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The days crawled by, each one feeling like an eternity as Talia waited for the desert crawler’s completion.

She spent most of her time monitoring and approving various tasks, her mind constantly drifting to the challenges that lay ahead. The spiders, on the other hand, seemed content, their chirps and clicks filling the air with a sense of camaraderie.

She pulled back the forward units near the desert worm remains, opting to keep their scout units in a forward position. Just to keep chances of encountering more Blues low.

On the third day, Neo’s voice cut through the monotony.

[Notice: Desert Worm samples have been processed.]

Talia headed to the research module, Dusky chirping and following close behind. As they reached the entrance, she turned to her arachnid companion. “Sorry, Dusky, you have to wait outside the module.”

Dusky’s legs tapped out a rhythm on the ground. “Find-Hot Pink-Wrestle!”

A smile tugged at the corners of Talia’s lips. “Okay, have fun.”

She watched as Dusky scuttled off. Her best friends were alien spiders. What did that say about her?

The research module hummed to life as Talia stepped inside, the lights flickering on and illuminating the space. She settled into her seat, her eyes fixed on the screen as it came online.

[Information available for review.]

Talia navigated through the data, her gaze drawn to the video footage of their battle with the giant jungle worm. The creature’s massive form filled the screen, its movements reminding her of how terrifying the encounter had been in person.

[Analysis indicates this is the final life stage for the worm. Estimated multiple living specimens currently inhabiting the desert subterranean environment.]

Talia’s brow furrowed, a knot of worry forming in her stomach. “Can they attack us?”

[Notice: Analysis reveals a certain EM wave was detected during the battle, likely produced by the distressed Tch’Llik’yzz’Lrr.]

Talia blinked, her mind racing to process the information. “Wait, the worm was summoned by the spiders?”

[Probable: Massed EM discharge theorized to agitate larger worms, drawing them to the surface. Similar phenomenon observed in smaller Giant Jungle Worms summoned to the jungle border.]

“They’re like security,” Talia muttered, her fingers drumming against the armrest.

The symbiotic relationship between the spiders and the worms added yet another layer of complexity to the alien ecosystem. The implications were… well, they proved more of the growing theory that the flora and fauna had been engineered.

The research module’s display flickered as Neo began his explanation of the Giant Jungle Worms’ life cycle.

[The Giant Jungle Worm begins its life as a microscopic larva in the jungle streams, collecting minerals and nutrients from the water to form a protective crystalline shell.]

Talia’s eyes widened, her breath catching in her throat. “Wait, the rare materials we’ve been harvesting from the streams... that’s their larva?”

[Confirmed: The crystallized form of the larva serves as an egg, slowly maturing over hundreds to thousands of years before hatching into a juvenile worm.]

She slumped back in her seat, a wave of guilt washing over her. “Did our harvesting hurt the ecosystem?”

[Negative: Considering the vast expanse of the jungle, the absence of larva in a single stream should not cause significant issues.]

Talia nodded slowly, her fingers tapping against the armrest. “Still, we should avoid harvesting them in the future.”


Neo continued, the display shifting to show a small, wriggling creature emerging from a shattered crystalline shell.

[The juvenile worm, measuring approximately one meter in length, begins its life in the jungle undergrowth, feeding on nutrient-rich soil and decaying plant matter. As it grows, the worm molts its exoskeleton several times, gradually increasing in size.]

The screen flickered, revealing a worm several meters long, its segmented body undulating through the dense foliage.

[Upon reaching a length of approximately ten meters, the worm begins to burrow deeper into the earth, seeking out mineral-rich deposits to fuel its growth. This subterranean phase can last for an estimated five to ten centuries, with the worm growing to its full adult size of thirty meters in diameter and over one hundred meters in length.]

Talia watched in fascination as the display showed a massive worm, its body filling the screen.

[The adult worm spends most of its life underground, only surfacing when summoned by the distressed EM waves from the Tch’Llik’yzz’Lrr, large damage to the Jungle ecosystem, or to mate. After mating, the female worm lays her eggs in the jungle streams, and the cycle begins anew.]

Talia leaned back in her chair, her gaze fixed on the research module’s display. “Neo, what about the artifact and the precursor ruins? Any new information?”

[Analysis indicates the ruins are approximately one million years old. Dating evidence suggests it has been at least one hundred thousand years since the site was last disturbed.]

She whistled softly, the implications sinking in. “So the precursors disappeared a long time ago… and lived even longer.”


Her thoughts turned to the mysterious egg-like object they’d recovered. “What about the egg?”

[Difficulty has been encountered in analyzing the artifact. Initial analysis suggests it is a highly condensed data storage device, equipped with its own long-duration power source capable of functioning indefinitely.]

Talia’s eyebrows shot up. “How?”


A laugh escaped her lips, the sound tinged with equal parts amusement and frustration. Of course it was unknown. This fucking planet seemed determined to keep its secrets.

She rubbed her temples, her mind shifting gears. “What about the biological compatibility research?”

[Informative: Progress has been made. However, specialized upgrades will be required for further research.]

Talia muttered under her breath, her shoulders slumping. “That’s probably going to cost us resources, isn’t it?”

[Affirmative. Estimated resource requirements: 50,000 units of Durasteel, 25,000 units of Refined Silicates, and 10,000 units of High-Conductive Material.]

She sighed. Every decision, every choice, seemed to come with a price tag attached.

Talia’s eyes narrowed as she studied the display, the tiny forms darting and swirling within their circular confines. A dozen different circles, each one a window into a microscopic world teeming with life.

[Notice: Analysis indicates an extremely high viral load in the Sigma 16 ecosystem, artificially hostile to non-native life.]

Neo’s words hung in the air, the implications sending a chill down her spine. Artificially hostile. The phrase echoed in her mind, a sinister whisper that refused to be silenced.

[Suspicion: The viral load may be bio-engineered. The Blues’ interactions as ‘heirs’ or as a race produced by the Precursors has likely granted them immunity.]

Talia’s gaze shifted to the research module’s sleek walls, her reflection staring back at her. “What about the Tch’Llik?”

[Informative: The Tch’Llik’s biology is immune due to extremely high levels of metals and non-biological material.]

A frown tugged at the corners of her mouth. “They aren’t natural?”

[Improbable: The entire ecosystem appears to have been engineered at some point to be self-regulating and adaptable to change.]

Talia’s heart raced, the pieces falling into place with a sickening clarity. “The entire planet modifies itself to maintain its current equilibrium.”

[Affirmative: Interference from the planet could be responsible for the ship being shot down.]

She nodded slowly, her mind racing. “It was either that or the Blues shooting us down. Considering their modus operandi of sending in the grunts first, interference from the planet makes sense.”

Talia paused, her gaze locked on the display. “What can we do if the planet shoots down ships?”

[Notice: Long-term research will be required before leaving the planet is possible.]

The weight of Neo’s words settled on her shoulders, a burden she wasn’t sure she was ready to bear.

But there was no choice.

Not if they wanted to survive.

Not if they wanted to unravel the mysteries of this strange, hostile world.

Or really, survive whatever the Blues decided to throw at them.

Talia’s fingers curled into fists, determination etched into every line of her face. They would find a way. They had to.



Thanks for the chapter.

Jonathan Wint

Ok the Blues got a rule Abandoned a planet if you encounter self reproducing intelligent robots. I think the Organic planet was a A.I. base fighting an organic base. That the Procruises Had a civil war. Either fighting the technology or each other organic technology versus none Organic technology. And that main Human character is a fusion of both. Yeah guess what I think that Storage unit is.. The Decepticon matrix of leadership.. Guess who I think it's getting an upgrade. If true A.I. might not been the bad guys. Hell organic and technology might been fighting over which end of a hard boiled egg to start eating.. but if it was the classic trope machine vs organic it Explains why organic machines can eat hemp. You would have engineered them to be able to fuel them just like machines. That storage unit I'm betting is ether a A.I. or Digitized Living mind. And what will it think of a Human cyborg who a Fution of A.I. and Organic??