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Meet my baby Valkyrie. She’s four months old and needs a lot of love. At three months her owners adopted her but then abandoned her because she was “too shy”. I knew I was the only one that could show her the love she needed. Welcome to the family.




I love her uwu

Rachael Hahn

Never clicked on a notif so fast. She’s so cute. I’m so happy for youu 💕


Valkyrie is the BEST name. what a precious child

Sheila Vaidyanathan

Aw what a beautiful kitty. I know from personal experience how much better cats can make your life, so enjoy spending time with her.

Abby G

Oh my goooosh so cute


So cuuuute, I hope you guys make eachother happy.


I love her. Please shower her with affections and bless us with pics

Rose C

what a sweet baby!! welcome to the family


Valkyrie omgggg soooooo cute

Lilou X. Ravensdale

OMG I love her name and she looks just like my cat Fiddle, only slightly more irange

Mayanita Le

the cutest wittle baby with the bestest name UWU

Mai B

Oh I love her, and her name is so pretty! 💜