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Hey folks, so I will be going on a BRIEF hiatus this upcoming week so that means no new Kulture Study videos (except the 3YE one already scheduled for Monday). I currently do not have the capability to film. I recently moved out of state very last minute and we could not fit my setup into my car. I will be going back to LA this week for my gear so videos will resume the LAST WEEK of July (27th).

Patreon video will continue but the setup will obviously be much lower in quality. Appreciate your patience on this, had to move out LA a month early because COVID-19 is getting crazy in LA. If you wanna check out our Patreon videos that's over at patreon.com/formoftherapy but if not that's cool. I'll be back verivery soon.  Stay safe.



김 영주 Kim Yeong-Ju

I thought you moved because of the A/C not working? Doesn't matter. Anyways, take your time. I recently moved amd even though i did it in one shot I had a LOT of help. I can only imagine what it'd be like with being only 1 or 2 people.

Marcela Pereira

It's okay! Take easy, PD 💪🏻 Thank you for always keeping us posted 🙆🏻‍♀️


Will there be long patreon videos (rtk)before 27th? Because the long format videos have ept being delayed 😢

Isabella N.

i think they were already planning on moving but the ac thing got them moving way sooner? i’m not sure tho 😅


Stay safe, PD!

Belle Christina

lowkey praying the hotel del luna reaction is already filmed because i miss it😭