion spell, even though she did not yell at Greta once. She did however tried it on other Frontier Brains, Gym Leaders and friends, having a blast casting her pranks on them. Little did she know, the joke was about to be on her.

“Aright Greta.” Anabel thought to herself, pointing the wand at her lover. “Reckon I know what to do on you.”

As Greta moved her arms up and down, she noticed something strange. Her clothing was beginning to get baggy. Not only that, but her muscles began to thin and vanish, leaving only thin arms and legs, and a slim chest to the point her breasts shrunk back into her body.

“What the hell?” she spoke as she began to shrink in height. Her arms now longer fit in her sleeves and her pants and panties slide down her legs. “What's happening to me?!?”

Greta felt scared as she shrank back into a ten year old, then eight, followed by five.

“Who dooooin dat?” she began to speak more toddler like. “Noooo, I don talk dat dat! I....agooo? Goo goo gaaa?!?”

No use, her speech now became simple baby talk, just like her body, stopping at a new body baby. She sat on her pile of clothes, no longer able to stand either. Her arms and legs were now chubby, her eyes wide and cute, and only a short head of hair. She saw Anabel walk up to her, holding her wands as well as a cheeky grin on her face.

“Agooo gooo gooo!” Greta babbled, beginning to get teary eyed at her reduced state.

“No point acting like the victim Greta, you started this.” Anabel waved her finger. “No point you hogging all the fun!”  

Taking something out of the cupboard above Greta, Anabel placed the item in front of Greta, who looked wide eyed at it, a pack of diapers!

“W-W-W-WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!” Greta cried like the baby she was.

“You put me in a humiliating situation and so you're going to be put in one too!”

Anabel knelled down and place the crybaby Greta onto her back, taking out a diaper with an Eevee design and then placing Greta into it, strapping it around her. 

“D'awwwww, no wonder you never showed me any of your baby pics! You look so adorable!”  Anabel smiled, picking up her baby for the time being. “Since you like my breasts being so big, I'll make em big again...”

Anabel pointed her wand at her chest, causing her breasts to explode out of her shirt, but only to the size of melons, and another extra to which Greta was pulled towards, making up push Anabel's large breast away from her.

“...and you can feed off them!”

Greta struggled to keep Anabel's breast away with her tiny arms, but proved to  be too weak and not strong enough.

“It's not use, you're gonna get hungry sooner or later and I have no bottle for you.”

Anabel was right, Greta's little tummy growled for a feeding. While Greta loved to lick and tease Anabel's nipples with her tongue as an adult, it felt wrong to be breast feed as a baby by her. Unable to resist for long, her arms moved away and her toothless mouth opening to accept Anabel's nipple. 

“There, good BABY. I'm sure you'll like my milk in the end!”

She couldn’t be further from the truth, as Greta sucked for a good ten minutes. She found her milk extreme tasty, she was not sure if it was the magic or her baby taste buds, but she no longer cared. Her baby mind erased all worries and concerns for the time being.

“Right little one, time for your nap time!” Anabel pulled Greta away from her chest. As Anabel carried Greta to her room, Greta became very sleepy, tired from all her crying and struggling, and full of notorious milk. Once in her room, Anabel zapped Greta's bed with the wand, turning it into a crib, and laying Greta inside. 

“Shame the spell does not last longer, or I'd take you out with a pram, dress you up, and all kinds of things Greta. Oh well, you just nap and I'll await your “tantrum” when you wake up and turn back to normal...”

As Anabel left the room, she knew full well that Greta would strike back with a spell. In-fact, her mind raced with thoughts of what she'd do to her both worryingly and eroticly. In the meantime, her large breasts would entertain for for the moment...

Greta did change back after twenty minutes, but she slept for another thirty, her mind still thinking like a baby sticking her thumb. Soon enough, she realized what she was doing, and awoke out of the crib. With wand in hand, it was time to get Anabel back right away, walking out of the room without changing out of her diaper. She found Anabel sitting at the computer desk downstairs.

“Oh hey Greta.” welcomed Anabel. “Cute diaper.”

“Oh very funny.”

“I thought it was anyway.”

“Well like you said, you had your fun, now it's my turn.”

Without delay, Greta pointed her wand at Anabel and casted a spell.

“What have you done this time?” asked Anabel, as she could feel her body tingling, about to change.

“Well, since you like big boobies so much, I have a spell in mind you'll appropriate.”

As the changes became visible, Anabel watched as her fingernails grew longer, her waist becoming slimmer, and her hair grow longer. 

“Oh you didn’t...” sighed Anabel as her lips puffed up.

“I sure did.”

As promised, Anabel's breasts grew once again, a little bigger then melons this time ruining another good shirt. Knowing what would come shortly, Anabel pulled her pants and panties down swiftly, before her hips and ass expanded, turning more round and giving her a big hourglass figure. While her eyelashes widened, Anabel noticed that her public hair changed in colour from purple to bright yellow blonde, as did her head of hair at the same time, which now reached her ass. Knowing full well what Greta turned her into, Anabel was angry the whole transformation, expect for the final part when she felt her mind tingle, like it shrunk inside her head. Instead of cross, Anabel felt giddy and horny inside, smiling at her sensations.

“* giggle * Oh Greta.” smiled Anabel. “You make me, like totally hot and horny! You made me into one of those...whatcha call em?”

“You're a bimbo.” answered Greta. “A blonde, busty, horny, dumb bimbo.”

“Oh you're like, soooooooo gonna get it once I stop being dumb and horny!” Anabel rubbed her large breasts. “I can't think of anything to turn you into, and my body's soooooooooooooooo soft and feel nice!!! I just wanna fondle myself!!”

“Then allow me to join in!”

Greta undressed, and then jumped into Anabel's huge breasts. About an hour of fondling, grooping, licking, sucking, rubbing, kissing and other sexual acts followed from then. While each spell only lasted thirty mins, Greta zapped Anabel again mid-sex for a second round to get all her. After that, Anabel changed back, grabbed her wand, and then the day of witching really kicked off. For her revenge, Anabel turned Greta into a boy for a hour of sexual play. After that, Greta turned Anabel into a vibrator for her own “playtime”. Then Greta became pregnant, Anabel became a inflatable sexdoll, and transformations went on and on, back and forth, throughout the day. Come the evening, the two stood in the garden like a showdown right out of a spaghetti western, both with their wands in hand, exhausted from all the pleasure and changing that went on.

“Well Anabel.” spoke Greta cockily. “Ready to transform one more time?”

“You're not ruining another suit of mine!” grinned Anabel. “Fastest caster wins?”

“You're on!”

For the longest five mins of their lives, both girls stood still, observing each other's movement, waiting for that first strike. The tension was driving them both crazy, at any moment they could be turned into anything and then most likely forced into humiliating, yet erotic activities. Almost in perfect sync, both girls points their wands at each other at the same time, zapping each other with a spell.  Anabel felt the familiar feeling of change within her.

“Guess I lost...” she sighed as she fell on all fours.

“You lost?” asked Greta. “I'm feeling the changing.”

“Then, we both...?”

Anabel gazed at her hands, which were now coated in purple fur and shaped like paws. She felt an urge to get her clothes off, and doing so revealed that the fur was growing all over her body, making her itch and frigate to get all clothing off. Looking at Greta, she noticed the same was going on to her, only her fur was black. The two felt their whole inner structures twist and turn as bones reshaped them both from human, to more cat like Pokemon, altering features like eyes and ears, changing in colour and length respectively, and both adding a long tail each. Out of their clothes and completely transformed, the two stretched out their bodies and looked at each other. Looking back at Anabel was an Umbreon with yellow puffy head of hair like her lover Greta, while Greta looked at the starring Espeon with a head of hair just like Anabel. 

“Well that's just great.” sighed Anabel. “We're both your favorite Pokemon!”

“Great minds think alike huh?” complimented Greta. “At least we can still talk.”     

“True I guess. At least this isnt so bad...”

“Uh oh....” Greta blinked in discomfort. 

“What's wrong?”

“My cock's all hard and erect!”

“Ah right.......WAIT, YOUR WHAT?!?”

Looking at the middle of Greta's legs, her fears were confirmed. Greta now spouted a long thick cock, hard and erect. 

“How did this...?” asked Anabel.

“When you thought of me as an Umbreon, did you think of what gender Umbreon I would be?”

“Not really.”

“Ah, you have think of that too. That's too bad....for you!”

Greta looked at Anabel with sinister eyes, having sexy thoughts in mind. 

“Stay back Greta! You're not seriously suggesting we do it like Pokemon are you?!?”

“Well we ARE Pokemon right now ain't we? Besides, I wanna brake my MALE virginity!”

Anabel tried to run away, but tripped from not being used to her new legs and walking on all fours. With Anabel's butt in the air and in full view, Greta launched herself onto Anabel's back, sucessfully slotting her long cock inside Anabel's pussy.


“AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!” Greta moaned as well. “So this is what cock against pussy feels like! You must be in heat now my love!”

“Whatever it is, get moving, ahhhhhhh. I'm getting horny with every passing second!”

Without asking twice, Greta began humping her lover, pumping in her cock back and forth. As humans, they were both used to fucking each other with toys and strap ons, but this was different. Their bodies each felt new feelings and pleasures, Greta experiencing the joys of a cock and having it rubbed against pussy walls. For Anabel, she was indeed in heat and felt more horny and wet then she ever experienced. As Anabel moaned and puffed as she leaked of love juices and sweat, Greta felt something new coming, building inside of her.




Too late, Greta exploded her load inside of Anabel, shooting thick white cum upward and dripping out onto the ground. The two continued fucking like dirty stray Pokemon, feeling filthy but horny all the same, till they could no longer continue, resting next to each other. 

“I don't...puff.....get it.” Greta breathed heavily. “It's been over....thirty mins. Why havent we changed back?”

“I...think I know why....”

“What then?”


Anabel moaned again, only this time in pain as she was about to give birth. Greta could see the first egg emerging from her vagina.

“Oh crap.” said Greta. “I'm about to be a dad?”

After giving birth to five Pokemon eggs, the two spent a week as Pokemon and during that time, the eggs hatched. Embarrassingly, Anabel had to breast feed her litter of yellow and purple furred Eevees with her many nipples, while Greta played the father role, looking after her kids and even learning a thing or two about acting like a Pokemon. After the week, they changed back to their human selves as the magic wore off. As the weeks passed, they gone back into their normal routines, not once using the wands again. However, Anabel continued to breast feed their litter of Eevees, going with her motherly intersession of “breast is best”.

Halloween arrived, Greta entered the living room where Anabel was sat down, feeding one of their Eevees. 

“You're alright?” asked Greta.

“Guess so. Just so weird doing this.”

“Then give him the bottle!”

“I would if it weren’t for my breasts leaking milk so often! Still, at least our little pups are benifiting from it.”

“I'll drink to that!” Greta lick her lips. “So, you coming to Brandon's Halloween party?”

“You go on ahead. I couldnt get Lucy to babysit.”

“Okay then, I'll see you tonight.   

As Greta walked towards the front door, she felt a strange yet familiar feeling inside of her.

“Hey, are my seleves get buggy?....no!”

As her arms shrank into her sleeves, Greta shrank in height, but not like that last time. Her breasts and curves remained, she was just shrinking in height as clothes slipped right off of her body. 

“Anabel! We swore not to use the wands, not after becoming parents to Pokemon!”

With Greta covering herself with her arms, she saw Anabel pointing the wand at her, putting down the little Eevee and standing up as she walked to the shrinking Greta, who only reached Anabel's hips, then knees, stopping at six inches. 

“Well, it IS Halloween!” Anabel smiled as she picked up Greta with her free hand. “You remind me of my old Barbie doll!”

“Change me back damnit!!!”

“Okay okay...”

Anabel pointed her wand at Greta again as an unimpressed Greta stood on her hand with her arms crossed. However, instead of growing, Greta shrank somemore.

“HEY! Cut that out...  Greta spoke as her voice became more squeaky and unheard, stopping at a very tiny height of an inch. 

“Lucy can babysit tonight, so I will be going to the party. You however, are gonna have your own private party.”

Anabel pulled open her pants and panties and dropped Greta inside as she fell and screamed at Anabel, which came out as squeaks like a mouse.

“You just stay inside my pussy and you'll be alright.”

Anabel let go of her clothes, snapping them back to her hips.

“AHHHH, that right! Wiggle around in AHHHHHH, there! This is gonna be a long night!!!”

Lucy soon arrived and Anabel left for the party. She moaned and occassionally rubbed herself in the bathroom, but no one suspected anything. Greta meanwhile was all wet and hot, feeling aroused by Anabel's juices and heat.

Needless to say, Greta learned her lesson the hard, hot and sexy way...

The End


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