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Swan Baek Jo

"This is their biggest song in terms of scale" ... We all know PD is going to change their mind after watching god of music :p


I absolutely adore this song. At first I just liked it, but since then I kept finding myself coming back to it. Something about it just hits the nostalgia mark perfectly.

Megan Cheong

With how hectic life has been recently I find it hard to find the time to enjoy Seventeen in the same way I used to in school. But I just want to say thank you so much for your reactions because you help articulate so much of what makes svt's work so beautiful and how it makes me feel! It helps me appreciate them so much more deeply than my solitary experience. Thanks PD!

Amanda Thomas

Hey PD in case your interested there is one livestage with a choreo! https://youtu.be/qWqZUOmEAK0?si=-7k_KIkGSohOyMOU