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Happy Autumn everyone! 

We'll be going back to our regular schedule this month but we hope you enjoyed our Halloween themed October month and the bonus contents we had. 



Some important notable things:

-We will be skipping SKZ KINGDOM WEEK episodes 6 and 7 at the suggestion of our audience! (It's just a recap of KINGDOM and the live stages we've seen from their comeback show)

-Since we finished GOING SEVENTEEN 2020 we will be starting up IN THE SOOP before we begin GOSE2021.

-BLACKPINK's 24/365 will now be watched in groups based on consecutive episodes!

-Our original drama club shows are back with the addition of DEVIL JUDGE!


-We will be taking a TWO WEEK BREAK in December. By "break" I mean we will only be posting two weeks worth of content as opposed to our current THREE WEEKS. I will personally only be taking 2 days off (Christmas Eve and Christmas Day) but I WILL be filming the rest of the month.

-So then why only 2 weeks? Well, I've actually begun changing my life towards a healthier direction. To keep myself on track and to keep me responsible I'm working out multiple times a week with a personal trainer and dieting strictly (been soda free for almost month now!). But I've found that it's been kind of impossible to juggle working out for hours at the gym with my trainer and filming as much as content as we do. So I am using these next two months to try and get ahead AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE (still not a month ahead yet) so that starting in January I can workout regularly and not have such a heavy filming schedule. So this is ONLY for December. January we will switch back to our current 3 week release schedule.

We hope you understand but choose to stick around in December. We'll try to have the December schedule up before November is over though :)




Good morning, happy November

Rebecca Le Minh

OMG EN O'CLOCK 😍 also have a nice day!


This is literally a dream list of listening parties for me !!! ENHYPEN, SOMI, KEY, B.I and WOODZ !!! Thank you for this awesome line up !!!


Happy November yall!


IZ*ONE back!!


Wow it will be a relaxing december with 2 In The Soop shows 😅 Excited for En-oclock!! Thank you for this PD! I hope you succeed with having a healthier lifetyle! I too have recently been doing intermittent fasting and have not been eating desserts for over a month now! It feels great!


i’m gonna miss chuucandoit.. but i’m really excited for Twice in Switzerland and some more Learnway!!


excited for everything in store this month! Happy November everyone 👏👏


Awww... Still no girls' high mystery class :(((



Giu Bressani

looking great PD! Also good luck with training and I hope you'll enjoy it!


still no cix...😔 you're missing out on some great music (i just know you'll love hello stranger chapter 3)

Sandy Cai

I thought it'll be nice for you to still watch the SKZ KINGDOM WEEK EP 7 but just SKIP the comeback shows you've already seen.


Loving all the listening parties (esp Key’s) and finishing out NCT World 2.0. I hope Nct Dream mental camp is next for December. Pumped for SVT in the soop as well other new shows of groups i typically don’t follow.


Yay.. So happy that SVT in the soop is scheduled. Also way to go PD. Your health should always come first. U CAN DO IT PD!! FIGHTING! 🥰💪


I’m soooo HAPPY 😆 iKon TV is back 🥳

Amanda Bernström

I recommend you to watch 2 episodes of EN'O CLOCK like you do for TXT TO DO. Some challenges etc are divided into 2 or even 3 episodes. Also i really hope you can start watching some more ATEEZ content, like Salary Lupin and Treasure film :)


Wow! Good job on the 'no soda drinking' :) ever since I started drinking only water I haven't been able to drink soda at all and honestly, I'm feeling a lot better and healthier than before. I'm glad you're taking good care of yourself now! I'm looking forward to all the content this month :D Glad to be back.


im so excited for this upcoming month ^^


I just finished Vincenzo, I can't wait to re-watch more episodes with you both!


Happy to hear about the no soda thing! 🎉 it’s really hard to stop even when you drink a little bit…I went for a long time without drinking any and recently I had one and I just get cravings for it so often now ugh Excited for the content coming this month!


Aw no sixth sense :( excited that penthouse is back tho!!

No Sana No Life

Yayy so happy to see you're getting back into Twice!!!


me too! i'm surprised there's no Salary Lupin since it was mentioned a while back we'd be getting it. oh well, fingers crossed it starts in December!


excited for next week :D


hey pd ! Just wondering if you are gonna react to mamamoo's latest comback and album ?


aw was hoping for sixth sense as well but im excited for svt in the soop. also there are behind the scene clips so it may be easier to include then in the same reaction as the main episode?


Goodluck on your health journey!! Trust me even doing the little things to help better your health will go a long way, you’ll feel amazing!!! Maybe in the next year we’ll get some Fromis_9 variety/reality! They are honestly so much fun to watch. But super excited to see how we close out this year 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


I’m excited for November!

Emma Ko

Your dedication to pursuing ways to developing a healthy lifestyle has been super inspiring for me! I’ve been having trouble balancing school, work, and my personal life: I’ve just been doing school and work and taking no real time for myself. Knowing how busy you must be with recording videos for Patreon yet still finding ways to work on yourself has really pushed me to start making time for myself in my life too~ I never realized how much I missed just reading for pleasure! Keep up the good work PD :)

Isabella N.

i’m really glad ur working on improving ur own life and health :) maybe i’ll draw inspiration from you.


Regarding Pixy: Are you planning to react to the MV they dropped for "Bewitched", the 2nd title track of the album? If not you could maybe include it in your LP :)

Isabella N.

also, is the december content planned for the last weeks of the month? i have a lot of work next month and then i’m going on vacation after christmas so i MAY skip december. normally i’d still renew my prescription anyway (ur videos have rlly helped give me smt to enjoy and look forward to so the price is well worth it) but i’m sorta short on money so we’ll see :/ i’ll DEFINITELY be here in january either way, though!! considering just paying for the entire year once i have more $$ 👀

Isabella N.

can’t wait for the svt listening party :D and the penthouse… *evil laughter* 👀😏


Been watching the Jessi showtime reactions however I think u missed dawns one 😩


I hope sometime in the future you’ll still check out one of onf’s past LPs. You mentioned wanting to do some in your popping albums party, and the comments had some strong recommendations about which one to do.


I believe it was the “city of onf” album. Followed by some more for “go live” if you have time bc it has Moscow Moscow song. But if you check out the video for that separately that would suffice too for now i think ☺️


Wow, as always so much content to get excited for :) Really great to hear you're prioritizing your own health and trying to find a healthier balance!


Hi PD! Is Sea of Hope and Sixth sense ever gonna come back? 😌


Are the Weeekly weee:mergency episodes stopped or temporarily halted this month?


So excited so much stuff to look forward to! I think I have stuff to watch everyday


whew thursdays are so exciting with twice, izone & girls planet. can't wait!!


I thought you would do a listening party for CIX Album and Sixth Sense would came back :(


Astro 'switch on' LP in December then? *crosses fingers*


Episode 4 has already been published


omg yesss en o'clock 😌🙏❤


Yess im so happy about the en'o'clock and btw just. A heads up these are kind of like going seventeen and to do txt were some episodes are also in 2 parts would be great if we could have the 2 parts episodes on the same day but theres not a lot of episodes out yet so if its one per week thats fine too!! Thanks for doing them ☺️


Hey I thought you want to do a listening party to Moonbyuls latest album. Maybe Dezember? 🤔

Lelja Hamisha

Ahhh I’m very excited for this month’s listening parties! Also omg svt in the soop🥰


Lisa's Money please 🥺

Nikao Alombro

Thank you so much! ❤❤


Was hoping for sea of hope and sixth sense bad but this still looks really good


im really excited for next month!! and its very nice to know that for december you will take the time you need! especially after uploading so much for october!

sadie peltz

Hi PD! I was just wondering if you were going to continue Chuu Can Do It?

Marcel Wannieck

I'm a bit sad that there are no livestreams this month, since those are the main reason I'm here. But I understand that you probably don't have the time for them with your current workload. I'm assuming that there won't be any streams in December either, right? Edit: Just looked it up and saw that you actually did announce last month that there won't be any scheduled streams in October and November. You can disregard my comment above then, I should've known :D


yess en-o'clock! so excited for this month


All looks great and sending lots of positive energy for your health journey. Absolutely no pressure but do you think you will continue watching sea of hope? It’s such a lovely healing programme that I hope you can continue, even if it’s not this month.


since NCT 127’s Favorite only has 2 additional songs, how about also watching their comeback show stages where they perform their b sides in a medley as well as the title track


PD has seen that ep. I am not 100% sure if the reaction was filmed before we started watching Showterview every week (you might want to do some digging) or the footage got corrupt, but they have definitely seen it.

Melissa O

EN O’Clock! Yay! You just made me so happy 😁. Thank you for choosing to react to them more.


out of curiosity, are you doing any livestreams this month?


So you’re just dropping weee:mergency all together? Didn’t mention it at all in this post.


I’m really excited for all the listening parties especially seventeen and pixy however Secret Numbers “fire Saturday” only has one b-side so it would be cool if you checked out their other two b-sides from previous releases. I hope your feeling better as health is the main concern and enjoy svt in the soop :)


I know it is a lot of content that other people enjoy, but Hyori´s B&B, Sixth Sense and Sea of Hope was my favorite content by far and I was so looking forward to its return that was announced for November. You should do the content you genuinly enjoy so I have no right to complain but I´m still a little disappointed:( Maybe one day though


No tri.be ep reaction?:c i'm sad hahaha


Will mcnd secret mission be in December or pushed off until next year?

Sham Sham

yes ikon tv is back and watching svt in the soop, cool. ive always wondered if u have listened to bobby's album? if not could we get a reaction to it one day.


yay!! super excited for your Enhypen listening party and en' o clock!! <3 this is my first month and i already am so happy!! thank you :)

Marcel Wannieck

Since Secret Number's Fire Saturday only has one b-side, maybe you could also check out Bugaboo's one b-side on the same day?


Oooh iKON tv is baaack! And we’re getting TMap 36&37 together, I’m pumped!!


where is Chuu T.T


I'm really glad to you're taking care of yourself and prioritizing your health in a way that you deem best for you ! Honestly if you ever feel like sharing basic tips about going to the gym for example I'd absolutely welcome that. I know I need to exercise for my depression and I just don't know where to start this is so daunting 😅 Lots of love to you and Blaire !


Hi Blaire, just wondering, is iKON TV ep 6 also gonna be part of the Nov 23rd releases? Not sure if it was missed when writing the schedule or if it will be skipped for that week. Either way is fine just wanted to know if it it was gonna be part of every tuesday release 😅

Réka O.

I'm so excited for this month's schedule, Mondays and Tuesdays are definitely going to be my favorite days! It works out great because those are usually my worst days at work so I will at least have some great videos to relax with in the evenings :)

Ivy Jaggers

@PD do you have the ready of in the BTS soop season1? I can only find episode 1.


Hi PD, will you be reacting to CL’s new ALPHA album?


PD, when will we be starting ATEEZ's Salary Lupin? ): I feel as though it keeps getting pushed back.


Hi PD! I am very glad to see that you put yourself first and try to change your life into a healthier direction! Rooting for you and wish you all the best!


Just wanted to say I really enjoyed the horror themed month. Definitely should do it again maybe one for pride month as well.


Hi PD! Woodz have another single album name SET before Only Lovers Left, there are only 3 or 4 songs there. Would you consider making it a double listening party?


aw dang, ive had such a terrible week and was really looking forward to the next gp999 video today, I never realised you were doing it next week


I'm confused. I thought PD pronouns is they/them. Was this just an error? Please kindly provide explanation. Ty


yayyy bts and seventeen in the soop

Martim Pereira

Hey PD! I wanted to know if you were going to make a listening party on CIX's 1st Album "OK" Prologue: Be OK? I think you would really like their album


Auww I was hoping you’re gonna do twice listening party this month as they’re gonna have a comeback this Friday soon 🥲


Hi PD. I was wondering if you could react to Hyunjin's artist of the month performance :)

Alanna M

Ah yesss, excited for the Dimension: Dilemma listening party tomorrow :D


Hi PD, i just wanted to suggest you to react to lightsum's reality "Do You" on M2 it's only 5 episodes and it ll be a great way to get to know them :) Cube artists also appear on it such as idle and pentagon! Lightsum's last comeback made me wanting to get into them, and i saw you really enjoyed VIVACE aswell so i figured maybe it ll be fun to discover them with you! They are sooo fun and touching from what i ve seen so far! I ll link the first episode to their show if you are interested :) ep1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcht385W8uI&ab_channel=M2


At what time will the lp be posted ?


I was thinking about the same thing earlier. I also hope they're able to check out their dance practice. That choreo for Vivace is mad underrated.


hi pd. are you going to resume watching Sea of Hope?


They had an issue uploading the listening parties, so they will come out next week


In an earlier post Blaire said that because Sea of Hope and Hyori's Bed & Breakfast are such long shows and they take so much time to shoot and edit that they are pushing them back to release in January or February. https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-to-58215511?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copy_to_clipboard&utm_campaign=postshare


Hey PD just wondering if you ever plan on reaching to ciipher? They are a new group that debuted this year under Rain's company and two of the members were on YG Treasure Box, Keita & Dohwan!! They had a comeback recently called Blind that the members produced I think you'd really enjoy it😊

lun gum

Hey can anyone explain how listening parties work? Are they uploaded here or is it a livestream


They are uploaded as regular videos here, but there was some problem with the uploading for this week's listening parties, so I believe they will all be uploaded next week. PD mentioned this in a previous update if you want to check that out. :) https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-videos-going-58439808


Pretty Please re-start live streams in December again!


Ep. 6 of 24/365 with Blackpink is missing from the schedule?


will livestreams be continuing next month or are they no longer part of the content?


Am i missing something or is the aespa ep reaction missing? 😔


hi when we will get enhypen listening party? 👉👈


Enhypen listening partyyy? 🥺 also can you reupload the nct favourite reaction, i think it got deleted 😭😭


hi when will Vincenzo ep. 10 be posted?


Patiently waiting for the Attacca LP because we know that album made you feel things. It made us feel things


So waiting for PIXY listening party... Is there an error in Patreon autouploading?

Réka O.

Hey PD, did you forget to post Weeemergency again because it's not in the schedule? :)

Marcel Wannieck

Hate to be that guy but where are the listening parties from wednesday?


Congrats on 6k Patrons PD!


where’s the somi xoxo LP?

pip pop

did i miss something or why is foe and the pents not out?

Isabella N.

hey, PD. should we still expect the foe and penthouse reactions today? i imagine they’re just a bit later than usual but maybe there’s been a delay or smt?


I think a reaction to Sixteen (Twice's survival show) would be great :)


will the CIX full album listening party be uploaded within the month?


Hi PD and Blaire! Would you consider reacting to the P1Harmony movie pls? Here's a google drive link to the subbed movie, but you can also find it on Weverse: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vbAywnj1kcfV3YFY5tSF9zg6uoqpu6Sg/view

Sophia Li

hey folks do u guys know the links to check out Kingdom legendary wars? Or have PD reacted to the episodes yet? Where can I check them out?


hiii yep he reacted to all of them, here is the link: https://www.patreon.com/formoftherapy/posts?filters[tag]=kingdom you can also watch kingdom legendary wars on viki for free ;)