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actually this isn't the first time that heavenly pacts/ heavenly restrictions have been brought up! maki has one that's identical to megumi's dad. in exchange for maki not being able to see curses or use cursed energy, she is extremely physically gifted. mechamaru also has one. remember in s1 in the panda v mechamaru fight when u find out he's this dude who was born with like half his body and is allergic to sunlight lmao yeah he has a heavenly restriction too bc his physical body is awful but in exchange he has control over a ton of cursed energy to control mechamaru and all his powers


the pain has started, lets goooo, lol😭 this arc just confirms how akutami loves to traumatize people, he traumatizes his characters since childhood to adulthood and he does the same to his viewers cause of course we're the ones watching it🕺lmaooo all jokes aside, i truly enjoy everything he has done with the series so far, and for a little background on toji, they've shown "heavenly pact" before but you probably don't remember right away cause its been a long time since you watched season 1, there are only 3 people in the jujutsu kaisen world that have one (or that we know so far), maki zenin, mechamaru and of course toji! to make it simple and spoiler free, heavenly pact is basically a vow where you get insane amount of cursed energy at the risk of messing your physical strength (like mechamaru) or you risk all of your cursed energy to get genetic jackpot and sublime physical abilities (like maki and toji). i won't elaborate more on that because i would love to hear your thoughts on that as raw as possible! i really enjoyed this reaction, can't wait for the next episodes, thanks for the content pd and blaire <3 the second part of the season starts airing this week btw! in case it helps you with schedule


next ep there’s more after the ending credits!! make sure to watch that since it’s really important for the story :]

Winter Rian ~ (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-04 15:26:25 Regarding the heavenly pact/restriction: The trade-off for the complete lack/erasement of cursed energy regarding toji is an IMMENSE physical prowess. His 5 senses reached an absolute maximum peak. He is completely immune to curses and can freely interact with them aswell. It's similar to maki but the trade-off is weaker for her
2023-09-04 15:26:25 Regarding the heavenly pact/restriction: The trade-off for the complete lack/erasement of cursed energy regarding toji is an IMMENSE physical prowess. His 5 senses reached an absolute maximum peak. He is completely immune to curses and can freely interact with them aswell. It's similar to maki but the trade-off is weaker for her
2023-09-04 15:26:25 Regarding the heavenly pact/restriction: The trade-off for the complete lack/erasement of cursed energy regarding toji is an IMMENSE physical prowess. His 5 senses reached an absolute maximum peak. He is completely immune to curses and can freely interact with them aswell. It's similar to maki but the trade-off is weaker for her
2023-09-04 15:26:25 Regarding the heavenly pact/restriction: The trade-off for the complete lack/erasement of cursed energy regarding toji is an IMMENSE physical prowess. His 5 senses reached an absolute maximum peak. He is completely immune to curses and can freely interact with them aswell. It's similar to maki but the trade-off is weaker for her
2023-08-30 09:48:52 Regarding the heavenly pact/restriction: The trade-off for the complete lack/erasement of cursed energy regarding toji is an IMMENSE physical prowess. His 5 senses reached an absolute maximum peak. He is completely immune to curses and can freely interact with them aswell. It's similar to maki but the trade-off is weaker for her

Regarding the heavenly pact/restriction: The trade-off for the complete lack/erasement of cursed energy regarding toji is an IMMENSE physical prowess. His 5 senses reached an absolute maximum peak. He is completely immune to curses and can freely interact with them aswell. It's similar to maki but the trade-off is weaker for her

Thabit Ayob

wow the girl has been in peace with the idea of assimilation her whole life. the moment she actually desires to live, they kill her. the author is ruthless.