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Mai B

I got a lot out of the show. December and January was really terrible months for me, I was sick with an infection all of December and Denmark went into a strict quarantine again in January. Watching the show really helped me pick myself up from feeling trapped and exhausted and depressed. I’ve started doing yoga now and I’m going for a couple of walks every week.

Christian Oettl

It was such a feel-good- show. The PD made Secret Unnie before, including for some episodes also both Hani and Sunmi even though with different juniors. She has a feel for getting the right people on the show. She said on the press conference that even she was surprised how open the girls were with sharing their thoughts and hardships. Also, by everything I saw from her both from this show and other shows she was on, Hani seems like such a genuine, down to earth and caring person. Besides her being gorgeous and a great singer and dancer she just seems to be a great effing person.


throughout the 4 episodes I always wondered why I never saw them sprint at the end of their runs bc it was something I always found to be so rewarding to finish it off, but then seeing chuu finish her run and then start crying actually gave me tears in my eyes. It all just felt so monumental and heartwarming. This entire show is just really motivating and healing and for me the biggest take away was to do things at my own pace.

Opinionated Matt (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-18 04:46:10 One of the best TV shows I've ever watched. What I took away is honestly just hope, I need hope and I'm kind of figuring out that one builds their own hope. So I took away empowerment too in a way... The only thing I'm lacking now is decision or THE motivation to live a full life or just live (meaning progressing in life)... I like observing people and to be honest the more I watch the more I don't like what I see (it's mostly the vicious cycle you were talking about PD) so I really need to find my way because this all is just killing the person that I am and that I can be and that I aspire to be. Now that I've decided to stop writing nonsense, Hani. She is the first idol I remember seeing (here, for pure chance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2gWx7oIvSI&list=PL29XDrSJN_vPz493LEjESHoeN-rzAuCkF&index=9) and I do so because of her incredible hair and for the last 2 years "위아래" has been my ringtone because of what that song has meant for EXID, life. Thank you for watching the show with us PD, I'm proud of you and I'm proud of the girls. See ya.
2021-02-26 18:53:52 One of the best TV shows I've ever watched. What I took away is honestly just hope, I need hope and I'm kind of figuring out that one builds their own hope. So I took away empowerment too in a way... The only thing I'm lacking now is decision or THE motivation to live a full life or just live (meaning progressing in life)... I like observing people and to be honest the more I watch the more I don't like what I see (it's mostly the vicious cycle you were talking about PD) so I really need to find my way because this all is just killing the person that I am and that I can be and that I aspire to be. Now that I've decided to stop writing nonsense, Hani. She is the first idol I remember seeing (here, for pure chance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2gWx7oIvSI&list=PL29XDrSJN_vPz493LEjESHoeN-rzAuCkF&index=9) and I do so because of her incredible hair and for the last 2 years "위아래" has been my ringtone because of what that song has meant for EXID, life. Thank you for watching the show with us PD, I'm proud of you and I'm proud of the girls. See ya.

One of the best TV shows I've ever watched. What I took away is honestly just hope, I need hope and I'm kind of figuring out that one builds their own hope. So I took away empowerment too in a way... The only thing I'm lacking now is decision or THE motivation to live a full life or just live (meaning progressing in life)... I like observing people and to be honest the more I watch the more I don't like what I see (it's mostly the vicious cycle you were talking about PD) so I really need to find my way because this all is just killing the person that I am and that I can be and that I aspire to be. Now that I've decided to stop writing nonsense, Hani. She is the first idol I remember seeing (here, for pure chance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2gWx7oIvSI&list=PL29XDrSJN_vPz493LEjESHoeN-rzAuCkF&index=9) and I do so because of her incredible hair and for the last 2 years "위아래" has been my ringtone because of what that song has meant for EXID, life. Thank you for watching the show with us PD, I'm proud of you and I'm proud of the girls. See ya.


Another show I recommend is "Hyori's bed and breakfast", while being really different it is also a very relaxing and feel good show.

ejmy bures

The major thing i took from this is probably realization that im pushing people away from me. I love being alone, but recently Ive been thinking that it may be because, I dont even let people get close to me. And without the closeness I cant really be myself, which also kind off shows that Im just a pussy that cant open up to people and also the fact that people find me intimidating sometimes, because I act tough all the time. So, yes the major thing I took from this is that I want to spend more time with my friends and that it may not be that bad of an Idea to open up.


This show really makes me want to take care of myself more, I always had this irrational fear that if I take care of myself I'm going to neglect the people in my life (that's gone now because there's no one in my life). The vicious cycle you talked about is all too familiar to me and I really hate how people have convinced us that working your ass off for the majority of your life with very little rest time and almost no ability to pursue things outside of work is somehow a fulfilling life. To combat this I think I'll actually start doing things I WANT to do in order to live a happy life. I still aim for financial security but above all I want to aim for happiness now. We only get one shot and I'm not wasting it behind a computer screen or behind a counter. The ending of this show was really touching too. I also hope your plans for beginning to run go smoothly, love ya PD!


Before the show I barely knew anything about Hani and now after the show I admire her. She seems like a friend everybody wants to have.


I also got that same sort of thing out of the show. For one, it made me miss or long for the people I haven’t been able to spend time with in a long time. And it also has driven me to want to exercise. Honestly I haven’t exercised since high school (I’m 21 now) and I always just feel so weak and tired. But exercise has always embarrassed me and I’ve always also had a fear of the outdoors. But today my mom and I are going to do a jog around the park. And im nervous but excited! I don’t know if I would’ve decided to do this right now if it weren’t for watching the show. I hope it makes me feel better and I do it again too. Thanks for watching the show with us PD!

Nico Engels

I personally took a lot from this show as well. That is why I had recommended it to you! First off this felt great for these 5 women. The industry they are in seems to be such a hardcore place to be. And to have them come together and share all this was interesting to watch from a viewer perspective but I was way more happy to see them happy. This is also the first "Kpop variety show" I had watched that truly felt real. The scripted shows are fun too but the honest feeling of Running Girls is what I like the most. What I took away for myself is that I have to pace myself differently from time to time. It's not bad to drop something once in a while and pick it back up later. It doesn't mean that it is going to disappear for ever, which is a fear I developed due to my crohn's disease 10 years ago. I have a big social anxiety and this show made me more confident as well, because I saw how people were able to open up to each other in the best way possible. The exercise part that you discovered for yourself is something I discovered over the last 2 years I think. I had stopped exercising after I got diagnosed with Crohn's disease when I was 13. Before that I had done Karate for 3-4 years and then played soccer for 4 years but since I was hospitalzed for about a month I lost my endurance and after that I never picked it back up. In the meantime I had a depression caused by medication and my mental struggles and I felt so bad about everything. I wanted to kill myself only once but I was actually able to stop myself from taking all the pills I had laying in front of me. And a year after that I went to a therapist again after many years and everything got better for me. 2 years ago I started working out again and I realized how big of an impact that makes for me. I had developed a feeling of being useless and my existence felt unnecessary. So every day I beat myself up over days I was "unproductive" and working out got me out of that cycle. Even though I still feel like that a lot, just 30 minutes of home-workout make me feel like it's worth existing. It feels like I was not useless for the day, you know. And Running Girls reminded me of this to be honest. So, thanks for watching it with us again and I hope it helped you and I hope you can get your friends to run with you. It really is worth it. As always, love you PD!


Great reaction to the series PD! :) Something interesting following yourcomments on wi arae/hani - in a similar turn of events, rollin by brave girls is currently charting again 4 years after its release!