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Unluckily enough the song that yeonjun was singing is actually “Two of Us” 🫤 which is hard to listen to without remembering this scene now.


I don't think the Homeroom teacher trying to pull strings has any reason to do with why the son did what he did. Dong-eun mentioned to the son that she was planning on posting her story to the Office of Education's website. This rumor would have ruined her father's reputation and the son's along with it, meaning he likely could never become an inspector as he had been working towards for so long and was nearly there. Removing the father from the equation was the only way to ensure the son and his family's lives weren't ruined. This is the first example of Dong-eun's plans coming to fruition. She built a friendship up over years with the son of the homeroom teacher who beat her, building a trust that would lead him to believe her in the moment she needed him to.

emotionless bot

PD's "i can fix him" remark to Myeong Oh is so funny because I understand ++ Also if ever you guys are done with Part 1, I hope you guys can watch the cast of the glory reacting to fan theories for Part 2 on Netflix's channel before watching Part 2! That would be fun


Just to clarify, they did say that Lee Do-hyuns characters father was the former director that passed away, they were at a gathering for the anniversary of his death.


that one guy teacher with the bob creeps me out so bad...


The song is by Chae Yeon btw, not Jewelry


Dong-eun's first move was with the homeroom teacher; all it took was that "coincidental" meeting between her, the son, and the teacher and a few choice words alluding to the past to get the son to turn against the father. Also, pretty sure all those congratulatory flowers in the apartment were from Dong-eun, they were all lilies.

Meruka Hinaru

When you were talking about the doctor, there's so much I want to discuss, but it's spoiler...so when you guys get to a certain point I'm gonna come back to this episode and talk about it then haha

Meruka Hinaru

I just want to let you guys know of 2 things that were mentioned in this episode: The doctor did went to the anniversary of his father's death, that's why they were all wearing black. His mom's phrase of "Your father is waiting" was not said in a literal way, but more in the sense that since it's his rite ceremony, his soul is there kinda. And the other thing is, it was mentioned as gossip by another doctor that his father was murdered by a patient he saved.

Stephanie Dockery

They was talking about his dad . The dad died . Doctors mom said his uncles are waiting and that I think they were drunk.


Hmmm I'm interested to see their final opinions on Moon Dong Eun by the midway to 75% point of the show altogether. I think being able to move on from trauma and walk away from it is a privilege that she doesn't have. Like without her manipulation, there was no way in hell these people would be brought to justice or even removed from power. It's her personal revenge, but it's also revenge for all the other kids they've traumatized and future people without power that they continue to step on. She doesn't feel like "a good person" per se, but in any "rebellion" against power of that level of absoluteness, there will always be someone that ends up being the sacrifice, either by getting their hands dirty or giving up everything. When the system is corrupt, I don't see how MDE can be anything but ruthless to get to the end of the line. (And I think she's less ruthless and more moral than you think right now lol.)


oh that ending was on some kakegurui shit