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Gabrielle Renae

I was one of the people who really wanted you to watch this show. That way you can get to know all the guys and be reintroduced to our I-Land boys. I really do like this audition show but there were so many people in the comments who thought the Japanese producers were too harsh but I don't agree with that. It's not like they were criticizing them just to point out how bad they were. They were giving them advice and telling them what to work on if they want to be in this team and this competition. I think everyone did great I do feel like the Korean producers were more laid back than they were on the island show but I can see why. Anyway can't wait to watch this reaction.


Nicholas has improved so much since I-land! And he reminds me of Kepler's Youngeun lol


Idk ballet either but he did say it was just a hobby


I really like how you explain things so well for K.


yay can't wait to watch these after work!


Gaku my love, yeah no i was almost as crushed when he didn't make the group as when K didn't make Enhypen. Kinda hoping that Gaku might be transferred to bighit music to debut in the new boy group since Trainee A (unfortunately) fell through. I enjoy &Audition (and honestly Japanese "survivals") cuz it's not dramatic. Its purely focusing on the boys which I really enjoy. I'm excited to rewatch this through your reactions.


I'm professional ballerina, I majored ballet since 5, still dancing in theatre, the only idol member I can say 'she/him was seriously doing ballet for real' is Kazuha. That trainee was kind of off, but I think he studied ballet seriously, because that steps are kind of major-ballet steps. He was just little lacking, not professional moves and skills. \

Blaire 🌻

I assume he is no longer a ballerina and probably been training as a dancer for some time. I actually was pointing out to wonder "Did he mess up because he's THAT nervous?"


Japanese producers are crazy good. Under the skin's choreo is mind blowing and Inoue Sakura is the big brain behing it. I personally have a lot of respect for Genda Soma.


Ikon (aka team B in WIN) first lost WIN : who is next (agains Team A aka now winner). There was all the actual members of ikon minus Chan woo. They debuted through Mix and match where Bobby, bi and Jinwhan were for sure in the debut lineup and acted like leaders through the show. There was three new contestant : Chanwoo, Hongseok (now in pentagon) and Jinhyeong. The OG members from WIN made it + Chanwoo.


GAKU :( my fav

Lelemausi XD

Gaku was my fav :(

Silvia González

I think that since the first episode Jo improved a lot, and now that he seems like the center of &team he is captivating


Gaku gives such Daniel vibe to me


idk about everyone but i was really sad and it kinda shocked me that gaku didnt make it. for me he was always an abvious choice for the debut team. but i do hope he gets ro deut someday. junwon is participating in another survival show btw. its called fantasy boys and its the male version of the show that creazed class:y

lauren b

gaku looks so much like taehyung to me like almost spit image

lauren b

after rewatching this episode its actually crazy to me how similar his mannerisms and facial expressions are


mix & match the survival show for ikon was similar. When the ikon member didn't win "who is next" and winner debuted. They were in mix and match where b.i, bobby and jinhwan were confirmed and 4 other spots were open.


I haven't seen I-Land, so I have a question. Do you think there is a chance that Bang Si Hyuk planned during/even before I-land that they will use eliminated contestants for another survival show/group? Because I feel like Enhypen and &Team seem to be connected by the werewolf story, also this interaction right at the beginning of the show. Then I saw a video on YouTube, where both groups performed together. And I don't mean it in a way like: "Well, if they stay, we will add them to a group later on/We could offer it to them". I mean those 4 members could actually debut in Enhypen, but they decided to eliminate them to keep them for this purpose, because they knew they will be connecting these two groups in the future. Because although I am not that much into survival shows (actually this is my second one after LOUD and I decided to give it a try, because PD seriously hyped me in his reaction), I have to admit it works as a promotion for the group really well, so I my thought is Bang Si Hyuk wanted to "pre-hyped" this group by doing basically double pre-debut promotion for them.


there's something even more gut wrenching about watching survival shows knowing who makes the final lineup and still getting attached to trainees who don't. i watched produce x 101 over 3 years after it aired and was still sobbing in the final when jungmo didn't make the line up lol & cried when mebers who did were announced. no matter how much you prepeare yourself for the heartbreak you can't help but feel it as if you were watching it real time simply cause of how emotionally manipulative these shows are. i am not ready to feel the heartbreak over gaku again but alas here i am.

Jenn BL

Excited for this!!


PD, when you said Gaku reminded you of Yedam... I was like: "OMG, no... you are right!" When he started to dance I saw it there immediately and then when he stopped... the face expression of his was so like Yedam! I don't know if I have much to say, since it's really different from LOUD, so it's hard for me to compare it with something. The only thing I'm not buying from them... "the debut might be cancelled"... like really? I know there has to be at least some kind of tension, but come on... This reminds me the Stray Kids survival show. I saw only some cuts from the first episode, because I was curious about one thing. I heard it was presented there that in the first episode there was decided, whether new boy group or girl group will debut and... how could anyone believe that a new girl group could possibly debut instead of a boy group, when the latest JYP group at that time was Twice from just 2 years ago? Obviously it served really good as a nice teaser for future Itzy (and also Lily M of NMixx appeared there and maybe Boy Story, I think), but there was no way that show wouldn't be about Stray Kids/boy group. So in this case not only I am watching it now after they debuted, but I cannot simply imagine HYBE saying: "Alright, we put money into this, we are glad we spent some time with you guys, but sayōnara!" And "sayōnara" reminded me one thing. I don't want to sound like: "It's a Japanese show, it has to be shot in Japan", that's totally okay, but the fact that those Korean producers speak in Korean with them seems somehow... I don't know... confusing? Like at the end of the day those Japanese contestants signed up for a Japanese show. I'm not saying it's a big problem, but for example in LOUD Japanese contestants signed up for a show, which was created by Korean labels, so although LOUD was also presented as a show to create global groups, it made sense that non-Korean members had to face the situations of not understanding JYPSY. And because of that I would expect Japanese contestants to have the advantage of this here.


And also... random thought... If they need as much as possible &Balls, isn't an disadvantage that the one member didn't participate??


About your thoughts on Nicolas and EJ. First of all, I wouldn’t say that J-Pop and K-Pop are bounded to the language, because from the composition point of view, it doesn’t make sense to define a genre by a language. The song could be sung in different versions and the composition doesn’t change and that’s why Japanese version of a Kpop song doesn’t make it a Jpop song. I mean, we can talk about the phonetics etc and that for example Japanese fits more into rapping because of that, but that’s not a definition of a music genre. So from this perspective the biggest difference between these two are boundaries/limits. I mean, Kpop could be so much experimental, but it always keeps those esthetics, so it’s still accessible to anyone in the world. But Jpop doesn’t have boundaries. There could be not just experimental but weird as hell sounds and cross-overs of genres, that it would be hard to believe for someone, who is not into these “Eastern Asian genres”. And that comes from the mindset of that industry and country as well, but I’ll get to that later. Here comes the important part. All these “Letter-Pops” are more like indications of an idol scene coming from that country. So K-Pop is an idol scene from Korea and that’s why the main language there is Korean and J-Pop is an idol scene from Japan, so that’s why it’s in Japanese. And now the mindset. J-Pop comes from Japan, where the whole mindset has always much more (or better to say nearly completely) closed and separated from the rest of the world. Whereas Korea is really open and cosmopolitan. You talked about this a few times with the cultural appropriation in Kpop that they borrow things from the whole world and put it into one thing or for example once on a live stream someone asked: “How come I am a lesbian and I find those males in Kpop so hot??” And you answered: “Because in Kpop/Korea they treat many aspects to be sexy and not in the western way as directly connected with sex, but as the charm an esthetics”. Basically I’m trying to say K-Pop is not really Korean pop but “Kosmopolitan Pop”, because of all that things I have mentioned. And finally here comes the conclusion! That’s why Asians from another countries started to get into Kpop much sooner/really early on. Whereas Jpop with the mindset of Japanese culture was always really closed and that’s why it was mainly made of Japanese only idols. But with the growth of anime/manga and other Japanese things they have started to get open step by step and also because of the growth of Kpop I would say they are slowly starting to get on that hype train as well. I mean, they had their idol scene much more sooner than Korea and Kpop is actually inspired by Jpop in some ways, so it makes sense they feel like they have rights to be popular with Jpop too. And as someone who basically grew up on anime openings and Japanese music I can tell that first the availability has gotten way better to the “outside of Japan world” and also the sound sometimes sounds like: “yeah, this is something that could be liked in the USA” and also English words/lines are being used more and more as in Kpop. So my point is, although it’s not common in Japan to have non-Japanese members there, it’s changing and we are right now at the point, where Kpop was during the 2nd generation, where Hangeng debuted with Super Junior and Nichkhun with 2PM and JYP debuted Miss A, I think you know, what I mean…


this was a really interesting read, thanks for typing that out! :)


I was someone who watched both ILand and &Audition live, it always hurts my number one picks never makes in. Agh. K was my pick in ILAND (still my ult) but out of the trainees for &Audition, Gaku was my number one and Yuma was number two. I'm so thankful at least I got one of them, but I feel like Gaku was wasted talent... I ult &Team and love everyone in it, but I think HYBE was wrong to let him go. 9 is a perfect number, and I never would swap the current line out, but I think Gaku had the ability to be great in &Team. I hope HYBE does something with him soon, because you'll see throughout the rest of the show; he's similar to K's wasted abilities from ILAND. Consistently a stand-out trainee who does phenomenal, but basically has his debut ripped from his grasp. Again, not sure if I would have wanted a 10 member group, but I think he would have been a really stand out performer if he had made it.

Stephanie Dockery

Nicholas is Taiwanese ! So naturally he can speak Chinese ( mandarin ) & English fluently but he is still learning Korean and Japanese since he debut with &team So I give big compliments on learn and not giving up dreams be artist along with ej since he’s only Korean to debut in the group. Only other mixed and doesn’t have Japanese only nationality is maki who’s Japanese - German .

Julia Guedes

What’s the password??!