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Like the dumbass that I am, I’m realizing that I filmed but forgot to upload this week’s episodes of ITS OKAY TO NOT BE OKAY. Can’t do much about it because I’m out of state for my hospital visit but I’ll be back soon and upload them Monday! Sorry I’m a doofus, a lot happened this week (basically I almost uprooted my entire life and moved to Korea) but I’ll talk about it another time! Stay safe y’all! Someone I know (and someone y’all might also know) got covid so be extra careful!


Sapto Wibowo

Stay safe PD. Hope, everything is good.


Stay safe PD!!! 🤍 hope everything goes well!!


Wishing you the best!! Stay safe!


omg i hope you stay well and safe! take care PD <3


Don’t be sorry PD! Stay safe


That's ok, just be careful and stay safe 😊

CRAYON weiwen

It's ok, this make my coming Monday more bless xD

Thomas Butterworth

It's OK. Stay safe PD. Wishing you a speedy recovery.


Wishing you health!!