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And it begins. I don't know if I've ever been more frustrated and angry at a character than this episode of Itaewon Class... Excuse me for the profane language used in this video but my blood was BOILING. 

No spoilers but so far along, how do you guys feel about Soo Ah as a character? I admire the actress for her performance but oh god.


Itaewon Class Ep. 4

This is "Itaewon Class Ep. 4" by Theresa on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.





I hate soo ah a s a character honestly I have never once liked her at all throughout the whole show

Mariam Toffey

I liked the way the actress portrayed the character, but I was never into the idea of a Soo ah and Saeroyi relationship. She will never be the type of person to help him accomplish his goals or add anything to his life honestly.


she’s one of my favorite characters, if not my favorite. she never really has a turning point but I definitely feel like I had a moment when I realized she was really... understandable? justified? no, those aren’t the right words.

Kiwi Space

I didn't like her, and in the end I still didn't like her even tho I tried hard. Like I get the decisions you made when you were younger but you are grown now. And I hated the way, she'd make herself justified when hurting or glazing over Saeroyi feelings, that whole teenage girl mentality of "Well...he likes ME" or "Even after 10 years, he loves ME." Like I get it, but do you have feelings for him or do you just love the idea of someone still loving you even after betraying them ever step of the way? My favorite character is actually Yi-seo, we love a psychotic female lead, lol


Soo ah is my favorite character


the majority of everyone who watches itaewon class hates soo ah (as shown by this comment section), but she’s actually one of my favorite characters and I only know a few who also like her. her decisions and morals are questionable but she herself is not a bad person. I may have hated the things she does or chooses to do, but at the end of the day she was an interesting character that made me more thoughtful and curious about why she does what she does than angry at how her actions affected saeroyi.


Man, PD gave me a reason to stick around to watch the whole series. Looking forward on the name calling.

joe cooke

alright this is my favourite reaction of all time. I have never laughed so hard in my life. Thank you PD




I actually do like Soo-ah as a character. In my mind, she is like Yi-seo and Sae-ro-yi if they had used different methods. Instead of doing what Yi-seo and Sae-ro-yi do, which is to plan ahead and then execute, she has a more... present type of action where she takes the best present available option. (This is what my non-analytical/non-practical part of my brain thinks since I did not notice or pick up on the obvious red flags for her character the first time I watched the series, so I am almost definitely not a good opinion to ponder about)


Lol pd if you're like this for itaewon class what would you do if you watched penthouse


I actually do like Soo-ah, she is actually one my favourite characters in this show.


as an irish person your use of THAT word in this situation was very much justified bc i found myself uttering that exact same thing LOL


It’s so funny to see your reactions and compare them to my own when I first watched the show. I actually liked Soo Ah. I always sympathized with who “the real Soo Ah” would be underneath this selfishness, her growing up in the orphanage and all. Idk, she never rubbed me the wrong way like that. I don’t condone some of her actions but I always believed in the good in her. Yi Seo, on the other hand, was a straight up psychopath to me lol. I personally found her lack of sympathy towards almost anyone but Saeroyi a huge turn off, like the way she treats her friend Geun Soo who clearly genuinely cares about her. Like, honesty is commendable but why it gotta be mean? Her calling out Soo Ah on the phone call thing was smart though - she’s very brainy, but emotionally inept. All in all, both female leads are problematic and I kinda feel like Saeroyi deserved better than both of them lol, but I will always prefer Soo Ah over Yi Seo. Curious to see how your feelings towards the characters develop as the show continues!


and ive said this last episode, but when i first watched the show i definitely rooted for yi-seo rather than soo-ah. reading the comments its really interesting to see the difference in opinions. personally i thought soo-ah's selfishness and the 'barrier' she put around saeyori was really off-putting. although i do admit yi-seo's lack of empathy and care for the people around her, (for example geun-soo) is problematic, i do think she grows beyond that. whereas in my personal opinion soo-ah never really changes in a favorable way to me. just my own thoughts.

pip pop

i kinda like sooah


Gosh I hope no one spoils you stuff! I had totally same reactions but by the end loved both girls and really like the way it ended! Really hope you do too or at least enjoy the ride! XD


I mean Saeroyi is not that great of a catch to deserve some kind of an ideal woman. He is an amazing character but as a partner also not exactly empathetic and it would really suck to be always on a second place to his vendetta.

Connor (Cyndr)

It's been quite a while since I watched this, so I had to do some thinking on why I like Sooah. Overall, I think my take on her is that she's a very cold person who is dealing with the world and her ideas of how it works in a way that makes sense to her, and I like that she sticks to her own personal morals, even if I don't agree with her decisions. I actually like her in everything except how she treats Saeroyi, and I'm a lot like Saeroyi in that I kinda look for the best in people and have a problem with recognizing when people treat me badly, so it's easy for me to kinda look at who she is outside of those interactions and view her the way he views her. I don't think I would personally ever get along with her, but I do respect her confidence and consistency, and I think that's the same reason Saeroyi likes her (besides being his first friend lol)

Connor (Cyndr)

Her relationship with Saeroyi is 100% toxic though and extremely unhealthy. Also what is with all of Kwon Nara's characters being part of toxic relationships in all of the dramas she's in? Like get her a positive role lol


To avoid spoilers: Just watch the rest of the series and save your judgements for later. I actually enjoyed Soo-ah character. I felt she was very human, very flawed but actually realistic. Not that she didnt have frustrating moments but after watching whole series I understand most of it. She had bad past which made her into very selfish being - not to say its a full justification, lots of people with traumatic/abusive/etc experiences turn out great as people later in life(or go down totally mad path too sometimes). Soo-ah however has this far more real feel to me. Yi-seo was pretty cool character too but I dislike a bit this trope of "good at everything". Saeroyi is similar in that regard - u can say his fault is being "dumb" or "too understanding" but overall he is just too good to be true - like he has not a dollop of evil feelings in him. All humans are prone to some form of weakness, prejudice of kind but he has none of that which makes him "too good to be true" altho makes great main char of a drama - you literally cannot root against him as a viewer.


My best friend and I watched this over the first UK lockdown last year and we were literally raging at the TV. We HATED Soo-ah the entire time were watching it. Yi-seo is also a bitch but at least she was our bitch (literally what we referred to her as whilst watching XD )


Soo-Ah, I like her as a character. I think she adds a good dynamic but I dislike her as a person. She's just a big coward and it's even more noticeable because Sae-ro-yi is that honorable. I think the scientific term is that she is a Thundercunt


I really don't see how Soo Ah friend-zoned Saeroyi?? I feel like it's kind of the other way around or that they're both kind of wishy-washy. Because when Saeroyi first got out of prison and came to Itaewon to meet Soo Ah she made a clear move on him and invited him to her room at the end of the night but he rejected. And she does say in this episode that he is always kind of vague. What really annoyed me about Saeroyi in this show is he keeps telling Soo Ah he likes her but doesn't do anything about it or show it in any way? And tbh I felt like it is Saeroyi who's dragging Soo Ah along not the other way around??? idk if anyone else feels this way too


It seems like PD channeled Jay instead of Heeseung

Amanda Araujo

i laughed so hard with PD channeling their inner heeseung lmao also i really hated soo ah in the beginning of the show too but towards the end i started to like her more and with yiseo i really liked her in the begging then later i started to dislike her lol but in the end i just wished saeroyi didnt end up with neither of them honestly



Irene K

Honestly in this drama all the leads (Soo ah, Saeroyi, Yiseo) are stupid and problematic in their own ways. I guess thats what makes them relatable and realistic but its really hard to constantly root for any of them considering their dumb/mean choices. Especially the FLs are so toxic and selfish. Saeroyi should just fly solo if you ask me


I 100% understand why people are so passionate about hating Soo ah, but to me, if it weren't for her I probably wouldn't have continued watching this drama. She was by far the most interesting and complex character in this show and also the most real, and while I did dislike her I was also very empathetic towards her.


am i the only one who was bothered by Yi-seo kissing a passed out Saeroyi ???


you are not alone, it made me so upset too! how is that okay?! and it was supposed to be like a "cute" moment and the fact it was portrayed like that is what made me even more bothered

Juliana Ferrari

First time I watched I tried so hard to like Soo ah, rooted for Yiseo but kinda hated her sometimes too.


I liked Soo ah’s portrayal from the actress and I didn’t exactly hate her, but I never wanted her with Saeroyi. I didn’t like their dynamic


I don't hate Soo Ah. My only issue with her is that she shouldn't string Saeroyi along. I just think that she's a product of her upbringing. She's actually not a bad character, all things considered. She's just one of those characters that you don't fully understand until the story is over. She has her own motivations for what she does, and at their base, they are good intentions. I will say this though as a bit of a spoiler...she has her motivations, and by the end, you will probably have more respect for Soo Ah. She's playing the long game. Oh and to answer your question, from the start, I was rooting for Saeroyi. I don't really care who he ends up with, but I just root for Saeroyi to succeed and for the Jangga family (father and dbag eldest son, Geun-Won) to go down. The younger brother, Geun-Soo, I like him though he does have some darkness in him as well.

Christian Rodriguez

I want to apologize to PD but I still like Soo-Ah's character the best.... Was never really a fan of Yiseo. She just comes off as this bratty person who does things for her own self interest because she thinks she's perfect and I felt like it was a reoccurring thing. Soo-Ah however, I felt like knew how to separate business from personal affairs. She felt the immorality of it but looked out after the place she worked for. It's wrong but it's right as messed up as it is. That's my opinion haha

laura ramirez

I believe Saeroyi is "dragging Soo Ah along" just because he is determined to reach his goal and be successful, before finally getting together, just like Soo Ah wanted. I think PD meant that Soo Ah friend-zoned Saeroyi when she said "we are friends", instead of saying something like "we like each other". This is just my opinion tho, I definitely understand your point of view, it's interesting! :)

laura ramirez

When I was watching the drama I did NOT hate Soo Ah's character, but I did not like her either. I remember thinking just like PD, "I wish they (Soo Ah and Saeroyi) don't end together". For some reason, I did not ship Yiseo with Saeroyi either lol. One of the reasons was that she kissed him even though he was drunk. At that time, it was a weird mix between being in the middle of liking and disliking both Yiseo and Soo Ah.


I'm big fan of Yiseos character


I agree with everything you said about yi seo. I also think it’s crazy that people expect so ah to abandon her life in order to support sae ro yi’s dream.

jeon yk

Yi SEO sometimes went too harsh on people around her, but I love the fact that she truly tries her best to get Seroyi achieve his goals. Even it looks super selfish sometimes, you gotta admit that she's a real one. if you don't like how she treat you then just get gone. She's always honest and I love that.

jeon yk

For Soo ah, no matter what her behind motivation is I don't REALLY like the way she hesitates about choosing side. You know she can just live her life and no one gonna blame her by that. But she only makes herself terrible because she got things in mind. And I'm like B I T C H can't you clear yourself first?


Never seen PD pause so many times just to rant. It makes an already long reaction so much longer.


51:41 lmfaooooooooooo im crying bruh