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In our Phase 2 video, I'm getting over my anxiety and moving forward with my plans.

We also come fully clean and honest about why I haven't been back on YouTube in so long, my sense of losing purpose, finding it--and what the new one is (it's a doosy).

I'm sorry today's content had to be delayed, they'll be out TOMORROW, but I just really couldn't go another day trying to film without being honest. I will eventually be making this news public and would like to announce it on my own time, so keep my news to yourselves if possible :)

You all mean a lot to me, now more than ever. It has been hard to make Blaire understand why I love you guys so much, why I put you all before my own priority; but with all the recent reactions she's learning and understanding. I know the past year has been rough but Blaire has been going through a huge change through these reactions, I was trying to do for her what reactions did for me; how it made me smarter, a better person, more confident, yet grateful. And this video was a huge step for us and proof that she's taking the right step forward.

All of this craziness and anxiety blaming is over, I'm starting up the street team, they will be taking charge so this Patreon and my YouTube channel will be FAN-POWERED so that I can finally start pursuing my projects. 

  • (Our applications are in the hundreds so we'll get back to you in a few weeks but will make an announcement when we're making decisions)
  • The new schedule will be out next week before the month is over. This schedule will cover the next two months.

And with this video... I have nothing more to hide. No more BS, no more anxiety, no more excuses. I'll work hard to be the very best creator you've ever supported :)

I'm going to go to sleep now and pass out but we'll be back stronger and on a united front with a clear goal and purpose. 




Welcome Back PD! 🥳

matt i



LET’S GO PD!! Excited for this new chapter of Form of Therapy!


I know it was a very serious topic, but just the way the vid started with you and Blaire talking along with the BGM was just EPIC haha


I’ll watch the video later, but based on the text, I’ll mention simply this: 파이팅 해야지!!


excited to hear about your news plans but i hope you also understand supporter’s hesitancy if there is any. i feel like once or twice a year the schedule becomes harder and harder to be maintained followed by a big announcement/ revelation. not saying this to say that i think it’ll fail, just that i feel hesitant to fully be excited about these new projects. I believe that we as supporters need to see consistent results that show you guys can maintain a schedule for more than a few weeks without any issues, which is something we haven’t seen in a very long time. i appreciate you opening the video with the fact that you don’t have excuses, but i’m more-so looking for action rather than taking accountability at this point. I hope this comment doesn’t come off as too harsh, but i’ve been a patron for almost 5 years off and on so i’ve begun to notice a pattern. Im hoping that this time it works out for both of you.

kim dc

너무너무 응원해요

Diem Doan

Like i said to you in my DM… will ALWAYS support you PD no matter what 🙏

kim dc



OMG CONGRATS. the patreon/reaction baby😭


Thank you guys for being honest and open about it❤ Regarding the "street-team"...i just wanna say some things: I think it's an amazing idea and it will definitely help you with everything, IF you stick to it and try to consistently upload everything. There's a LOT of stuff ppl want you to watch and i'm pretty sure, you'd be able to watch most, if not all of it...so please just try to be more consistent. ALSO...the most important things, you should be looking for, when hiring ppl: 1. They need to be multi-stans who stan a WIDE variety of artist + listen to other artists casually...otherwise it will be very biased. 2. They should have basic knowledge about the k-industry + know about important things going on in kpop 3. They should not only be interested in kpop itself, but also variety shows, dramas etc. 4. Make sure to get ppl's feedback and act on it. F.e. Some really important/big things are missing from the schedule > they'll add it to the schedule. Links are broken again > they'll inform you about it, so it will get fixed asap. Patrons want you to have livestream etc. again, so that you can react to multiple things at once > they'll tell you about it. Otherwise this whole thing won't really change anything about this channel.


reading this back it might seem harsh but know it’s with love and respect for you and your craft. PD you are an extremely passionate individual and that comes through in your content. It’s also been great to see Blaire become more involved over the past years. I think my overall wish is that the words and promises we’ve gotten for a very long time actually happen. You talk about these projects (all of which are extremely exciting) and yet can’t maintain a consistent content release for more than two or three weeks. I don’t mean this to sound insensitive because life is hard and can really suck. But when fans are monetarily supporting content that isn’t being met, I believe that’s cause for concern. The channel gets restructured in some way at least twice a year only for things to fall through once again- leading to more restructuring and let’s face it- more excuses. I’m once again reiterating- this isn’t a hate comment. This is simply a longtime supporter hoping you are able to met the expectations you are putting out for people. There has been growing frustrations from multiple people and i hope that you can tell that this comes from a place of wanting to see you thrive as a person and content creator.


and lots of congratulations to Blaire! I hope this even more motivation for both of you


HOLY SHIT!!!!! first of all, CONGRATULATIONS!! i can tell you guys will be amazing parents and i’m so so happy for you guys. second of all, it was super brave and admirable of you guys to admit all of these things about your personal lives like the depression etc and i’m glad you guys are doing well and able to try and move forward and handle it all. third of all, i would like to say if anybody can make all of this work, it’s you guys. i have been following your youtube for a really long time now and only just recently got your patreon like 2 months ago and even since just youtube i could really just feel your passion and love for what you do!! It is nice to see someone so passionate about these things as I am. lastly, even if i don’t get accepted into the street team (which of course i really hope so, being apart of a team like this is a dream😬), i will still be here to 100% support you guys and all of your future projects. LET’S GOOOO!!!!


Holy shit congratulations!! I knew it! I could tell where you were going like 5 min into the video. Then you said it and I threw my phone and started screaming! I'm so happy for you guys!!!


starting off with the first naruto shippuden theme song was not what i expected 😂


PD and Blair!! Congratulations! So happy for the good news and this step that you both guys are taking! Blair, I can’t wait for your videos! And PD can’t wait for your project! Wish both of you luck on your journey and hopefully I can also be helping or supporting you throughout! Wish this phase 2 all the best! 🫶


omg congratulations!!! Im so happy for yall

mistywolf the dragon rider

Oh my god congratulations you two! I'll admit I don't know the first thing about parenting but my belief is that as long as you care and are willing to learn from your mistakes you will do just fine. As for the street team, it sounds like a great idea to take the burden of organizing things off of you, especially with everything you're taking on at the moment. My advice is to make sure that every person you hire has a very specific role and that there is clear communication between everybody. That way there will hopefully be less confusion. Also, above all I think your first priority should be both of your guys' health. I watched a video recently that gave me something very important to think about. I think I probably have undiagnosed ADHD, so the video was specifically talking about ADHD and burnout, but I think it could apply to other forms of neurodivergence and mental health related problems too. In the video they said that people will often put aside their health & "self-care" because they don't think they have enough time in the day. But after a certain point your body will react, you will become sick or burnt out and you will be unable to complete the things you need to do anyways. So the first priority should always be to take care of your own needs. You also can't reliably care for someone else if you aren't meeting your own needs. You guys probably know this already but I just wanted to reiterate how important it is and why everyone is always saying to prioritize your health.


CONGRATS PD AND BLAIRE!!! Truly so so happy for you both and excited to see these steps be taken! Cannot wait to watch your channel Blaire I hope you are very excited to begin your new journey. I am so excited for what the future holds for both of you, the youtube channel, blaire's channel, the patreon, all of it. I am excited to be a part of it whether as a Street Team Member or just a fan watching from the sidelines. I wish you both the absolute best and to Blaire I hope your pregnancy goes smoothly! 🫰🫰


Also...CONGRATULATIONS on the pregnancy!!! But i am concerned about this a little bit- And i don't want to discourage you guys or anything, but let's be realistic for a second... You want to: 1. Produce a show, that will probably cost a lot of money, but very likely will not bring in a lot of money or a high audience (most kpop stans do not really care about producers) 2. Move to LA and South Korea 3. Change the structure and content of this channel 4. Hire ppl for bts work 5. Blaire is getting her own channel, which she'll probably have to neglect as soon as the baby arrives 6. And ofc...you're gonna have a baby. Are you sure, it's okay to do all these things at once??? You're already constantly claiming to be in debt, that you have no money etc. and now you wanna start multiple projects, that will cost you a fortune and will probably put you in more debt... I am a true believer of "don't change/abandon your dreams for a child"...but this doesn't seem like a reasonable plan, PD. And you gotta remember...a lot of ppl are not on your good side anymore...especially on yt. They will not support you through this. And i doubt this whole "you'll pay for this baby" is gonna be positively perceived. You're planning on changing your content too...what guarantee do you have, that ppl will stick around to pay for all these projects? A lot of ppl already left, because of the price increases. Please PD...please be careful about these decisions. It's not just about you anymore. This includes a child now.

Hans Olav

Congrats, both of you!


I rarely leave comments in general, let alone negative steering ones, but I need to voice my opinion. First, congratulations on the pregnancy Blair. Secondly, I’m just not understanding how we are supposed to trust you again enough to keep spending our hard-earned money on your content, especially after the price boost. Even to this day, you promised our content would be out at 6pm PST only for us once again, to hear that you’re not able to deliver on what you went out of your way to promise. I spend MONEY for your content because I genuinely enjoy it but I have never in my life let so much slide with something I’m paying for. This is a business at the end of the day and as you said yourself we are paying for things in your life. This has been a cycle for a while with you coming onto Patreon and taking accountability for your actions sprinkled with challenging things going on in your life in order to make people empathetic and lenient. It’s tiring and not to mention it’s manipulative. I’ve heard a saying that I wanted to apply here: it’s not an apology if you are not taking steps to change… it is an acknowledgy. All I’ve heard is nice words and promises, but when will we finally see actions that show your are changing.

terry mwangi

been a constant supporter since 2018, but would have to agree with the critical side of comments. i once really cared, but there has noticeably been a decline in all of your content for us and you have not made tangible effort to reverse this. gonna have to wish you luck and hope you regain integrity and consistency. peace out.

connie cheng

here’s to a new chapter!! in your lives preparing as parents, in your reactions, in your new projects and channels, and everything in between🥳🥳


this!!! It’s frustrating as a viewer especially when you wholeheartedly enjoy the content and are rooting for the creator. I want this channel and PD to succeed with ever fiber of my being but it’s hard to continue to support when thing’s constantly hit dead ends. My wish is that PD would stop making promises until they can consistently be met. The problem isn’t when things come out late at night (or sometimes not at all), it’s when the audience is given promises that have no track record of being kept. At this point i think we have over 5 apology videos in the last year just of PD “owning up to their mistakes and promising they’ll do better”, only for the cycle to repeat itself. I’d be more inclined to support if we actually saw consistent progress being made but we haven’t for quite some time.


oh my god congrats to both of you!! i’m excited to see what phase 2 it’s going to bring us

Sarah 세라

Always supporting you PD

Winter Rian ~

First of all: Congrats to both of you for becoming parents! I'm so happy for you guys and your future! I remember vividly when you released a video some time ago with all the plans, dreams and goals you have for the future. Now that I'm watching this: Please, PD, take one step at a time and don't get too ahead of yourself mentally. What we desperately need first and foremost is a reliable and consistent schedule for a longer period than.... a few weeks. I think many people right now are a bit sceptical towards it and I completely agree. While the communication regarding occuring issues got indeed better, the frequency with which problems arise unfortunately hasn't really decreased. I believe that having the Street Team will indeed help delegating organizational tasks so that you can focus on the reactions themselves more freely, but it needs to happen first. And it has to work. It happens quite often that you announce changes that either do not happen or "vanish into thin air" after a short time. So I really hope you can achieve some important short and medium-term goals first. A functioning basis is the most important thing for your brand going forward. Anyways, looking forward to it and keeping an eye on the changes while hopefully being part of it. Love your content and your reactions and one a sidenote: I really like how much more invested Blaire seems recently in all the reactions. She really starts to "blossom" as a reactor, thanks to you PD :]

Jewels Mata

aw this is gonna be such a good change in your life !


I am very excited for you, especially hearing you say you wanted to be a parent in a reaction video a year or two ago and now it's happening. I do agree with comments. I DMed about the street team and would love to be a part of it. However, I do agree with comments about too much at once, especially with a pregnancy in motion. I for one, don't want you both to be overwhelmed while already pregnant, and two, just worry about a lot at once and risk of money wise. I genuinely think you should stick to your regular scheduling and reactions with your street team until the baby is delivered (it'll allow the street team to adjust and you to get your personal life situated), therefor you have support and money from the patreons who are here for mainly that. And then once having a secure finance situation, take one thing at a time (ie. get a studio in la, then work one the next project and so forth). This may be unwarranted advice, but just from a patron who cares.


Congratulations on your baby! I have a memory of a patreon video from sometime in the past where jaehyuk pd spoke about wanting to be a parent. I wish you both good health and happiness so that the baby arrives safely and healthily! I don’t know what the future will look like on here, but I’m definitely curious to see how things will go


Will the content go out with the next day's aswell or just the delayed one???


Contragulations on the pregnancy, hope all goes well. I don’t want to be too critical but I have to agree with others who have cast doubts about all this. It all seems a lot to balance especially with the prospect of becoming new parents too. I’m not saying at all that you must squash your dreams because you are becoming a parent, obviously both can be done, but it’s going to be much harder with limited time available for these projects. You set very ambitious goals which I admire but the worry is just many things have been claimed before, which are not even as big in scale as what is being pitched now, that have not been followed through on. Just as simple as the fact all the videos aren’t out today; I know you wanted to film this first but surely you know the schedule and what is to be out today, is there no element of preplanning at all? Also if the videos are out late surely that’s going to push all the others back too and we are probably going to end up with missing things again. I’m not saying force yourself to make videos if you don’t feel like it but also understand what you have set out to give to us in exchange for payment. I know the street team will help and I think it’s a good idea to get more people in the community involved since it’s quite large and it’s obviously hard for you to get through everything. But this is something new as well, there are bound to be issues at first with the street team that need to be ironed out so it’s not like it’s just going to suddenly becoming a perfectly functioning system. This along with all the other projects it’s just a lot and I expect major delays and gaps in content again. It’s just hard for me to keep investing in all these new things when what I initially invested for, the reaction videos, still aren’t delivered consistently. I do hope everything works out but yeah, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t skeptical.


It’s sad but this is how I feel as well. I feel like I’ve seen this post 4 times before and it’s all been empty promises. I dunno, I’m hoping for positive change but I’ve learned from keeping my hopes up. I hope I’m wrong. :/




First of all, congratulations on your baby! You've been talking about wanting to be a dad for years now and it's finally gonna happen. I'm sure Blaire feels the same way. Just be sure to put your family first at the end of the day. You should definitely strip things back before the birth comes around because you're doing a lot. I'm also looking forward to Blaire's channel produced by PD, it's gonna be great!.

Marcel Wannieck

This all sounds very exciting and it'll be great IF it works out. But I have to agree with the comments above. This is not the first time you've announced big ambitious projects like this and very rarely has anything really come out of it. And not that I would really know anything about that but I get the impression that you're underestimating how much of a time commitment raising a child is. Like I said several times before, I'm very much willing to help you keep track of all the Kpop music videos. But the other stuff? It might sound harsh but I'll believe it when I see it. I don't trust your word anymore. I only trust your actions.




Congratulations you guys for the baby! That's a big deal and I can see how excited you are which makes me happy! Hopefully this high doesn't go back down and you can keep feeling excited. I only wish good things for you and Blaire. I do think I've felt extremely frustrated and emotional because I have not been getting the only reaction I wanna get and that's something I'll have to work out so imma try to take a step back and deal with that. In any way, I just hope you guys stay healthy and happy!

Violet Joo

OMG congrats to you both. I remember that my first baby seemed to be coming with a very bad timing but she is the best thing that happen to me and my husband. Jaehyuk I think you will be a wonderful dad. Just to be thinking that you want to give that baby a better life already makes you a good dad. Also I am concerned cuz being a parent is a lot of work and both of you wanting to do more things while having a baby may be a little unrealistic. But also if You Pd start to delegate more to the people you may work with may be it will come out in a good way. Remember that great leaders are those who know how to get the best of the people they work with. I know very little about producing but I know that editing takes a lot of work so try to have an editor available. You need ultimately just someone that can have the work done. I like that you want to achieve a lot of things but running may be too much for you and you can get tired in the way. Just take little steps. Babies take like 60% or more of your time. The first year is hell, you never know if you will have a chill baby or a fuzzy baby. I barely got sleep in my first year of being a parent. I don't want to make it look so difficult but babies are really tiny little people that consume a lot of time. But congrats babies are also so special and beautiful.


Huge news, congrats!! Super excited to see where the Form Of Therapy brand in heading to.

Kim Naff

I just hope that your family members who haven't been supportive of your love of Kpop will be supportive of your child and give lots of help there because kids take *so* much, and you deserve to not feel alone doing it in the same way that you do for part of your whole project.


Don’t want to kill your buzz but all of this seems a little unrealistic if I’m being honest. PD you really need to take one step a time. I don’t mind the reduce of content at all, but it becomes an issue on my end if the pricing for patreon doesn’t change. I don’t think you know that your patreon is one of the most expensive patreon for reacting. I understood why your patreon tiers were expensive due to Vimeo and the fact that you were putting a lot of content out. But now you don’t use Vimeo anymore and you’re gonna reduce the content, so the fact that you didn’t even mention once about pricing changing or not is kinda baffling to me. Especially when I see other reaction channel being so much cheaper for all the content that they also produce.


Congrats on the pregnancy guys :) really exited to see the new stuff you guys are working on!!

Rebecca Le Minh

OH MY GOD CONGRATULATIONS GUYS!!! You'll be amazing parents ❤️


I went to the comments section during the video to write a comment and I got spoiled some big announcement from the video 🙀🙀 (I’ll get to that later on, once I get to that in the video on my own) I wanted to say that first I love Nobodyknows+’ Hero’s Comeback and the vibe it set for the video was perfect and second that I couldn’t help myself, but the way Blaire joined you in the frame and the way she talked at the same time the music was still playing on, it felt like watching TV and having a reporter from an event 😹😹 (I don’t mean it in a bad way, it just made me grin).


I wasn't able tow atch the video before looking at the comments 😭 omg I'm so happy for you guys! Been here for almost a year now and I hope the best for the both of you and Blaire 💗 I don't know you guys personally but this makes me very happy and I feel like an aunt lol 😅


Congrats on the new channel, the upcoming kpop travel docuseries, and of course, the pregnancy!!! So exciting!!!


I do agree with another commenter, in terms of the schedule. I feel like we’ve heard a few times that the schedule will be “XYZ for sure”, or “this is the last of the BS” only for it to not be consistent after a week or two. I vaguely remember that videos were supposed to be a month ahead, so hearing that videos are being filmed the day of release was concerning. I totally understand your reasonings. But it’s because of those reasonings that I don’t think the schedule will be too consistent, cause I think those projects and of course, the pregnancy, should take priority. I do hope things will truly look up this time :) , but I admittedly will keep expectations relatively low on that end. Oh and I do think the pricing for the tiers should reflect the reduced variety content.

Sven Lenders

재혁/PD, first of all I want to congratulate you warmly on becoming a father. In addition, it is very good that you are willing to talk openly about your "problems" with us, this also allows us to see what is going on behind the scenes and for me personally, it only increases the understanding that you cannot arrange everything in time. By setting up the street team I think you can save a lot of time to be able to put your focus fully on creating content. I think there are plenty of people on this patreon who are only too happy to help you with that. I also think it is super cool that you dare to take the step outside again to pitch and launch your projects, from what I hear you have a lot of concepts lying around that someone would definitely like to pick up. You just have to meet the right people like with your new docuseries. I would also like to say that your child is lucky to have you as a father. You are a very kind, attentive, caring, emotional and good looking person. Even though you have done things in the past that you are not proud of, I think your child will be able to look up to you and watch your videos back with pride.


So it really happened… you are about to be parents! (Also… again the song? 😹😅 I guess this marks the start of the Shippūden for Form of Therapy… everybody got older, shit got serious and female characters got bigger breasts (I am sorry in advance if this joke didn’t land well… before writing it, I wasn’t sure if it is okay towards Blaire, but I couldn’t help myself not to say it…) So, anyway! Congratulations!! I cannot wait to see the child grow, because although I always knew I would stay on this patreon anyways, this makes me want to stay here even more, so I can support the life of the baby (or babies, in case of twins or more 🤔🤔)!! Regarding your imposter syndrome… I mentioned it before during the phase of the videos regarding you, JaeHyuk, opening yourself to us. You hated living in the US for many reasons, but that was just you (and Blaire) but I couldn’t imagine you would be able to live in the US with having in mind that your child is growing up in the country. So I have always wondered, what the whole situation with you and this patreon will be? Once you become parents. And I know this statement will be weird, but have you considered the name? In case it is a boy… I can imagine JaeHyuk sitting in the living room with the list of his “son’s names” and just thinking: “So… after which one my sons will I name my actual son? 🤔🤔” And in case it is a girl, then it is pretty simple, I guess. Nicole… right? 😅😎😎 Throughout my writing I forgot to mention! I am really curious about Blaire’s solo channel! I’m looking forward to it!

Irene K

Ok first of all congratulations on your soon to be baby. I wish everything will go smoothly for all of you. You're going to be amazing parents and im sure of that because both of you are have such high emotional intelligence , so this child will grow up in a vulnerable and accepting environment full of love. For the first time I think you'll got your shit together and really found what can make you happy and give you an incone. As a fellow mental health struggler I'm so proud of you for your goals and determination. I aspire to be someone like you in the near future.


congrats on the baby! unfortunately i think this is where i'm going to peace out. i've been a long time subscriber so i can honestly say this but the issues with lack of communication and broken promises are at its worst right now and if i can't trust you to deliver now, i don't foresee that getting better with a whole newborn child. i'll probably be back maybe once a year. good luck pd


i’m just gonna voice my agreement with the other commenters here huge congratulations, so happy for you, but producing a channel, keeping YouTube alive, doing patreon, doing a big actual project while also expecting/caring for a newborn while ALSO promising a consistent schedule is way too much. amazing if it works out, but people STOP working during pregnancy and early childcare, not increase the workload you’ve promised the bullshit will end and promised this is the start of a new era and promised the content will go out on time time and time again, and it’s always fallen apart. again, huge congrats, but also understand that we have reason to doubt you and be cautious about this


congrats on the baby!!!

Marly Barry


Marly Barry

even thought you sound more confident on what you’re doing, i feel like i need to remind you to not overwork yourself. it’s been a long time since we were all scared for the amount of work you’ve decided to put on yourself and it feels like it’s back. you wanna change the patreon direction, you wanna hire a new team, you wanna open a new channel (Blaire), and you wanna raise a child. ofc the child is not gonna be here yet, but once Blaire’s body starts being uncooperative with her, that’s gonna fuck up some of your work too which is completely normal but inevitable. we do understand that this is what you’ve been waiting for, but you also need to understand that we’re worried. i have no complaints about you being able to do it, i’m more scared it’s gonna be too much. unless you’re telling us all of this now and actually introducing every new step little by little. moreover, we’re scared that if it doesn’t end up going exactly to plan, it’ll backfire and take another toll on your mental health. please think and reconsider which ones of those projects should have the priority and push those off first instead of putting everything on the table all at once. again congratulations, and i’m hoping the best comes from this and that the baby is healthy !!

crusty toes

CONGRATS!! so glad to see you doing better 💗


huge huge congratulations to you both on the baby!!!🤍 wishing you a healthy and easy pregnancy, Blaire!! :) 🫶


Big congrats PD, this was an unexpected but good surprise! I would have to say, the biggest thing is remaining consistent. As a long time patron myself like many above, there's been a lot of times plans have fallen through or schedules end up being pushed back. If you are READY and feel like you can HANDLE all of that. Then I encourage you to go for it. Yours, Blaire's, and the baby's happiness is what should matter most ❤️ Love you, keep up the good work! And congrats again :D




Congrats on the big news!! Lemme tell you, parenthood is a WILD RIDE. That child will definitely become your biggest motivator and reason to live and do better. I wish you guys all the happiness and success in the future! <3






Congrats PD and Blaire!!!


Congratulations PD and Blaire and thank you for letting us be part of your journey. Wish you both and the coming baby the best!!


Congratulations PD and Blaire!! Thank you for letting us know about the updates and the big announcement! I was very lucky to be able to work from home for the past year for my daughter, who is turning 1 in a few days!! I also wanted to watch her grow in the first few years so I did actually resigned but my boss was so nice and let me work part-time at home and I am forever grateful. It is a pain in the ass sometimes but being there for the baby everyday and watching her grow is really amazing 🥺 Hope you have a smooth pregnancy Blaire!! My 3rd trimester was a pain! Remember to do some stretches 💕💕


Please before 6pm so that I can still watxh it today, since I’m in Europe 😇🫶🏼

Gueret Gee

Congratuations you two


I think the most important thing to myself and many patrons is consistency with the release of content. Please PD, now more than ever, scale back on the content if you need to. I don't doubt your ambition or willingness to do big things with this page at all, but I would encourage you to prioritize sustainability. Many of us are absolutely fine with less if it allows you more rest and cushion time between filming and release day. A lesser volume of content uploaded on schedule is better than a greater volume of content that is rushed and late.

Rachael H

CONGRATS!!! I also just want to say that while I understand some people's frustrations with things, I'm seeing a lot of "punishing the behavior you want to see" kind of comments here. As someone who has had a lot of physical and mental health struggles, it's always so demoralizing to be open about how you are doing better, have made plans, etc. and then people just shove all the past mistakes, disappointments, back in your face. Recovery is not linear and people can make plans when they are feeling well and have that crumble apart. That is not a moral failing. I understand that the fact that we are paying for a service adds another layer of complexity, but with the amount of anger and doubt I am seeing, I do wonder why so many patrons are still subscribed if they see this struggle as such a huge issue. I know the vast majority of these are meant as constructive and I don't seem to have the same level of frustration as most people, but it kind of just sucks to see. And I don't mean to accuse anyone of having negative intentions, or say they were wrong to comment or anything. I guess I just wanted to add a different perspective to the comment section.


Congratulations 🤍💐🎆


congratulations 🫶🫶🫶🫶 im soo happy for you guys, for everything. thank you for taking the time to update us


p.s. i hope anime club continues during the off months too ijbol




Coming from the more frustrated side, a lot of us do empathize and understand the complexities of mental health. Personally, I too have struggled greatly with depression, self-love and acceptance. That’s why a lot of us have stuck around so long and continue to subscribe because we DO understand. However, not all of us have the means to pay for a service we are not receiving but the reason most of us continue to pay for it is because we consider PD’s videos precious and something that gives us happiness. Once again, I understand your perspective, but please understand that you can both empathize with and critique behavior especially when the layer of complexity you mentioned is added. Lastly, as for the doubt you mentioned, it’s not that we don’t want to see PD do better but as you may know this has been an occurring thing so i’d say that makes doubt in any case reasonable.


Huge congrats to you and Blaire!! I’m so happy you two have each other to lean on. Aside from that though, I have to agree with some of the other commenters. I know you have passion for all these reactions and I know you try hard, but unfortunately, it almost never stays consistent and promises almost always fall short. I think I can speak to majority of us that we want you, Blaire, AND the baby now to be healthy and happy. However, I think the pattern we’ve seen over the past year and more has been making promises, not following through with it, then coming back and adding even more to try to make up for the past, and again, falling short. It’s never easy when you have mental health things happening, a shitload of work to get done, people doubting you, and now a baby. But for me, I truly am saying this because I’m worried and I may not have a right to dictate you and how you operate, but just judging from the past, adding a baby now to this mix and adding, again, more work, it’s making me worried. Lately I will say you’ve been pretty consistent with what you promise in your monthly schedule, but it does worry me when you sometimes post saying that you haven’t filmed yet and will upload by the end of the day. When you have a baby, I just don’t see how you can achieve doing that when the baby always has unpredictable needs that come up last second. It wouldn’t be fair to you and us who are using our money. I worry it will add even more unnecessary stress and strain on your already demanding workload and mental health. For the sake of you and your family, and the wallets of us, I hope you are 100% sure you can achieve all these new plans.

Rachael H

Like I said, I get that, I do understand that you can empathize and critique at the same time and I understand that the comments are not meant to harm. It just started to feel like a dogpile after awhile. I don't know, I guess I just don't get being as upset as so many of these comments sound and continuing to subscribe and I don't mean that to sound like an insult or a negative? I think I just genuinely do not understand and wanted to share my own take on it.


OMG!!!! congrats 💗💗


Well, I’m glad you were able to understand a little of our perspective from my comment and I totally understand what you’re saying. Thanks for the other take on the topic.

Lourdes R.



Congratulations, PD and Blaire! I can't wait to see how things go with you guys. I really wish I had the time (and, let's face it, the drive) to be a contributing part of Phase 2 but alas, I'll be content enough as part of the journey watching from the sidelines... but if you ever make it to Hawaii, let me know :D

Diem Doan

@Rachel, I think I'm with you on this one. I'm not as frustrated about this situation but at the same time I can completely understand both sides. I just hope that PD gets better and is able to regain people's trust.


Holy shit....first off, CONGRATULATIONS YOU GUYS!!!! I wish you guys the best with the upcoming baby and I'm so excited for you guys 🥺 And I'm super excited for what you guys have planned and I've already sent an inquiry about the street team, but genuinely if I could just listen to your other ideas of short films, movies, shows that you want to work on in the future, that would be awesome. And I really hope Blaire's new channel goes well and I will definitely be tuning in for that


now, idk how did i miss this post but WHAT THE HELL, i'm lowkey speechless, like, i don't even know where to start, the naruto soundtrack caught me off guard too😭 YALL HAVING A BABY???!!!!! congratulations, oh my god, i truly wish from the bottom of my heart that this new chapter will bring joy to both of you, i'm so excited for blaires channel too!! this is amazing news, manifesting that nothing will break ya'lls motivation, much love to both of u always!! i'm on a little heavy working schedule rn but i would love to hear about your ideas for films or other type of projects pd, can't wait for it! <3




Congratulations!! I can't wait to see Blair's channel and hear more news about the bebe. Wishing you all the best as y'all adapt, learn, and grow--as creators, as parents, as humans 💜

danelly (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-12 08:41:32 OMG CONGRATS!! can't wait to see Blair's channel! love the naruto song
2023-10-12 06:32:57 OMG CONGRATS!! im so happy for yall! can't wait to see Blair's channel! also love the naruto song

OMG CONGRATS!! im so happy for yall! can't wait to see Blair's channel! also love the naruto song