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Time for the 5th update (and hopefully the last) for the next main video, the dialogs and the video itself are done, the only pending thing now is the audio, i thought i wasn't going to be working on a video of the proportions of Salem's dong in a long time but this one ended up being some sort Salem's Dong on steroids, it's going to be 59 min video with (maybe unfortunately for some) a long intro and also: 10 "action" sequences with transitions during most of them, 3 climax, two a2m, a very white conclusion and some other good lewd stuff and also in case you have missed it during the poll posts, this video is the start for a future series featuring Johanna and Dakota as the main characters that will feature lots of feminization.

There may be some minor tweaks that will come up during the last revision, which will take a day or two considering the video length, the audio should take 2 - 4 days, and now what everyone wants to know: the release date, i would say if there's no issues or any unexpected surprises and if the computer doesn't fries during the rendering of this little monstrosity, the video may be released during the first half of the next week.

Useless piece of information: Katherine's second name has been changed to a more appropriate one : Hodenvoll, which will be some sort of high class clothing brand within this lewd world 




mucho hype tengo. Pero mucho hype. Que ganas.


Antes que me olvide, quiero hacer una aportación en unos días te lo enseño por mensaje.


I am stoked, can't wait!