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Heya Patrons, I just want to inform you about something.
Some of you knew already that I fight with back pain since a few weeks.. It got worse unfortunately, and now it's not my back anymore, it's my ischiatic nerve that gives me hellish pains. I have not slept more  than 4 hours each night since last weekend. I went to the doctor already, a chiropractor. If you know what that kind of doctors do with you then you know what he did to me lol Sadly, only one treatment like this could not cure it.. It looks like I have to get a pain therapy now and maybe an emergency doctor today since the chiropractor was closed today and I don't want another night of pain and no sleep  ._. I can't do anything, even though I already take strong pain killers |D I am very exhausted from less sleep and the whole situation ._.

So I wanted to let you know it might happen that my uploads here during the next days are not many or none at all because of all this. That's also why I could not done the July Rewards yet either Q///Q
I just wished I could sleep again at least x_x I am sorry ;///;



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