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When we created our Patreon six days ago, we were confident that people would be able to enjoy our game and that our fans would want to support us. You guys surpassed our expectations! You are amazing!

I believe every single one of you sees the same vision we see for this game. Every single one of you has a desire to show that games like ours should exist. Every single one of you want to prove that consumers like you exist.

We're so happy to be making this colorful world, but we're even happier that you guys are willing to enjoy it with us!

You can help us reach the next Goals faster by spreading the word! Let the world know that Team Erogi is on Patreon and makes hentai games! Alice will try to stop us so we need to stay strong! ^^;

Thank you very much for your support!

More Specifics:

- SG Turquoise was a minor stretch goal but an important one. She is a new MoGi addition to the game and the 1st out of 12 Goals!
- Regarding the game. We're currently working on adding some puzzles in there.  Some of you might not care about puzzles, but at the end of the day, it's still a game with adult elements in it. It's not adult elements with a game surrounding it.

Looking to the Future:

We've planned a lot of what we want in the game, but it'd be a lie to say that fans haven't influenced us.  Slimegirl Black and Succubus' role would not have been the same if it was just left to us.

That means your feedback is still important to us.  If we announce a MoGi we want to hear what kind of expectations you have regarding that MoGi.  The general adult aspects of most MoGi are pretty much set, but not specifics. The way they act on the field can still be debated as well.

We look forward to talking more with everyone!


An Addendum: This is a reminder that none of the smaller characters in this game will participate in any adult activities.



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