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Hi, apparently the Patreon app is now fixed and the videos are available again without having to watch on web browser once you update the app in the app store so I think you won‘t have to post the vimeo links anymore! :)


Blaire's NASA costume is my favourite so far haha love it!


It is the same child actor from it’s okay! I’m so excited to see him in more roles bc he’s already so good, hopefully he can play a character and not just a younger version of one in the future.


THIS is where the drama really starts, next episode the pace picks up a lot and a lot of things are gonna make more sense.


listening to that story of why child kang yohan was the devil makes me laugh cuz idk if its just me??? but those kids got what was coming to them for being such damn bullies in the first place smh

Charlotte Gee

Yohan is someone who seems to be playing 5D chess and also is an agent of chaos. This show was written by an ex judge which is super interesting so the points that are being put forward are backed by someone who was in this world. I feel like this show is getting us to question why it's ok that cops can do illegal things but others can't. I'm team yohan.

Rain Sparks

I'm excited how much you guys are interested in Yohan!! I love him so much. It's also fun noticing things I didn't realize the first time I watched while rewatching with you guys. While I was watching for the first time I wasn't fully on Gaon or Yohan's side at this point. I saw both of their sides. I think personally I would have been on Yohan's side but like functionally for a political system/criminal justice I would have been on Gaon's side. I'm a lot more chaotic inwardly than I would be in a professional sense. Holding back from giving some of my opinions, because I do not want to spoil things for you guys. However, some of your explanation on your journey from going from trust in society and to having no faith in it is definitely touched on in the show. I'm excited for your opinions going down.

Connor (Cyndr)

I like Ga-on a lot as a character, he has a lot of nuanced personality traits and motivations, and his goals are noble, and yet at the same time he's willing to do immoral criminal things to get Yohan in trouble for basically the same thing lol. Yohan is still a little hard to read right now, and clearly he's fine with doing immoral things for an end result but until we see his motivations I can't side with him. So I look at this show with Ga-on's point of view, but I recognize that he's a hypocrite in many ways, whereas I don't agree with Yohan, but it's mostly because I don't know why he does the things he does.


I think the childhood flashback is even more meaningful when you remember that the ethymology of the "devil" is "the one who divides/splits". I think it was very clever as the title of the show


I fully and 100% agree with Yohan’s philosophy. Team Yohan. Still love jinyoung’s character tho lmao


I cant give my opinions unbiasedly unfortunately cause I have already watched the whole show, and I don't wanna say anything to spoil for you guys.


I personally side more with Yohan, but only because of the fact that the way he views the justice system is more accurate to what the justice system is actually like. It's rigged, it's corrupt, and sometimes framing evidence and manipulating the corrupt system is the only way to get people who deserve to be behind bars in jail. There is a part of me that also sides with Jinyoung's character because that is how I wish the justice system was actually like. He's less experienced with the justice system and wants to play by rules and be fair which is admirable and I'm rooting for him in that sense but he is naive and the line of business he is in has a foundation of unfairness. Jinyoung's character and Yohan in my opinion are extremely similar even though the show plays them out to be polar opposites. Their outlook on life is different but the things they're willing to do for their own form of justice are similar. Jinyoung's character is willing to do illegal things but neglects the fact it is illegal because he truly believes he's doing the right thing- which as you said is exactly what Yohan is all about.


i didn't know that about the word, that's super cool!


i still can't open it from the app:/ is it bc i'm using android?


I’m not sure Shia, I personally don’t use android and for me everything works fine so that’s a possibility but I honestly can’t tell you sorry :/


Everytime I see JinYoung's angry face I immediately look around for Yugeom


personally, i'm more of a result-matters-more person than someone who sees the process too. like different people has different way to do things. i believe as long as they can reach the desired result, it doesn't really matter what the process is to me. so i think i'm siding more with yohan.


I think the driver will be the next case. The female judge (i forget her name) said it's weird that Yohan insisted on that case with the "unemployed" dude...or maybe he does not want to confront the minister so early in the show

valeria castillo

I don’t believe justice exists. And totally by the side that laws need a change because there are so fuck up. But I don’t think that is okay to break the laws, and act like Yohan. I just can’t imagine a world where we all acted like Yohan. I would be a caos, so much corrupcion more than today, so much madness. Like PD said it would be a world with a lot of psycho people. We can’t live in world like that. I think that in this world we need more good people to make it bearable to live in a world as shitty as the one we live in. And That’s why I like this show because it shows us two extremes or ideologies, that personally I think both are wrong. And at the end of the day both characters are amazing, I think both will teach us lessons.


Definitely not the yohan side lol No way in hell I would ever agree to having a judge to have that kind of biased power. If he’s just a random guy, sure. A judge? Never. Constitution exists for a reason. A judge equals the entire society giving you the right to declare any citizen’s future. No one can attest you besides the laws. So if the laws petitioners are biased, then who gets to decide what’s right or wrong. Any human has errors and self motivations. Laws are flawed, yes, but so is a society with no laws. Can never agree to Yohan’s methods as long as he is a judge and can literally technically “murder” anyone if even the judge doesn’t follow rules.

Melo Melody

Too soon ( well I'm kinda of late BUT) Yohan is the system here and he sees things with an inside view so it's hard I'm getting the feeling that he is a psychopath but it can be what the writers want us to believe and not the reality, if he really is a psychopath it changes my opinion because he can be guided by power needing, but if he is not then he knows that the regular way of justice won't work and he wants to create his own way just like he did when he was a kid, he stayed still, observed the kids and slowly started to plant his seeds on their weakness to create his own justice which is destroying their friendship. Sounds even more psychopathic.