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The Girl kind of had a Point with Hyunsu. He should be a bit more vocal about shit. Also, sunscreen and shit isn't something he should go get for them, like... There is clearly more important shit. Imagine he dies because one of the tenants wants their fucking makeup or something?!


The lady did turn, she has become the baby. That is why Hyunsoo was talking about monsters that don't hurt people. And yeah I totally agree with Dohyun's character, I love how logical he is and I feel like the other tenants don't realize they would probably be dead by now without him.


no, hyunsu needs someone like eunyu. she was telling him to stop being such a pushover and tell people when they're being hurtful to him instead of keeping it to himself. she's telling him to defend himself

Meruka Hinaru

If you think about it, Hyunsoo is the only one that's constantly encountering monsters, so my guess is that his comment on "monsters that don't hurt people" is not only referring to himself and the baby lady, maybe he has encountered monsters in his outings that don't seem to harm him or that appear non hostile.

Jessica Vaquero

I feel like everyone gets the wrong impression from Eunyu just because she says things in an aggressive and harsh way. With her character you have to read between the lines and actually pay attention to what she’s saying and not how she’s saying it. She’s better than the other tenants who pretend to care and be good people but when it comes down to it only save themselves.


absolutely!! i feel like they're just ignoring what she's saying bc she's saying it aggressively and "that must mean she's just being whiny again"


this! I also think it's dangerous for him to keep it all to himself. In this situation at least because he could snap at one point and that probably wouldn't be good for the whole holding out thing.


I'm still confused as to how church boy and gangster dude are so fucking strong.. like. Is it just the writing to make it more epic? Or are they also infected? Does an infection have to start with nosebleeds every time? Because we know there are other symptoms.. like hallucinations.


I think Eunyu is giving sound advice. In a world where desire is the thing that'd push you off the edge, culmulative resentment of being used and treated like some reusable tool can be what makes him explode to others. She's telling him to be a lil bit selfish and at least express himself to others. They don't even THANK him, just shove him a list and send him off upstairs.


I read somewhere that the reason he turned into a spider is because he had the desire to eliminate any threats that he had in his life


Here's the thing. There's a good argument for "you have to read between the lines and actually pay attention to what she’s saying and not how she’s saying it". But let's look at the gangster and also her brother and apply the same thing. The gangster did not contribute to the survival of the group but he also did not actively go against them, discourage them, etc. He's a man of very few words but his actions speak volumes to the strength of his character. Then look at her brother. He also says things in a way that is cold, not sympathetic or caring, but if you read between the lines, you realize he is right and is doing and saying all these things to serve the entire group. The gangster and the brother have goals and conviction. They stand up for themselves because they have something to stand up for. The problem with Eunyu is that she actively discourages people, talks shit to people, etc. This "She’s better than the other tenants who pretend to care and be good people but when it comes down to it only save themselves." <--- is woefully incorrect in the CONTEXT of this show. Think of it like this. What are the other tenants doing wrong that's worse than Eunyu? Because they're all pretending to be good people to save themselves? I agree, I hate duplicitous and fake people. But in the context of this scenario, this is an APOCALYPSE scenario. They make be fake, but they're trying within their own abilities to keep the peace in order to survive. Being individualistic and preservation for one's own survival is not a sin, it's your right! Now if Eunyu was brutally honest and harsh with her words but it served the larger purpose then cool. But Eunyu says harsh shit without looking at herself and to intentionally stir the pot. Are all the tenants pathetic just looking out for themselves? Hell yes. But in an apocalypse scenario, it's better to keep the peace rather than intentionally put people on edge. Eunyu is giving off a very "I don't care who lives or dies" attitude and THAT is why she's not better than the tenants. I can't say she's worse, but she's got no leg to stand on and criticizes the tenants while also being actively useless. It's not that she's wrong, it's that no one likes listening to brats. BUT here's the thing, I think it's just a writing issue. The writing is kind of super not realistic but I suppose it's not a really realistic show. Even the gangster, all my praises aside, is a VERY one note character. From what I've read Eunyu is not this edgy in the original webtoon and they made her SUPER edgy for the show. I personally think it just doesn't work, it comes off more like an anime character than a real person. But the more I watch this show I'm also starting to feel like that's kind of the point!


Well I'm starting to think this show is NOT meant to be super realistic. It's almost like a live action anime where rules of reality kind of go out the window.


I really liked Eunyu in this episode. She's the only one that seems bothered by everyone using Hyunsu as a tool/weapon. Or rather, she's bothered by him letting them do it and not saying anything but just accepting it. It's also bothered me for a while so i'm thankful that someone tells him that :D I've also been wondering why he just does everything he's being told without questioning it. To me he almost seems like a mashine or something. It kind of seems like he doesn't have any desire of his own and doesn't really have his own ideals/motives that lead him. Maybe that's why he's not turning completely? Because the "dark" Hyunsu that appears sometimes keeps asking about his desires but Hyunsu doesn't tell him... maybe he just doesn't know?


idk if its because im gay or because of personal experience (maybe both) but all im getting from the eunyu and jisoo bathroom scenes is sexual tension😭


For me the whole show boils down to character types until roughly the last 2 episodes. I'd personally put this down to one to two things; bad writing and/or a deliberate writing choice. I agree, this show 90% of the time feels like a live action anime especially with the characters being basically one thing the whole time. However, as y'all hit episodes 8-10 I'd say that's where the webtoon characteristics really start to hit home. My main thought behind the whole archetypes of the characters staying so solid throughout so many episodes is due to this apocalypse situation. What do we do when we're stressed or afraid? We revert to a singular version of ourselves and simply try to get out of that situation. Except, for literally everyone in this show, there is no way out. They have to adapt and that really can't happen in the roughly 7-9 days that the show has covered thus far through episode 6. It's actually something similar that we see in writing choices for other post apocalyptic shows like The Walking Dead. Seasons 1-2 sticks the characters pretty firmly in their character archetype until everyone is more used to the world that they now live in. Idk, just my thoughts on what all I'm seeing here in the comments. Also, I like Eunyu and Eunhyuk being pretty much 2 ends of the "oh shit the world ended, how will I emotionally deal with it?" spectrum. Eunhyuk taking the "logic only, emotion never" route and Eunyu taking the "all emotion, no logic EXCEPT MY OWN!" route. Pretty realistic for their characters' ages as well ngl.

Belle Christina

i feel like i'm the only one who loves the sister's character lmao she's my fav out of the whole show


After reading this comment section, I'm happy that I'm not the only one who likes Eunyu. I don't really find her annoying at all. Maybe the way she says things are not the best, but she has some good points and I'm glad she doesn't give a fuck to say it. I don't think that she's just bitchy to be bitchy at all and she might be my favorite character of this show!

Connor (Cyndr)

My take on Eunyu so far is that she's a shitty person who contributes nothing, but her personality just happens to be what the main character needs around him to wake up from his purposeless daze of being a tool. He's not assertive and clearly bundles up all of his emotions because he thinks that's easier than being confrontational and dealing with his problems (I can relate). Because Eunyu is legitimately the exact opposite of him, I think her advice will actually help him think more clearly about what he's doing and why. She's a very one note character, but she serves a purpose as a foil to develop other characters, and I think that has potential (I haven't seen the rest of the show so I have no idea what comes next ofc). I think that's the one benefit to having one-note characters in a show like this. If they're used right, they could serve as pressure for the main characters to develop more in different directions from their interactions with them, and I've definitely seen that used right in fiction before, but it's a thin edge.