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What I find funny in this episode is from the first episode alone I keep on pointing out that it was Dk's real name but that felt so obvious so I ended up not believing my own thoughts lol


hiya i freakin love this ep. just a heads up since this was the end of the season i hope u can check out the two specials we got during that break. One is called I know & I don't know and has 2 parts. And the other is a BSS special we got for the Fighting promotion. Its called just Comeback Time (officially not part of GoSe but it very much feels like part of it) and also has 2 Parts. Also are yall planning to continue the Seventeen MMTG videos? Since u skipped their collab with GoSe back then. U only have Episodes 216 & 217 left and then the collab videos which are mmtg ep 248 & 249 and the gose special with jaejae afterwards (it doesnt have an episode number bc its only called a special but if u search gose & mmtg u can find it easily). thank you ❤️

xxx Seol



Hi PD, fyi you forget to watch the cookie scene at the end of episode 3. It was a cute and funny clip.