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Hey guys it’s Blaire! PD totally forgot about the CIX album and it will be out this month! He was so focused on albums that came out this month that it was forgotten. Undetermined time and day. PD also knew he was forgetting a show, and it was weee:mergency. It will be coming out as well. Every Thursday. As for Hyoris bed and breakfast, sixth sense and sea of hope, they were started when he needed a break. They’re really long shows and they are just too taxing and not possible for this month. They were watched when basically nothing else was coming out so it worked. We’re taking a break in December so that we can bring back those shows in January or February. We need to get ahead for those shows to be able to come back.

Thanks for the feedback and reminders guys!

Have a nice day ✨

-Blaire 🌻



I'm glad Weee:mergency is still here


I really can't wait for Pd to listen to Cix new album, it's mind blowing. Bad dream alone was worth a listening party, but all the other songs are fire as well!


Is he gonna listen to BTOB's Outside album in the future?


Thank you so much! And I will gladly wait until january for sixth sense 🥰


hehehe thank you PD!❤️

Anjum Hoque

I thought pd's pronouns is they/them?? Im just confused


yay for cix and weeekly, thx for the update!


Is he listening to Moonbyuls latest album. He mentioned it in a livestream when he listened to her song absence 😄😄


Thanks for the update! Are there going to be any live streams before January? :)




Guys I have an honest question : I thought PD's pronouns were they/them but now Blaire referred to PD as he/him. Do you guys have more info on the situation ? I just want to be sure I gender PD correctly !


Been waiting for the cix album in months! Tho I don't mind waiting since the drama club has been really fun too💕 Thank you so much!


I'm confused. I thought PD pronouns is they/them. Was this just an error? Please kindly provide explanation. Ty

Kiah Elsie

Hey PD, is it possible to reupload your NCT 127 Favourite Reaction here on Patreon?? It got blocked and removed from your YouTube channel :(


Good new update to Patreon fixed the video links situation


Hey PD and Blaire! I think you forgot Super Junior's latest comeback, House Party. It came out in February (unless you reacted to it and It can't be viewed online)

Kiah Elsie

I’m in Australia so it’s not available in my country to view anymore :(