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Hey everyone I’m going to be really quick but there was a big family emergency last night. We dealt with it all night and today. I know we already postponed the first episodes for each show but this is a bit unavoidable.

I promise we will film it and have it out to you by Monday the latest. Apologies, it’s just difficult February for everyone and an incident occurred and I need to take care of my family first. Everyone is fine for now.

See you guys again on Monday!



no worries family first!! :) take care


Can’t wait for you you get back!! Sending love for your family

Aubrey Strause

Your family is the most important thing!!! I hope everything is ok!!


Don't worry PD! This is not your fault so take care of your family and will be here when you can come back :)

Opinionated Matt

PD I'm really sorry to hear that, this month has been really awful it seems and we can all just do our best to get out of it with some sanity. There's no need to promise things, for now given the situation let's just say that they will be out when they will be out.

Thomas Butterworth

This has been a rough month for you PD. Please remember to take some time for yourself and to rest. Stay safe. I hope everything works out OK for you.


no worries PD, family always comes first. i can't wait to watch i-land with you!!!!

Rocio Gansey

It's ok pd! Some things are unavoidable and you always bring the best content so it's worth waiting for it!! I hope you are well these days. I've been watching your road to kingdom reaction (a bit late I know) and I always enjoy your commentary and input. I don't leave comments often bc of being shy but tonight I felt a bit daring. Sending lots of love and cheer ✨


Take as much time as you need PD ^_^


Family comes first! Glad to hear that things are alright for the moment. Have a good weekend!!


Family and health first. Take as much time as you and your family need. We will be here when you are ready.


No worries PD. Family always comes first if possible. Take care.


That is completely fine take all the time you need!


Don't worry about it. Family first always

Tony Bian

Family first PD🥰


Hope everything is okay xx