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Hey Patrons!!! I’m excited to announce where / when we’ll meet up pre Falcon Heavy! 1:30 pm, Monday the 8th at Florida Beer Company in Cape Canaveral!!! Me and some other friends will be there for a few hours! Come by and say hi!

Please say YES if you can come so we have an idea of how many people to expect! Thank you!!! 🙏

Florida Beer Company

200 Imperial Blvd, Cape Canaveral, FL 32920

(321) 728-4114




I’m a solid “probably not”due to the time.


I wish. Can't wait till I move to FL.


Count me in.


Wish I could, but I won't be around. I booked my Florida trip assuming the launch being on Sunday and can't extend it.


How long is a few hours? I can make it if you will still be there at 4


Will there be food? Are we welcome if we're under 21?


Not sure, should be at KSC Visitor at this time


I’m from Australia and I have come over to see this launch which is a 21 hour Plane flight. I have no way of getting to this meetup and was wondering if anyone would be willing to take me out to see my space idol. Cheers Ethan




Love to be there. Hi from Singapore!


Yeah, I'm still 50/50 of if I'm going to go to the launch but I'm a 3.5 hour drive from the cape and if I do go it will only be on launch day, so either way this doesn't work for me....Sorry Tim , I really wanted to meet you and shake your hand and thank you for all you do for us. Maybe at a future launch, if a meeting could be scheduled on the same day either pre or post launch, I think a meeting post launch would be better for everyone as that way we're already there and we can all discuss what we just saw and exchange opinions on the launch... please think about this as an option for the next time you organize a Meetup as not everyone can afford to be there the day before or after due to work constraints and the cost of an overnight hotel stay, also I've heard that especially during big launches like falcon heavy where a lot of people are going it's also sometimes hard to find a hotel nearby. Thanks for your consideration.. Pete


As much as I would love to join, I don't think I'll be in Florida until late Monday afternoon/evening. (ArchdukeTyler here.)


This is my RSVP thanks for holding a meetup im exited to meet you 😎 😛2 people.


See you there, 2 total.

Connor Brown

Ah dang, we will be going to ksc that day (if the rumors are true that they are letting people in pre launch!). May be able to get there a little after 2:30, so put me down for a solid maybe.


I'll be there 1 total


I'll be there!


We will be there, my wife and two kids plus me 😁


Can’t make it. Delay of launch and work conflict ...


Damn! The one time I’m in the US, but on the wrong side of the country! (Minneapolis) have fun everyone🥳


This is my RSVP, I might be bringing my friend from Lockheed who worked on Arabsat! Cheers


I'm on the wrong corner of the US, have a great time patreon peeps!


YES. I will try my best. I've been in the area since Saturday, but I will be "working" remotely from the hotel, which is about 13 miles from Florida Beer. If I mange to go, it's me +1.


Don't think I'll be able to get out of work for this one.


When is the next patreon livestream?


Darn, I had changed my flight to Tuesday. Would have loved meeting with you. If you have time Wed, I will be there all day as well.


Can't make it on monday, flying in tonight. Damn.


I will be there.


Yes. I am coming. Will be 30 mins late on a business call


Would have been so cool to come for this! In spirit I'll drink an American Beer from my couch in Sweden while watching the livestream of the event. Enjoy! :)


On my way


See you guys in a bit


How much longer will everyone be there? I'm still stuck working for at least another hour (I think).


It was good to see you again! I’m looking forward to your raptor engine video


do you want to do this again today since we are all now here now?


Would be curious for a 'post launch-lunch' or something.


Are you planning to do a live stream about the Space IL landing tomorrow, April 11, 2019 at 15:00 EDT?


Is there a plan for a post launch party tonight?