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Jopo 56

Don't wanna be that person...but it's very meh, and it has earned the record for lowest viewer ratings for a publicly brodcasted Kdrama ever. Hitting a all time low with 0,7%...

Giu Bressani

I'm not huge on watching kdramas (or TV shows in general tbh), but I started watching this because of Ateez and been enjoying it so far! It's a bit slow sometimes (but I heard a lot of kdrama are) and not anything spectacular, but it's nice, cute and fun

antonio corretjer sanchez (edited)

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2021-07-18 04:11:15 Really? 😕 But to be real, I don't think reviews will prevent me from watching it, I wanna shamelessly watch it because Ateez's & SF9 members 😂.
2021-06-18 23:14:03 Really? 😕 But to be real, I don't think reviews will prevent me from watching it, I wanna shamelessly watch it because Ateez's & SF9 members 😂.

Really? 😕 But to be real, I don't think reviews will prevent me from watching it, I wanna shamelessly watch it because Ateez's & SF9 members 😂.


I read the webtoon but it wasnt what i like so i didnt read more than 20ep. And i am not a fan of this type of dramas so its not for me. Sorry....


I actually haven't checked this out largely for the same reasons that you said whenever there's a drama with idols in it but the only thing I ever hear about it is that there are idols in it it makes me a bit concerned about the overall quality but I'm willing to give it a shot. See you on the other side!


i’m gonna be one of THOSE people and say i started watching it for ateez and sf9 and now park yuri 😆 but it’s a cute story, predictable but what show isn’t, and honestly for rookie actors (specifically atz, don’t know what the other guys have been in) it’s not the worst acting i’ve seen


It's the ultimate "turn the brain off" kind of drama, which I like watching inbetween the more intense "good" dramas as a palate cleanser. I think these stories have their place in the world of kdramas, I'm not so highbrow to turn my nose up at some simpler entertainment. I mean, I DID watch every season of How I Met Your Mother.. 😅 YMMV, of course.. Edit to add: I will say this, I was OBSESSED with the songs the girl group did. Like, they're legit addicting. The boy group songs tho... Umm, they're okay. LOL


I never watched a kdrama before so i think this is actually a good way to start that. So i cant compare but i am really enjoying the show. The first few episodes are clearly not as good as the later ones tho


I’m enjoying the drama a lot. It gets more interesting starting the 3rd episode if I’m being honest. I like the message the drama is trying to send. I hope people get the message and treat idols like humans and not robots.


The main guy is Jun from U-kiss, he is also an actor

Deb (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-18 04:11:12 The 1st episode is the roughest, shot & cut-wise. The overall quality of the drama gets much better so I’m glad I decided to continue watching. The male lead is Jun, full name Lee Junyeong, maknae of 2nd gen group U-KISS. He’s mainly an actor now & he’s really good! I confess I started watching Imitation mainly for him & ATEEZ.
2021-06-18 23:38:46 The 1st episode is the roughest, shot & cut-wise. The overall quality of the drama gets much better so I’m glad I decided to continue watching. The male lead is Jun, full name Lee Junyeong, maknae of 2nd gen group U-KISS. He’s mainly an actor now & he’s really good! I confess I started watching Imitation mainly for him & ATEEZ.

The 1st episode is the roughest, shot & cut-wise. The overall quality of the drama gets much better so I’m glad I decided to continue watching. The male lead is Jun, full name Lee Junyeong, maknae of 2nd gen group U-KISS. He’s mainly an actor now & he’s really good! I confess I started watching Imitation mainly for him & ATEEZ.


Well, it doesn't help that the show airs super late in Korea, like almost midnight


i actually really like it ! its a bit all over the place sometimes but its worth the watch, especially if you like me are a fan of some of the idols in it

Giu Bressani

I've been singing Show Me for so many weeks now lol and I will say I do enjoy Malo, if it was available on streaming platforms here I'd probably give it a few listens


I loved both Call Me and Show Me, but for some reason the frantic almost desperate pace of Call Me, I REALLY love


Adding another comment to say -- I don't know about anyone else but, if you find yourself really not enjoying the series I would rather you drop it and pick up something else to watch, than making yourself finish it for completion's sake. It's not for everyone. It would not be enjoyable for me personally to watch someone *endure* a show, just because we requested it.


I was about to watch the newest episode, but how can I resist this watch-a-long?? Overall, I'm enjoying the show. I think it's doing some really interesting things in exploring the kpop world (in a highly dramatized way, but still). Sometimes it feels like it's spinning its wheels a tiny bit, but the characters definitely keep me engaged.


i haven't started watching the video yet but i have been enjoying this show so far! it's definitely not the best k-drama in the world but i think they're trying their best and i like the message that the show is trying to send as someone else said. if you aren't enjoying it tho i don't think anyone will want you to force yourself through it! i stopped after ep 3 because i just haven't had time to catch up recently but it's definitely not for everyone lol


This was an adaptation of a webtoon! I'm not sure how much of a difference it makes when trying to preserve some of the webtoon elements (I'm assuming like all those flashbacks and scene cutting are from there??) vs starting from nothing/scratch Also yeah the first episode I was SO confused 😂 but now re-watching it, im like "OH wait that connects with that" Oh and I think Ryeok is Jun from U-kiss :)


the first episode sucks because they cut it really confusing but it gets a lot better after that. also Kwon ryuk is played by Jun from U-Kiss.


Okay I can now say that I'm not convinced but I didn't hate it? The writing was definitely all over the place for me like I don't know where they are going with this and the first episode didn't give me anything to go on as far as what the show will ultimately be about other than idols. At this point if you continue to watch it I'll continue to watch it and hope it gets interesting. I am generally interested in that kind of behind the scenes and the life of the entertainment industry angles so I hope that will be enough but I'm not really expecting this to be the greatest k drama of all time and that's okay if there's a good enough entertainment factor.


As a webtoon reader, I was a bit dissapointed at how much they changed the show. It roughhh. There’s also so many drama clichés that wasn’t originally in the webtoon :(


The first episode was all over the place with what they decided to show and I think they ended up showing too much. I feel like it should have ended after they were paying their respects to Annie. There isn't as many time leaps after this and it's much easier to follow. It's nice to have Meg along for the ride!


i honestly haven't minded the show so far, it's not exactly.. the best drama out there, and it feels a little awkward at times, but I think especially considering a lot of the cast are rookie actors it's pretty generally enjoyable once you get past the first episode imo. I was honestly mostly interested in watching it for the sake of Jun (The maknae of U-kiss and former member of unb) sf9 and suwoong lmao, but I think the ateez are doing really well considering its their first real acting role.


This was kind of bad.. ish? Like it was fun to see Ateez and other people I recognize but other than that it felt kind of boring. But the rating is decent so we'll see how it unfolds I guess. Now for my recommendation. I don't know to what extend you are interested in mystery thrillers but if you are, my recommendation goes to 'Flower of Evil'. It is in my opinion the best kdrama of 2020 and I watched A LOT of them last year. Main actors are Lee Joon-Gi and Moon Chae-Won and they are both just stellar actors (Chef's kiss)


It feels more like it leans on the Web series side than kdramas for me I originally started watching it for ateez and sf9 and I didnt like the direction and it was so over the place but like by ep3 I started to enjoy it and just ignore the flaws in it and treat it like a fun show and not really put it up to my usual kdrama standards As for the music unfortunately I'm sorry to tell u that it doesn't really get better


i honestly thought it was kind of boring. Like I don’t like the plot or even the acting, not personally aimed at anyone but just the script in general is just lacklustre and doesn’t really give the actors anything to work with.


K-Dramas make me cringe, this one wasn't bad but I still cringed at times lol, but PD saying that they felt like this was a episode of Black Mirror, I literal felt that!

Amanda Araujo

not gonna lie i wanted to watch this show just because of Chani and Hwiyoung and because i heard they talk about some dark things in regards of the music industry, but after watching this first episode with you guys im kinda meh too, i also didnt like how they begin a ton of stuff and didnt finish any but i still have hopes it gets better and at least becomes more fun to watch oh and the guy from Shax that you asked if he is a idol yes he is Jun from U-KISS and he was also in UNB he also does mainly acting nowadays and this one might be an exeption but the other kdramas i watched with him as the lead were so great


I wish you started a TV/Netflix drama like: Startup, instead of imitation. But I will still watch it, because I like this drama aswell haha.


I don’t like it😭 I think it’s meh


YESSSS IMITATION!! I actually love the show it gets better after ep 1 but I do agree ep 1 was a little rush


The show gets better the further you get. Now that's not to say this is some really in-depth thought-provoking drama cause it's not lol. I like the show mainly for the actors (Ateez and SF9) and some of the other characters, but it's a typical rom-com kdrama with the setting revolving around idol life. The show obviously tries to be more serious about things that can happen with idols (such as mental health) and sometimes it does a good job and other times it's a bit cringy, but with all that said if you take the drama for what it is and don't expect too much it's a nice and easy show to watch.

Amanda Bernström

i actually like Imitation. The first episode was a bit weird i guess but The series gets better and better!


The first episode is the most confusing. After that is gets much better


I think watching this and watching itaewon class and penthouse. It’s a nice buffer series. I like imitation cause you’re just rooting for these groups to succeed.

Giu Bressani

finally watched it and OMG YES EMPIRE!!!! I loved that show so much and the music was FIRE, I don't think I ever finished seson 2 as well, but god that 1st season is so good

Emi R.

I’m all for this show because it’s so nostalgic for me! It’s got all the cheesy goodness of kdramas from 10yrs ago but better cameras. Also I like that they’re playing into the kdrama tropes. It’s obvious to me that they know they’re doing it and doing it on purpose. And like someone said in an earlier comment, kdramas based off webtoons have a certain “plastic” flair to them which I appreciate. If I wanted a realistic, hard hitting drama with social commentary and deep character development, I’d watch something else. This style draws you in with the surface level dialogue, dramatic scenarios and dumb comedy but smacks you in the face when you realize there are some real lessons to learn especially since this is based in the idol world(which is rarely the setting for a kdrama, how dare we poke holes at the picture perfect image!). I completely disagree though about a “good” episode of a show needing a beginning, middle and end. I pretty much hate all American tv shows and cannot stand watching them because of this. I could not care less about side quests. Give me a kdrama that’s just a long ass movie chopped up into pieces and I’m happy. I like shows that END. Like once the scenario is wrapped up I’m happy to move on and see the actors in another role. I’m actually worried that kdramas are starting to do multiple seasons now(one of the reasons I won’t watch Penthouse).


The shade towards Pledis is what I pay for 😂🤭 esp with Pristin


It gets better , the first episode was a little complicated but it makes sense, the show is trying to display like the reality of idol life, so there’s a reason the songs are like that. they made the music for the show and they’re properly performing the songs in real life on tv shows and like music bank, u can watch and listen to them off screen , but don’t expect like amazing music from every group😭 because the whole point is that some are meant to be shitty or low budget to reflect the reality of the group


They did that because I think a lot of people in korea disliked them Webtoon so they changed stuff, the author said it would be very different after complaints about the Webtoon and it’s themes came out it in articles I think


The Main male role... ryeok? he reminds me of a Korean Dylan O'Brien


It feels more like a webdrama than a drama to me


The storyline is pretty cliché, and I'm not really a fan of the ML or the FL, I'm more interested in the rest of the cast, especailly the background of Chani's character and the adorable partnership between Yuri and Jongho. It's a very cute drama that tries to dive in to some of the realities of being an idol. They seem to do that aspect pretty well and you'll see some of the issues they bring up during the episodes


Yo everytime I see Chan Hee he always gets the mysterious character who is later brought up to make us sad.


I don't know anything about the new dramas posted here in Patreon (itaewon class, penthouse and now I see this title) Of course I will watch them all, but just from the title and the thumbnail I'll start with this one


At the moment I’m finding the show pretty lackluster just bc of the writing. Like there isn’t a lot of solid motivations for the characters so like honestly I’m watching it with an air of “they’re acting with what they’re given” kind of like Twilight in a sense lmaoooo. But yeah, I feel like it does get a bit better in later episodes but at the moment I’m finding it hard to believe Maha and Ryeok’s characters. Those 2 just fall a bit flat for me while all the side characters are honestly just stealing my heart, like the leader of the girl group is low key my fave atm🥰


Definitely something I was watching more for background chatter than for watching it, it’s ok. I found myself watch at like 2x speed a lot tho


The storyline is too mainstream. I stopped this at 2nd or 3rd episode? Because i didn't really feel it. It's obvious how's the story going to. Same as the earlier comment, it feels more like web drama than the actual kdrama. For me it's also hard to focus and the progress is too slow. I don't enjoy as much as i expect before. Not sure to continue the rest of episode. These days, i finished kdrama called "Mouse" starring Lee Seunggi and became one of the highest kdrama rating! Maybe if you interested, you can check or add it on your list. I wanna tell you about the synopsis basically about mystery thriller which gonna reveal psychopath murderer. Each episode got me really scared and curious about the next one. Always has a new case that can help to guess who is the psychopath. And even had a plot twist in the mid of episode. It was fun for me! I hope you can considering this drama. If you gonna watch this, i'm happily gonna watch it with you~


im going to be honest, i only know this drama because it has ateez and sf9 members in it, its the only reason i know this drama exists. the plot is easy to follow, its alright? i'd love to see the ateez members in different kinds of dramas tho, as i think they could pull off better acting? ESPECIALLY YUNHO


Am I the only one who likes this drama?


In the first episode I was also a bit confused but after following until episode 8, this drama is really good. many things about idols are not visible at all. Fortunately the low rating is because they broadcast this at midnight in Korea so people choose to watch on the web and other sites, Netizens were also surprised by the rating. Thanks for watching, have a nice day ❤️


I recommend you to watch "The uncanny counter" is amaizing


I don't know... i don't really think Imitation is something you would fully enjoy watching and reacting to. I don't know why so many people asked you to check it out, I don't think it really fits your drama taste (from what I've seen so far). Idk, I feel like everything you haven't liked about it up until now will just get worse and I also don't think it's a plot that would particularly interest you but of course, who knows, you might fall in love with it eventually. I just wanted to say that just because you have started it doesn't mean you are forced to keep watching it. If you don't like it, you can always switch it up with whatever other drama might interest you. Have a nice week! :D


Gotta agree with what a lot of people already said. I watched up until like... ep 4? I think?? and it just got worse and worse. I started watching it because kbs is like really pulling all stops to promote this series and is like painting it as this "never seen before view of the idol world", but it really is just a glorified fanfic and I find myself criticizing a lot of their supposedly "realistic" behind the scenes of the entertainment industry (and the plot.....and the characters...bc really this is not well written). So ultimately I gave up on it. Watching it out of spite was not fun at all so I really don't recommend continuing if you are not feeling it. ^^


I was initially super excited to watch before it started but I'm been slowly losing interest with every episode. It's just.. Nothing much happens? Or stuff happens but it feels very low stakes. The pacing and some of the acting choices(especially Ryeok's characterization) are inconsistent. Actually, this made me go back and start rewatching Dream High! It's high cheese, for sure, but at least it was *entertaining* - which sadly, Imitation is turning out not to be. 😩 Plus, I argue the idol-actors in Dream High were actually pretty good in comparison.


man dream high was silly af but it sure was very entertaining...but imitation is kind of....idk not even the "goofy" characters are well written...also for a drama all about romance I don't give care at all for any of those couples and the only person I was actively looking forward to seeing was the girls' barista ceo lol


It's just so... Bland? Is that the vibe I get? Dream High was entertaining high drama, kdrama cliches and all. I wasn't bored, that's for sure lol


i just had the chance to watch this with PD and I did go ahead with the series to see if it got better but lemme tell you...... in my opinion this show is a waste of time lol. I dunno why so many people asked for it? but seems like everything you're hoping for to get better just gets worse. I feel like it could be an idea for PD to try a series out for a few episodes and then decide if they're gonna drop it or not, i'm assuming that was the plan for penthouse if i remember right not sure about this one! but maybe for a contrast in genres and a genuinely interesting show that isnt all that romance and actually much better (but not fresh and new) storyline, you could maybe look into Extracurricular on Netlfix? Although you should probably check out the trigger warnings too. I think it was a wild ride and the actors do an amazing job. Kim Dong-Hee and Park Ju-hyun play the main roles. Maybe something worth looking in to? :)


Personally I'd recommend Flower of Evil if you want to change the drama. I've watched every episode of Imitation so far but it's far from being exciting. In my opinion it gets even worse every episode.