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Hello! Just here to let you all know we’ll be publishing this month’s schedule sometime later this week. We’re adding some new shows y’all might like 😁

For anyone new, we take a break from posting the first week of every month.

Also some exciting updates, we’re SO close to finalizing our set in the studio. We are literally one part away from finishing but some of the wood we ordered came BROKEN so we had to go through returning it and waiting on the last batch.

This month we are also going to be testing out our new podcast soon. We’ve been planning around it for months, it’ll be a public and free podcast but we will run test episodes for about two months and release them only here.

Also it’s my birthday this month and it’s a milestone year: 30! That’s right, I’m done for now. My life is over.

Alright but all jokes aside, I aired these worries once and two men told me that your 30s are actually your best years and life doesn’t truly begin until you turn 30. One was a producer for SM and the other produced fromis9’s Love Bomb so…I’m opting to believe them because they clearly know what they’re doing in life.

But I’m telling y’all this cus I don’t celebrate my birthday. The last time anyone celebrated my birthday I was turning 13 or 14. And before that was when I turned 5. I just feel like if I don’t do something I may regret it!

So if anyone has ideas for how I should celebrate my dirty thirty, suggestions welcome 😎

Also the streams we meant to do last month we’ll do this month and add to the schedule. Lot of stuff happened last month, and I find that unless I set a hard date, we forget about it.

Alright folks, we’ll see you soon!



My birthday is also this month. Turning the disappointing 20


looking forward to this month pd !!


Can’t wait for the videos ☺️


“the disappointing 20” lmao💀 that’ll be me this year as well


Happy birthday! I always think the best celebration is a spa day - massage and facial! Although idk how COVID is in your area. Also, just wondering, is there any change to the password for older content, or is it the same for now?

Amanda Bernström

My birthday is this month too. Turning 20 and I’m literally scared and anxious about that. Im not gonna be a teen anymore and I need to start doing stuff on my own 🥲

Réka O.

I'm 32 and those people were right PD, being in your thirties is so much better than teens or 20s. I think it only gets better. Anyway, I'm excited for this month's schedule!💜


Turning 30 in March and pumped to celebrate your Bday PD. Excited for what February brings.


Allow me to welcome you to the Fandom Hag territory PD. Don't worry. Your thirties are when you're hottest. went through a crisis myself when i got remotely close to 30, but now its all good. can't wait for the new schedule.

Rebecca Le Minh

I'd say celebrate with a few friends, eat good food on that day, and then travel after your birthday (any kind of trip, if budget allows)!! I've heard people say it really feels nice to start a new year of your life by going somewhere and exploring the world since you'll still have so much time to see many things 😍 I've done it for the new year once, I guess it is similar; and it did so much! Ps : excited for the new showssss


Didn't you know 30 is the new 20? You're still young PD!

Elise Green

I'm 20 on the 3rd which is tomorrow in the UK so it's a big deal for my parents.

Violet Joo

Happy Birthday!!! My 30s were all crazy lots of new things but I can tell you that 30s are more stable than the 20s. I'm so excited for the podcasts they are my favorite content of all. For tour birthday how about a livestream? It doesn't have to be on your birthday day but somewhere near it 😀

mistywolf the dragon rider

Sounds exciting, I'll definitely check out the podcast when you release it! I'm also a February baby, my bday is next week and I'm turning 18 so also a big milestone for me. It doesn't feel completely real to me yet, but I hope we will both have many new and happy experiences over the next phase of our lives


Really excited for this month!!! Happy birthday aswell, hope your thirties are everything you wish for! 😊

Don't call me.

I am turning 21 this year but have been doing stuff in my own since i was 16 and let me Tell U. Its nice. Took me 2 years to realize i am my own Person and mom and dad can do me nothing. They also had to learn and grow. But once you are over it its very liberating. The only negativ is U have to make decisions completly on your own and wont know the consequences of Most of them Till years later.🙈🌼

Don't call me.

Happy Birthday month PD! My Birthday is also this year and i am turning 21. Just going light for the next 9 years 😌. Also studies Show that the age for finding youself is getting further and further bc new generations are taking more time to explore!


You could always take some inspiration from Vincenzo and book a hot air balloon flight 😆 (budget permitting of course). I've heard some fairly good things about them but I imagine after your discussion about skydiving it's probably a pass. For myself I try to do anything that I quite enjoy but don't always have time for - I used to go to the zoo and visit a bunch of restaurants and museums for a few days around my birthday pre pandemic (and try and meet up with a friend for some of these things if we could coordinate). Whatever you chose I hope it goes well 🍀


Happy birthday PD!!! 30 is definitely a big milestone and I hope you are able to celebrate it well!! I’m looking forward to all the content and livestreams :) But, Happy Birthday again and I hope you all have a wonderful week!

Emi R.

Your time has come… please play 30 SEXY by Rain on your birthday 😏 It is the only correct answer for ringing in your sexiest decade!


happy birthday !!


Happy birthday month! Mine's this month too :D I haven't done anything super "big" for my bdays in several years; the most my family would do is take me and my twin sister to dinner (several times has been to Dennys LMAO). I remember having a bbq once but my bday also falls during Presidents Day weekend most years so it's kindof 2 in 1. I always try to celebrate with cake/sweets though and I even made our cake from scratch last year! I was thinking of doing it again this year but I'm not sure I'm going to have time to. My sister and I also like to indulge ourselves when we're on our own and get delivery lol, but in general we just try to treat ourselves some way even if it's small. Since it's going to be your 30th, maybe plan a trip or a weekend getaway if you can? I've known people plan trips for after their bday on the first available weekend so maybe you can do that and go somewhere/do something you've always wanted to do (or whatever you're comfortable with doing given covid) Whatever you decide on doing, I hope your 30s are AMAZING! 🥳


Yay I’m excited for the new videos in February! also the podcast! I really liked other podcasts you’ve done in the past. Personally for my birthday I always like to do something that takes me out of my daily routine, something that sticks in my memory more! I like to spend time with my favorite people for a portion of the day at least! Happy future birthday!!

Jude G

Happy Birthday Month PD! Honestly, everyone is scared of that decade, I'm glad those people told you that's it's the best decade because I agree. I just turned 33, while yes the pandemic started on my 31st year, I still am hopeful for the better. For suggestions, I truly believe you should plan something for yourself and not others! Do something you want to do, it's your day, seize it!


I didn’t realize we are the same age! lol I turn 30 in May 🙈 I rarely Celebrate my birthday too. I have no idea what you should do, but it should be something you enjoy! hope you have a great one and looking forward to all your content, per usual : )


Excited for the new shows and podcast!! I always love hearing your thoughts! I'm far from turning 30 (actually I'm turning legal drinking age this year) but I've heard from many people older than me that your 20s are spent navigating this world and figuring out your shit while your 30s are when you truly start to live. In perspective, my parents are double your age and are still enjoying life; it may seem like life is just whizzing by too fast but most people really do have quite a few decades ahead of them yet to begin. Whatever you decide to do to celebrate the next phase of your life, I hope that this month as well as the next phase of your life is fruitful and fufilling!

Meruka Hinaru

OMG! I also turn 30 this year! But mine comes up until November. I feel like my life has come towards a wall but I did get excited with what you mentioned in the post. I hope you do something that makes you excited and I know we all gonna have a great time as well this month.

valeria castillo

I would say that in your birthday you should go to a place you love, eat something delicious, and also buy yourself a cake and just enjoy the day. Also if you want to do a live stream some day during the month just to talk about you and your 30s; I think everyone will be happy to join just to hang out. Happy birthday, I wish for you a lot of happiness


Are you going to be reacting to the award show performances like mama for live streams?


I normally celebrate my diaversary way more than by birthday. For that I climbed a hill with a friend and ate cake at the summit while watching the view. Not exactly going all out, but I found it a nice way to celebrate. I'm also turning 30 this year, so I may have to take a leaf from your book and actually try and plan something to do!


Happy 30th PD, I'm turning 30 next year so I somewhat know how you feel. I'm sure I'll have a minor freak out when it comes but so many of the women I look up to became their most confident and beautiful selves in their 30s, my 20s were certainly nothing special, in fact a lot of it was the worst years of my life. I can mourn what I never had but not what I lost, at least.


Happy Birthday-month, PD! I'm approaching mid-30s... for me it's been the times I mostly have figured out what I really enjoy doing in life (and what/who's truly important) and caring less about the unnecessary. So far I agree it's the best decade. I ended up having a nice dinner and a karaoke session at home with my other half for my 30th. So have a nice celebration you're most comfortable with. :) Have a lovely one and I look forward to your amazing content as always.


Happy birthday month, PD! I'm turning 30 as well next month and I am set on making it 1000x better than my 20s. I developed this unhealthy habit of never giving myself what I actually need so for my birth month I decided to spoil myself by actually taking considerable time off work, setting a date with myself and buying things that I have always considered too much (like a new phone after 7 years 😂). So maybe you can do that too. Think about what you've been subconsciously holding yourself from and allow for some healthy extravagance, maybe a trip to a place that you've always wanted to go but never did for some reason. Whatever you do I hope it gives you a refreshed perspective on life. I hope you're able to welcome this milestone with the right energy to do more for yourself. All the best, PD!

希文 王

happy birthday month PD! this made me realize I'm super close to you in age (not that I thought you were super old but the difference is smaller than I thought! one year older than me! lol) honestly 30 feels around the time you settle more into yourself and know what you want/don't want to do with your life, so I'm inclined to believe those men! looking forward to the new podcast and new shows! I have no advice on how to celebrate except treat yourself with a little more kindness, maybe try something new for the experience? That's what I've been trying to do for these last couple years, whether it's traveling to somewhere new or doing something I've never tried! Wishing you all the best!


I have never understood, why people in their 30s or even in their 20s are like: “I am so old…” I feel like: “WTF? Are you about to die in a few years or what??” Just because they are not teen anymore, it makes them feel like they are done for good… I don’t have any idea how to celebrate your birthday or actually any birthday, because I don’t celebrate them as well… But for some reason I remembered you words from The Fan Attic Podcast, where you mentioned: “You know, this might sound crazy, but I would like to have 10 KIDS”… so… you know, let’s say one baby every year, so you should get started… 😹😹😹😹 just joking

Céline Verhaeghe

The way I wanted to celebrate my 30th birthday was going to Ateez's concert in Europe. But then Covid hitted so that was almost 2 years ago. It would have been perfect timing since they came like 2 days before my birthday. Now I'm still waiting to go. It was supposed to be this month, but It got cancelled again, so waiting on a new date. So I would suggest maybe go somewhere that has a meaning, so that you will remember it fondly ;)

CRAYON weiwen

Happy Birthday in advance, buy yourself a good meal, a new shirt and pants, spend a day do whatever you want, enjoy to the MAX.


My mom said the same thing about being thirty and that's the only reason I'm not an anxious wreck every time I think about it (coming next year for me) haha...So hope you celebrate in big style, definitely don't do anything that makes you uncomfortable and I think the company matters most, as long as you have great people around you it will be fun :)


Ayy we share the same birthday month!! I'm only turning 22 though, still got a bit to go before I reach my 30s. But since I'm still pretty clueless of what I want to do in life I'm just gonna sit here and believe that I'll peak and live my best life once I hit my 30s lol. 30s is the new 20s PD! 😌


Happy birthday month!!! I'll be 34 this year and even though most of my 30's has been during this pandemic, it's still been a pretty good time, family and career wise. :) I definitely think 30's has been the best decade so far!


Happy birthday in advance PD! I had my 30th birthday last year, and it wasn’t really exciting because of Covid 😅 but I agree with what most people have said that when you reach 30, you are more stable and it will be more amazing than your 20s. Looking back, I do feel my early 20s was amazing (I got to study abroad on scholarship and travel around Europe and Asia), but once I started working at 24, it was a bit dull and i feel like a robot just trying to survive a 8-5 job, having the same routine every day. Now entering my 30s, with all that experiences, I do feel it’s time to reflect and decide to do things that matter, rather than trying to please people or succumb to societal pressure. It’s like a new beginning and you are more confident to take charge of your life, compared to your 20s.

Thabit Ayob

I'll be turning 23 in March, and I'm still not sure what do i want to do. All i know and accepted is the fact that it's okay to not know and change your objective from the one you had 3 or 15 years ago. Life goes on and we change so it's okay to have different thoughts from time to time and to be lost in life


get some good kbbq or dimsum and then go on an in the soop inspired trip? see some of that winter beauty in other states hehe


Advanced happy birthday, PD! Try to spend your day eating some delicious food, and relax. Don't mind us, just take the day off at that time.


I heard the same thing too, that life after 30 only gets better! ( i really hope so tbh) I turned 30 last year in april and got married too. the only thing i just want now is to buy a house and have a kid and just enjoy my life the best i can. Happy birthday month! I think you should do what you wanna do and just enjoy the day with your loved ones.

Chris Walker

I hope kai's album peaches is apart of this month’s schedule


3rd month in a row manifesting for the return of Chuu Can Do It! *_*

Thabit Ayob

plz sixth sense need to come back, after loud ending there will be no other show other than sixth sense am excited for

Amanda Jay

Happy early 30th! 😊 When I turned 30 we spur of the moment drove to Primm NV from LA and I woke up the next day with a black eye... NO idea how it happened. 🤷‍♀️ Hopefully yours goes better! 😉😄


Happy birthday month PD! My suggestion is to put together a turning 30 playlist. Make a list of the most popular or your favorite or the most memorable song for you from each year that you’ve been alive and listen to the playlist straight through. ☺️


Would you consider doing Run BTS one of these days? ☺️

MioneTwin (my-oh-nee Twin)

Happy Birthday Month PD! No worries I'm at the age that sometimes i forgot that day is my birthday 😅


hear me out... channel_9


I've been binge watching the channel_9 episodes that I missed in the last couple of months, and omg I forgot how entertaining fromis_9 are! I second this btw


Please do an album listen for Weki Meki’s I Am Me. It came out in November and it is their best work yet I promise you will love it!

Clarie Q

That was indeed a phenomenal album with great songs!



kung lao

PD you will be amazed by Produce 48, I think its the best out of the 3 seasons. Just the friendships that have been made trough language barriers between japanese and korean trainees are beautiful. With that ending song being As We Dream I am sure u will shed a tear, it literally makes me feel like the 20 last contestants should of debut as 20.


Hey pd, happy early birthday! I relate so much to what you said about turning 30. I tuned 20 late last year & am terrified about my 20s since I know it’s a time of so much discovery & figuring out ones personal and professional career & just thinking about it makes me nauseous. But personally I’m looking forward to my 30s since I really feel like that’s when the fruits of my labour will come into bloom & I can truly live my life instead of trying to establish it. So here’s to a happy 30s pd & I hope you get to live your live to the fullest & happiest. :)


Hi PD! Just wondering if you’re planning to release your reaction to My Universe by BTS and Coldplay?


I think PD posted a Kulture Study on it a few months back, but it’s no longer on YouTube. Not sure what happened to it :/


I think it got taken down because of copyright issues

Bonnie Zhang

Happy early 30th PD!! I've just past my 25th and recently feeling the elder you get the number doesn't matter anymore as long as we are a little bit better than our yesterday-selves!!