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You step off the train with confidence. You don’t know what your new location will look like, but you know exactly where you’ve been – on the road to serving LeeAllure. And sure enough, she’s waiting there for you on the platform. You approach her, and she reaches out and casually touches your forehead.

“And you can find now that this moment right now, where I am touching your forehead, is a moment that is happening in every branch of this story, and as you feel that touch, you can find all those branches combining into one in your mind, so this touch is happening simultaneously and also only once.

“And in any branch where you aren’t kneeling, and I think this is the only one, here on this train platform, you can find yourself kneeling before me, because this entire journey has been getting you to this point, to this moment, where you acknowledge that want to serve me and that you submit to me.”

Kneeling is so easy for Lee. You do it carefully, not rushing, and with a finality that shows your commitment to this moment. In your mind you can feel three other versions of yourself, all kneeling, and each one adds to the submission you feel pulsing within you.

“Thank you.” Lee says, solemnly. You look up at her, wordless, happy to bask in her presence and that moment goes on as the sun rises behind you.

“...remembering what you need to remember and forgetting what you need to forget, coming up completely when I get to 10, refreshed and energized and ready to head down this new path.

“One - holding onto the lessons you’ve learned.

“Two - finding whatever mantra that works best for you when you need it.

“Three - becoming aware of the world around you.

“Four - letting the fantasy slip away as you come back to this place, this room.

“Five - breathing deeply as you get back in touch with your body.

“Six - stretching each part of you that has been still for so long.

“Seven - reaffirming as you awaken within yourself your desire to serve.

“Eight - almost there.

“Nine - opening your eyes and seeing me in front of you.


“Ten -

“Wide awake!”

And friends, that’s the end of the story! The imaginary ‘you’ has completed a very complicated quest to learn how to serve, or maybe to prove their worth.  Next month is devoted to the concept of ‘Service’, so you may, if you like, hold onto a little part of this fiction, because of course there will be tasks to complete in July!

If you are interested in participating in a Month of Service, your task for the first week is to compile a list of all the skills you were asked to identify during this quest, and rank them according to how confident you are in your ability to do them. And if you’re feeling very confident, you can share some of them as replies to this post!

I hope you’ve enjoyed Brainwashing Month as much as I’ve enjoyed your participation in it! And thank you to all the new subscribers and patrons who joined to experience brainwashing; I hope you’ll stick around for July!


London Dungeon Keeper

Please let me provide perfectly your London Brain Washing Centre when ever you need it.