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ok I know I said I was gonna post today but I couldn’t cus I was out ALL day way longer than expected. Figured I’d give you guys an explanation and let you in on a secret...


I spent all day cruising shelters and towns looking for kittens and played with lots of cats. Turns out kittens actually come out TOMORROW morning so I’m hoping, HOPING I’ll be a proud new parent by tomorrow. I’ll post videos here on Patreon either Sat or Sunday when I edit and resume public videos Monday.

Sorry about the delay but I’ll post plenty of kitty photos to make it worth it!!


Rose C

i'm so excited that you get to be a kitty parent!!! can't wait for pictures and videos!


Aww! Hope you find a good kitty PD!!


I am SO happy and excited for you, but at the same time I'm yelling "NooooooOooo" because the birthday gift I got you is on a verrrry similar vein. 😂😂😂 Hahaha oh well, I guess I need to mail it this week then!

Mayanita Le

Omg I’m so excited for you 😭😭 I want one sooo bad! Have you thought of names yet?




Yeesss! Good luck with picking a kitty! We have 4 cats at home and it's crazy but so much fun at the same time 😵😆😍 can't wait to see it! 😍😍😍

Mai B

I’m so happy for you, I can’t wait to see the pictures!! 💜

Lilou X. Ravensdale

OMG when you pick him/her we need to see a photo


Oh my gosh! Happy for you!! It'll be a lil bundle of joy