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So I got the e-mail I've been dreading for a few months.

As long time Patrons may have noticed our Patreon has been growing. But with growth comes more bandwidth usage.

Last year I was hit with a $5,000 bill because our Patreon got so poppin' that we used up way too much video hosting space. Since then I've made a few back up accounts to spread out our uploads so it doesn't look like one account is using up all this bandwidth.

However, even with that, one of our backup accounts got flagged because that account has been pulling in double the amount of our usual views. If you guess if it's the account we upload our Friday shows on, you guessed it. Starting with I-LAND we got more views and now with Itaewon Class and especially Kingdom, our views are near tripled on that account. Which means I got hit with an even fatter bill.

We got hit with a $13,000 bill and that made me go sheeeeeesh.

Now here's a couple issues I'm running into:

  • I've got no cash right now. And I mean NOTHING. I paid off all my debt the month before and I just put in for a loan so all my cash is tied up.
  • It's going to be 13k and it's going to be an UPFRONT annual bill. If these were payments it wouldn't be as much an issue and I'd just pay it monthly on a credit card.
  • If we don't pay 13k by June 13th all our Friday content (i-land, good girl, kingdom, road to kingdom, etc.) and listening parties will be deleted.

Now for the good news. Last year on Patreon I had to stop posting for a month because the video hosting service wouldn't let me upload until the bill was paid. For now I can make a FOURTH account and pay for the premium ($700 a year upfront but I can easily credit card this). But I cannot keep the videos on here long because it'll attract too much attention again. I'll host them on this account just long enough 'till I can pay that $13,0000 bill.

What that means is that future Kingdom and Drama Club episodes will be posted but probably DELETED a few weeks or a month later and then I'll reupload them on the usual account once the bill is paid.

This also means TEMPORARILY, all I-LAND, Kingdom, Queendom, etc. content might be deleted on June 13th because as of now we absolutely do not have the money to pay the bill. But I will back up those episodes so that when we CAN pay the bill we will reupload them there.

I need to be clear: We can't pay this bill right now and that's fine. We can credit card a few alt accounts to keep posting content. I am also not poor or anything, this just came at a very very bad timing when I just happen to have no money so don't worry we're not financially hurting. 

But with our current earnings I don't think we'll be able to pay this bill until August. But if anyone does want to help us out we would gladly accept any donations of any amount. Our PayPal would be the best bet: media@formoftherapy.com and you could always just increase your pledge temporarily on Patreon but PayPal is more direct. But again, we are absolutely not hurting for money so please don't feel like you have to donate or help out or else you won't get content. Content will still come out as scheduled but our back log just has to be temporarily deleted.

So if anyone can help out, great! If not, it's fine. I'm a little stressed over this but at the same time I'm just tryna see the bright side of things. It just means we're doing something right and getting bigger right? I remember hearing how Roosterteeth got slapped with a $10,000 bandwidth bill on their FIRST month so I'll consider myself blessed.

Thanks for helping us grow guys!



I NEED TO EMPHASIZE: There is NO WAY you guys can donate enough that we get the $13,000 in just a week. So please do not donate a lot if you choose too. We're just looking to help with the costs of making another alt account.

Marcela Pereira

Oh, sheesh indeed, PD! I'd love to help with anything but I shouldn't even be paying for Patreon lol it's totally on me and my priorities. But if I get the chance to donate even a little tiny dollar I will! Some people pay for cable or Netflix, this is it for me :)

Shayla Lackey

Sheeeesh. We can figure this out!

denise den

OK how many patrons you got, if we all donates something it's a start


Well we have 3,000 patrons but nah we don’t need the “if we all donate” thing because YOU GUYS ARE ALREADY PAYING FOR CONTENT. And for some people this is all they can afford and I appreciate that and don’t need more than that. I can figure things out on my own but I’ve also learned to not just shoulder burdens by myself so if anybody wants to help? Great. But no not everyone has to pitch in 😎


i have a little extra cash than normal this month thanks to the government paying student nurses for our work in the pandemic so i can donate a bit and hey if i get offered a job during my interview tomorrow i might donate some more in celebration! 💛


Well in a way, it's a positive (?) problem. That your audience is bigger, engaged and invested in your content. We have to take silver lining where we can aye

denise den

We will figure this out, learn to accept help, I know it's hard! But fk lol I miss the live streams! I've seen itewon class but bloody watched it with you again and it makes my blood boil! Plus you love onf, it will be OK x


Not to be insensitive about the current issue, but will Itaewon class episodes still be up on schedule? Was wanting to watch before I go to sleep ^^


i honestly dont understand why vinmeo insists on such HIGH amounts of payment, it feels like a ripoff and completely unnecessary. Honestly it even feels illegal, though it most likely isn't.

joe cooke

Would a option being making a secret YouTube channel and posting patreon content there as unlisted, then provide the link to the videos here? It's absurd to get a bill like that for simply growing your audience


I think they will be since they are pre recorded. I'm pretty sure all the posts are timed automatic uploads and it used to be that the last one would post by 3pm pst but since PD added some changes I don't know if that time is still accurate.

Joel R

Does anyone in your team have a cash app or Zelle account? No PayPal for me.

Shayla Lackey

Probably wouldn’t work because a lot of copyright issues. PD wouldn’t be able to post the reactions to videos and most music related stuff would have to be no audio or they’d copyright strike them



Opinionated Matt

That's ridiculous tho, is there no easy way to know when one gets over the limit?


Hopefully everything get sorted!! We support you!!

Sandy Cai

Donated! Maybe everyone can at least donate a dollar or 3 dollars?


I became a patreon I don't know if it's any help


Done! Hope things get sorted out for you PD :D


That's terrible to be hit with that all at once with no way to plan or pay via installments! Do they not offer any bandwidth monitoring that you can use to know when it's time to start uploading on a new account? I know you said you'll be fine eventually with this bill but I'm just thinking about the future as your patreon is only growing.


I’ll definitely donate once I get paid again! Especially since I cancelled my advance chapters for another app. I’ll just give you that money 👌