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There are even more new characters coming up, but one of them will be special.

There will be a special dynamic with you where we will "build" the new dGirl, there will be a series of polls with different physical characteristics, so you'll be deciding how this new dGirl will look like, for now we will call her Jane.

Jane background story: An extremely horny, lewd dGirl, when she's not in school faping while spying on the guys, she's at home faping at the computer, she has been waiting for so long to top a femboy, but her uncontrollable desire often scares most of the guys, the ones who don't, have to face her mother after that they start to become too friendly with the mother to the point of completely forgetting about Jane.

There will be also 2 additional new characters: her best friend and her mother, who will be build based on Jane appearance.

Most likely, Jane debut will be in the upcoming video: Bui, bui bend (me) which will be in the upcoming Next Video poll.

Any suggestions about how to gather the feedback and info for this characters besides the polls or general suggestions are welcome




un momento me he perdido, ¿no se publicaba esta semana Wichsekränzche? ¿? ¿al final no? estoy liado.


Esta todo listo, solo falta que se suba a drive, debido al tamaño esta tomando varias horas, creo que dentro de unas 15 horas aproximadamente estará apareciendo el post con el video


Super excited for this! Always love how detailed your characters have been! ❤️