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I couldn’t have done this with out you guys!!! So thank you!!! 🙏🙏🙏


Thanks Patrons from LC-39A!

Thank you guys!!!! I made it!!!! Wouldn’t be here with out you!



Thank you Tim!😁


Hope you enjoyed the launch! It seemed like it :) thanks for covering it live!


Thanks Tim, whoooop!


I am just now catching up with the new conference - great question Tim.


That was grate!


Tank you for all your hard work! Love your Videos! Greetings from Switzerland!🇨🇭


Great live stream! Enjoyed it.


Didn’t get to see yours before the NASA/SpaceX stream started, but I hope it went well! The launch looked great


Thank you 🙂

Ira Abramov

Thanks! It was a lot of information cramming sorely needed by us with full time jobs in other fields :) Are you planning on giving a live show for the landing of Beresheet on the moon? April 11th is around the corner.


Thank YOU Tim! The press conference was great also. One practical thing I have thought about regarding the manned Dragon... The seats are said to be customized to every passenger. How does that work out for flights where they exchange crew members?


Love you brother!


Yes, the only technical question asked. I love feelings as much as the next geek, but lets delve into the technical aspects. I don't know where the report came from that said SpaceX could not make any changes to 1st stage for manned flights came from, but now we know it was bogus. Good job Tim!


Perhaps they bring up the added crew members chair and replace it in the spacecraft and then either stow it on Dragon, or on the ISS until the crew member returns on a later flight. Could just be a few bolts or perhaps a swing army type locking system under the chairs. Great question.


I’m sure we are all just as thankful for everything you do. It’s great to see how happy you are when you are in your element and covering these launches. I’m glad I was able to be a small part of making that happen. Thanks for everything! 💙🌎🚀


Glad i was up with you this morning. Tim, you Rock Brother. Keep up the GREAT WORK for all of us.


That was a very good question you asked Elon at the post flight briefing about the vane pump stall issue.


Nice job.


Good job covering the launch. Just watching your pre-show now. The wireless micorphone had interference. You may want to go back to using a wired microphone. But over all, good informative coverage. Keep up the great work.


Let us know next time you are in Houston


Tim - I just upped my support - you do such a great job for ALL space fans!!!


No, Thank You for providing great content. Hope to one day make it to Florida for a launch.


Watching live with an informed buddy at the scene definitely adds a whole fun dimension to the launch. And being in on the community chatting, etc. Have enjoyed a few, and look forward so much to the very exciting launches this year!


It was great to meet you and it a great stream and awesome launch. Hope to see you again soon! Keep up the great work!


ThankYou, You get go for all of us all that never will. But we all get to be just as excited because of you.


No, I thank you. With all the bleak media out there on the 'net its wonderful to have your youtube channel. You're like a night-time Falcon 9 launch in a dark sky.


BTW - My Falcorn Heavy T-Shirt arrived today and it looks great on me. :-) <a href="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D0rdPh5V4AA3GGN.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D0rdPh5V4AA3GGN.jpg</a>


Your question to Elon in the post-launch conference was one of the best, and Elon's answer was illuminating. Thanks Tim for helping us feel like we have a presence and a voice.


Always happy to help support you in creating excellent content and bring new people into the fold of excitement about spaceflight. It was only after I attended the Falcon Heavy Launch in February last year that I came across your story along with other space content creators. Love your enthusiasm and unique humble perspective. Rock(et) on sir!


Thanks Tim. Looks like you're having a ball, which shines through with all of your content.


I support you so that you can do the things most of us can not! And you are good at it!

Programmable Spacecraft

I totally agree! Tim's enthusiasm is infectious... Not that I don't already like all things space!


How did charging work out in Cocoa Beach? As you noticed, we aren’t exactly overwhelmed with charging options. For the first Falcon Heavy launch, we were overwhelmed with Tesla’s. I waited in line at the the supercharger North of KSC. With all the model 3’s on the road, it could be worse the next time, and also for the first manned launch. Perhaps I could suggest asking our Tesla teammates to ‘top off’ before arriving, and look for free options early?


Great coverage of the launch, enjoyed it. However, no coverage of ISS RDVU/docking, on orbit operations, undocking, deorbit, quad parachute deploy, splashdown or recovery? Are you ok Tim?


Yeah, I’m from Ft Lauderdale area and our nearest Supercharger Southbound 40 miles away from KSC.


Time to start thinking about where your going to host the first Astro Awards at the end of the year? So we can purchase and plan to attend. Also we need to figure out funding the flights and accommodations of nominees right? I'm not sure Kickstarter is the greatest idea long run but perhaps this year. Long run though you'll want to offer advertising exposure via private sponsorship agreements to be stable and sustainable for each year.


Excuse my dumbness...but I'm a new a patreon member, and I cannot find a link to the discord channel... Is there somewhere I need to look to find the invite?


I think it links via your email. Tbh I’m not entirely sure how it happens, it’s all automated. Maybe try downloading the discord app and making an account with your email you use here.. let’s start there and see if that dynamically links it


Is Tim going to Falcon Heavy on April 7?


falcon heavy meet up?


my reddit username is xmonster67 plz add me thanks :)


Hi Tim, Arabsat meetup perhaps?


How do we gain access to the subreddit?


I will also be at KSC for Falcon Heavy. Let us know!


Yes, How do we gain access to the subreddit


how do you send Everyday Astronaut a question or message? Want to find out where he got his models of Falcon 9 and FH and how much.


I believe he got his models from a website called Buzz models he includes a link in the description for most of his videos.