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So for the holiday I got myself (on boxing day because it was on sale and I am JUST that frugal) Derwent drawing pencils. I have read about how these pencils work great for animal fur. I have been wanting to make a serious go at learning coloured pencils both oil and water soluble.
Everyone online draws foxes with this set as the previous tins artwork had a fox on it so I decided to be no different as the colours are very foxy.

I used odorless mineral spirits to dissolve it and I also added a little purple from my Derwent lightfast set and ink on the whiskers.
I did this in a total of 2-3 hours, least one sitting at my drafting table.

Strathmore toned tan paper
derwent drawing pencils
derwent lightfast pencil (violet)
Black and white ink.



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