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Talia leaned closer to the system readout as the display flickered erratically, the numbers and graphs barely visible beneath the static caused by the jungle’s dense electromagnetic field.

She squinted, her fingers adjusting the settings in an attempt to stabilize the image.

Hot Pink formed a pink ball against the aircraft’s gray seat, sides gently expanding and contracting. The spider had finally calmed down.

Nearby, Dapple nestled against Hot Pink, letting out a series of faint snores, the sound almost lost beneath the engines’ consistent drone.

On the external monitor, Dusky clung to the outer hull, her legs flailing joyfully in the slipstream.

Talia’s lips tightened momentarily in worry. If the spider got blown off, at least she was able to make a parachute.

Talia shook her head slightly, then turned her focus back to the mission.

It didn’t take long before they were almost back to base.

As the Seeker came in for a vertical landing, it stirred a cloud of dust.

Talia kept her attention riveted on the external camera that showed the desert crawler’s location.

[Notice: Production of Desert Crawler has reached assembly stage with One Hundred and One out of On Hundred Sixty-Eight modules completed. Track and Chassis assembly is awaiting User confirmation.]

“Yes, do it Neo,” Talia replied.

The ground came alive with movement.

CRD-X9s rolled out, their freshly printed metal exteriors catching the desert sunlight and casting sharp reflections.

They moved toward the designated assembly site.

It was bigger than all the base modules she’d already fabricated.

The Seeker touched down, its engines whipping up a whirlwind of sand. Dusky scampered onto the Seeker’s nose, waving enthusiastically at them.

With a hiss, the modified door opened, allowing Talia and the other two spiders to disembark.

Dapple was still snoring and seemed content to stay that way. Hot Pink grabbed her sister and began to shake with frantic urgency. “Go-Hurry-Danger!”

“It’s not dangerous. We’ve arrived,” Talia offered.

Dapple stood up groggily, accidentally bending one of the rear cabin seats. “Home-arrive-now?”

“Go-Go-GO!” Hot Pink chittered.

Dapple turned toward the opening groggily, then stepped out, tumbling to the ground. Talia felt a spike of worry that the spider was hurt.

Hot Pink flung herself dramatically from the opening, sailing through the air to land as far away from the jet as possible.

Talia slid down the ladder and checked on Dapple. The spider had fallen asleep where she landed.

Talia let out a breath of exasperation into her helmet.

“Neo, what’s the status on the artifact?” she asked.

[Response: Quadcopter en route to Seeker-H7 to collect artifact for transport to Research Module. Preliminary scans indicate no immediate hazards.]

As if on cue, a quadcopter swooped in, carefully collecting the mysterious object before zipping towards the research facility.

Dusky landed near Talia, her chirps forming a question: “Metal-Herd-Work-Hard?” She pointed towards the desert crawler construction site with a leg.

Talia nodded. “Yes, our new base vehicle is finally coming together.” She gestured to Dapple, who was sleeping. “Is she okay? She’s been sleeping constantly.”

Dusky peered at Dapple, then slid under her and lifted the sleeping spider onto her back. “Old-Want-Sleep-More.”

Talia opened her mouth to say something, then closed it. Old? A frown creased her lips. She had no idea how long the spiders lived, but wanting to sleep more didn’t seem like a good sign? She hadn’t noticed Dapple being any weaker or slower than the other spiders, though.

“Does she…” Talia’s words trailed off as she considered. “Do we need to worry about Dapple? I don’t want to cause her to get tired or sick.”

“Tch’Llik’yzz’Lrr-Strong-Go-Long-Dapple-Good!” Dusky chirped happily.

It was probably the longest string of sounds she had heard from a spider so far. She’d just have to take the other spider’s appraisal at face value. “Okay. But if Dapple needs rest or to stay home, let me know.”

Talia headed toward the assembly area for the desert crawler. She wanted to see the printing process. Hot Pink skittered over and Dusky carried Dapple as they moved to a series of empty metal containers. They’d make a good vantage point.

Talia pulled herself up onto one and sat down on the edge. Dusky deposited Dapple inside the container and Hot Pink folded her legs and laid down beside her. Dusky climbed up on top of the other container and stood up excitedly, letting out some gleeful chirps as a CRD-X9 passed by.

The vehicles sprang into action, their movements precise and coordinated.

They arranged the production modules in an intricate pattern, each piece fitting together like a grand puzzle. As the final module was deposited on the ground, the units opened up, revealing sealed containers topped with turreted lasers.

A few moments later, the printing lasers burst to life, brilliant beams etching the vehicle’s form into existence. Talia watched in awe as the desert crawler’s lower half took shape before her eyes.

It was just so damned big.

Maybe not compared to her exploration corvette, but it was still massive on a scale that almost ensured that a human would feel small.

[Notice: Desert crawler module selection required for full operations. Recommend User selection of desired modules and confirmation of final construction stages. Depending on module selection, upper chassis configuration could change. Certain modules in operation at Bootstrap Base can be converted to crawler modules.]

Talia’s eyes darted across the holographic display as Neo presented the list of compatible modules for the desert crawler.

[Compatible Modules for Desert Crawler:]

[Research Module: Can be directly integrated]

[Raptor Drone Defense Module: Compatible with minor adjustments]

[Production Module: Fully compatible]

[Refinery Module: Can be moved and connected]

[Fusion Power Module: Direct integration possible]

She shook her head. “Since we’re going for the self-replicating base approach, let’s leave the Bootstrap Base intact and build new modules specifically for the Crawler.”

[Affirmative: The current base can be heavily utilized for auto-base production.]

Talia leaned back, her gaze drifting towards the shimmering force field that enveloped the base. “We can look into further fortifications beyond the shield generator module, just in case we need a fallback location.”

[Agreed: This unit suggests placing artillery and anti-air units around the base perimeter.]

“Before we focus on that, we should prioritize production and resource extraction. Building too much defense early on won’t be as effective as increasing our resources and production capacity. That way, we can produce more military units when we need them,” Talia said.

[Agreement: User’s assessment is correct. A careful balance between industrial and military capability is necessary.]

Talia leaned back in her seat, her gaze flickering over the holographic display. “Neo, give me a list of all the modules we can produce for the Crawler, including ones we should be able to research easily.”

[Acknowledged: Compiling module list.]

A moment later, a comprehensive list populated her suit’s HUD screens, each entry accompanied by a brief description and resource requirements.

Talia’s fingers danced across the floating holographic interface, her eyes scanning the list of modules Neo had populated on her suit’s HUD screens. She had a good idea of what she wanted—something that could shoot back when they ran into the Blues.

So something like a land battleship was her goal.

[Raptor Defense Drone Module (Heavy, 64 units): Deploys a swarm of heavily armed drones for perimeter defense.]

[Anti-Air Rapid Fire Cannons (12): High-velocity cannons designed to engage aerial threats. Flak capable.]

[Guided Anti-Tank Missile Array (2 cell, 64 missile, Vertical launch): Launches guided missiles against armored targets.]

[CIWS anti-munition turrets (12): Close-In Weapon Systems for intercepting incoming projectiles.]

[240mm direct fire railguns (8): Powerful railguns for engaging ground targets at long range.]

[Indirect fire artillery cannons (8) (UFE standard variable shell capable): Provides indirect fire support with a variety of munitions.]

[Directional shield emitters (8): Projects directional energy shields for enhanced protection.]

[Crawler stabilization system (1): Enhances the vehicle’s stability on uneven terrain.]

[Compact research module (1): Allows for on-site research and analysis.]

[Compact holding cell (1): Secure containment for prisoners or specimens.]

[Crew habitable space with full amenities (1): Provides comfortable living quarters for User.]

[Modified Xeno-Zoological space (1) (modified for Tch’Llik’yzz’Lrr habitation): Accommodates the unique needs of the spider companions.]

[Compact hydroponics unit (1): Enables the growth of fresh produce for User.]

[Industrial storage and sorting system (1): Efficiently manages and organizes resources and materials.]

[Expanded production module (rapid) (1): Enables vehicle manufacturing capabilities.]

[Enhanced sensor and communication suite: Theoretically prepares crawler for long range communication connections with distant base modules. Further research advised.]

Talia considered her selection carefully, weighing their benefits against the overall design. She knew that a well-rounded approach was crucial, balancing offensive capabilities with defensive measures and support systems.

She hoped her picks conformed to that.

[Notice: The selected modules will require significant power. Additional modules required:]

[Large Fusion Power Plant Modules (4): Provides ample energy to power the selected modules.]

[Large Capacitor Banks (2): Stores and regulates energy for peak performance.]

[Large HEM Storage Arrays (4): Ensures a steady supply of High-Energy Matter for operations.]

[Warning: The current selection will incur costs approximately 45% of the base crawler’s construction budget.]

Talia paused, her brow furrowed in concentration.

The costs were substantial, but going out with the base-level, unprepared desert crawler wasn’t an option.

With a decisive nod, she confirmed her choices.

Talia‘s fingers tapped against her thigh as she surveyed the holographic display, the desert crawler‘s modules arranged in a complex web of interconnected systems. “How long until the desert crawler is operational? We need to find that ‘Gate’ and locate the ship.”

[Estimate: Approximately 5 days until completion, based on current operation expansion rate and industrial allocation.]

“Shit.” The word escaped Talia‘s lips in a hiss of frustration.

Five days. It felt like an eternity. A lot could happen in five days. They had already waited so long.

Her gaze drifted back to the holographic display, her mind already working through the problem.

“Let’s build a scout company concurrently,” she said, her fingers dancing across the interface as she made her selections. “Two LIRUs, five MIRUs, two HIRUs, four Panthers, four Lynxes, and an additional Raptor Drone extension for the Bootstrap Module.”

It was about the strength of the attack unit she’d used to recover the research module components. Hopefully that, along with the current escort units, would deal with any major threats if they appeared.

[Acknowledged: The additional units will add one day for to Desert crawler‘s completion.]

Talia nodded, her jaw set with determination. “That’s fine. We need the extra security, especially if it’s going to take this long.”

She leaned back in her seat, her eyes fixed on the shimmering image of the desert crawler.

It was a monumental undertaking, a testament to the ingenuity and resourcefulness of her team. But even as excitement thrummed through her veins, a flicker of unease settled in the pit of her stomach.

Five days. Five days of waiting, of hoping that the Ferroin Empire wouldn’t push through an unsurmountable weight of reprisal for their lost frontiersmen and her reclaiming of the research module.

Maybe they’d blame it on the giant jungle worm? Perhaps it was a good idea to stop recovering the resources from its carcass and leave the site empty…

It felt like no matter what she did, she was balancing on a tight-rope.

Talia shook her head, banishing the thought. They had come too far to let doubt creep in now.

Full steam ahead.



Thanks for the chapter.


The CRD-X9 touched down You probably meant the seeker