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For the last year, you’ve been corresponding online with a hypnotist called LeeAllure, who was recommended to you by a friend who you’ve always thought of as being just a little bit… bent, but harmless.

“I know you’ve been reading a lot of mind control stories online,” they'd said “And if you’re interested in a real life twist on that, you should try being hypnotized.”

You’d been hypnotized once, in high school, when the senior class got an “Exciting Evening of Hypnosis” as a part of their graduation festivities. From what you can remember, it was all being stuck to chairs or thinking you’d smelled something awful, although the moment when everyone on stage had been hypnotized to believe they were naked had taken an interesting turn. You’d sat carefully, trying not to think about how your bare flesh was touching a chair that probably hadn’t been disinfected since the Carter administration, when the head cheerleader had stood up with a triumphant smile and paraded up and down the stage like a supermodel, making sure that everyone got a clear look at her “naked” body.

Looking back, you’re amazed that the hypnotist had gotten away with that kind of show with a bunch of high school kids; you yourself had walked away from that night with a vague distaste for any kind of entertainment that didn’t make sure people knew what they were getting into before being made a spectacle in that way.

You still aren’t sure why you emailed LeeAllure. But you had done so, and the two of you had begun a correspondence that was mostly just conversation, and not always about hypnosis. Once you’d gotten to know each other a little bit you’d felt comfortable enough with the idea of being hypnotized again to listen to some of her files, and then to purchase a session with her. The day after that session, when you found yourself kneeling down to tie your shoe and suddenly having an overpowering urge to just… stay on your knees and think about how obedience to Lee was blissful pleasure, you knew you were hooked.

And today, after a year, you are finally going to get to meet Lee in person. In fact, you’ve been standing on her doorstep for a little too long, suddenly overcome with nervousness. What if it turns out that in person she suddenly isn’t interested in your service? What if in person you suddenly weren’t able to be hypnotized anymore? A dozen what-ifs run through your mind, and you find yourself on the verge of just walking away.

What do you do next?

  1. Face your fears.
  2. Knock on the door.
  3. Text Lee.
  4. Walk away.