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I love and appreciate you all.


why i quit social media.

thank you all.


Fatemeh M

yo i'm so excited for you and proud of you! you are one of my favorite content creators and i really wish i could support you more financially. i genuinely appreciate your authenticity and honesty, and the way your reactions & original content bring new things to light for me as a listener/viewer. i'm glad you have made decisions to continue your work and better yourself, i can't wait to see where the future takes you! all the best <3

Kate M

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Take care of yourself! Twitter is a toxic swamp where I've carefully cultivated who I follow and what I mute so I don't destroy my mental health.


literally love you man, i’m so glad you’re taking this bigger step and i’ll be sure to support you all the way through. thank you for everything so far and i’m really looking forward to what’s coming next.

Brendan Olivera

Hopefully you can get partnered on twitch and that could be some additional income you may be able to make too. And since youre on twitch dont be afraid to add a donation button in your description, never know who may be feeling generous when they stop by. You have been pumping a lot out the past few days, which i appreciate, but please do not burn yourself out either!


This was a brave decision and, personally, am very proud of what you have accomplished so far and the exciting year ahead of you. It's gonna be your time soon, PD. Keep at it. Also, the only thing I would accuse you of is introducing me to new Kpop groups that I now stan and subsequently dropping a shit ton of money on to buy their albums.


Good job pd. I quit Twitter and FB recently too. I'm kinda in a similar situation like you, but with University. You've set a goal for yourself. Time to get it!


Proud of you PD. Definitely a good decision in the long run. Hope to do it myself some day. Sucks to be so dependant on it. Hope you get the love you deserve moving forward. You are one of the most genuine people on the internet.

Aubrey Whetten

Thank you PD, we totally support you. I hope you find all the love and peace you need and more.


Congrats. It is scary to do new stuff, but I bet you’ll love it. Best wishes.

Oakley Chen

Twitch has the most toxic chat but your not big enough to get the trolls in, it's a good platform to share your thoughts and contents it will help your YouTube alot and you can do outdoor live stream as well, try to get to 1k viewers first GL


Thank you for the explanation, and don’t worry we love and support you no matter what. At first I was sad because you made twitter so fun, and I was sad to lose that part of interacting with you but after watching this I realize that it’s going to be really good in the long run. Good for you, good for your content, and good for us in getting to be a part of your journey. You are something special, you are incredibly talented and have a voice that needs to be heard and I will help out in any way I can to get your voice out there. I want to see you thrive and I want to see more short films but most of all I just want to see you happy. I love you so much PD 💞

Steven Poythress

Wish you the best on getting in shape...I went on the Keto diet 6 months ago and lost 60 pounds...feeling great!


Omg you got me crying. My old lady hormones... anyway. We support you. Its hard to step away from the social media trap. I hated the lies too. I also hate more when people believe them with no proof. I kinda hate Twitter in general. I'm also overweight and I want to lose weight. I have a lot of health problems that actually make it hard to work out. If I could get past the pain though eventually it would make me feel better. However I used to be tiny and athletic. I hope you achieve what you are looking to achieve with that. Anyway I just completely relate. I don't really care what others think of me. You met me without my teeth. I can't wear them because of my illnesses...it literally hurts to wear them. People always stare at me. I don't care what people think but how I get treated sometimes breaks my heart. Inside I feel like a beautiful young 25yr old..lol I'm also so sorry to hear about this betrayal. That's the worst. I've gone through so much in my life that when I see others go through something similar.. my heart kinda bleeds for them. I wish I could help with more than words and with more of what you need. When we interacted at kcon you never once made me feel judged in anyway. You just don't deserve all that negativity. Ahh just got the waterworks going. These tears are for you. I hope you know how much we care but also how much each person can relate in some way. Love you. Do what you love and be happy. Good luck with your goals. I believe you can reach them. Now I'm going to share some smiles with you. Sorry if I'm all over the place sometimes. Is just who I am. Last thing ... I really have been through a lot, if you ever need an ear... is not weird. Just sayin ><


Whoa, who wrote that super long comment?😎

Jacob Peter Bankel (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-18 06:16:40 Hey PD, stay strong man. Right now it feels like it's you against the world, but I hope you realize how many of us are with you in this battle! YouTube recommended your reviews to me about a year ago, and that got me into K-pop, which is the only colour in my gray 9-5 work day... Thank you. I believe you are doing the right thing, denying all the haters a voice. Fill you life with positivity, man, if anyone deserves it, it's definitely you. The biology of the human body is crazy and mysterious, getting better physically definitely helps with the mental, so go get 'em. I'm 6'8" you are basically a nobody ;) get on my level :p I want you to know how brave I think it is to promote LGBT as much and as vividly as you, in this day and age. But kudos to you for being a precursor. Betrayal truly sucks, hope you don't loose faith in the people around you, but be careful of course! Bruh, we are already proud of you! I look forward to following your growth onwards. Love from Denmark, fighting PD! <3
2019-08-31 19:12:01 Hey PD, stay strong man. Right now it feels like it's you against the world, but I hope you realize how many of us are with you in this battle! YouTube recommended your reviews to me about a year ago, and that got me into K-pop, which is the only colour in my gray 9-5 work day... Thank you. I believe you are doing the right thing, denying all the haters a voice. Fill you life with positivity, man, if anyone deserves it, it's definitely you. The biology of the human body is crazy and mysterious, getting better physically definitely helps with the mental, so go get 'em. I'm 6'8" you are basically a nobody ;) get on my level :p I want you to know how brave I think it is to promote LGBT as much and as vividly as you, in this day and age. But kudos to you for being a precursor. Betrayal truly sucks, hope you don't loose faith in the people around you, but be careful of course! Bruh, we are already proud of you! I look forward to following your growth onwards. Love from Denmark, fighting PD! <3

Hey PD, stay strong man. Right now it feels like it's you against the world, but I hope you realize how many of us are with you in this battle! YouTube recommended your reviews to me about a year ago, and that got me into K-pop, which is the only colour in my gray 9-5 work day... Thank you. I believe you are doing the right thing, denying all the haters a voice. Fill you life with positivity, man, if anyone deserves it, it's definitely you. The biology of the human body is crazy and mysterious, getting better physically definitely helps with the mental, so go get 'em. I'm 6'8" you are basically a nobody ;) get on my level :p I want you to know how brave I think it is to promote LGBT as much and as vividly as you, in this day and age. But kudos to you for being a precursor. Betrayal truly sucks, hope you don't loose faith in the people around you, but be careful of course! Bruh, we are already proud of you! I look forward to following your growth onwards. Love from Denmark, fighting PD! <3

Judy T

Hi PD, I just watched this and wanted to say I'm super proud and happy for you that you're taking these steps! I also started a social media reduction a few days ago and it's really helped me feel more present and clear minded. We do lose so much time in a day getting distracted so I know it'll take you far. As for the fitness goals, my biggest tip is that consistency is key. Don't try to do too much early and don't burn out. Focus on building that habit of getting your ass to the gym / exercising everyday/most days for a sustainable (maybe even easy) amount of time each time. The consistency will pay off far more than busting your ass every single time you try. You'll eventually start to notice that you've come a lot farther than you expected without even realizing it. Oh, and if I could suggest a creator to inspire you and impart life wisdom around goals/intentionality, check out Matt D'Avella's youtube channel and/or podcast if you haven't before. He's a minimalist filmmaker whose content has really changed how I think about creating and living. I think you'd really love his stuff. I respect you a lot and will keep supporting you! Good luck!