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So last week I came home, I was suppose to stay another few days but they needed the bed and make discharge quotas. Sadly my blood thinners were not at the level they wanted them to push my blood clot out, so they put this in the trusted hands of my moronic general doctor that promptly dismissed the hospital and said it was fine.
From my Surgeon telling me 'I'm a German Doctors problems now" when asking for a follow up.
To my  General Doctor dismissing any concerns I have over a blood clot despite I already bought $290 worth of medication for specifically it. Oh and telling me all the discomfort from  surgery is in my head.
So much fun with coming home....

But a day later I had to go back to ER because I developed gastritis while in the hospital because I was denied food for 9 days to keep me ready for surgery.  It wasn't noticed because they kept me on anti nausea pills the whole time.  
So my energy levels were shot all weekend as all I could eat was a spoonful of yogurt every hour.  

I do not wish this on my worst enemy.... not that I wish ill on anyone really. ;P

I'm trying to get back into my work routine but it's difficult because I use to work like 10 hrs+ a day and now I find I need to lay down every 2hours. From my back hurting, my surgical site hurting, stomach cramps, general over the top insane nausea and absolutely no energy.

I'll be starting up the Patreon soonissssh so taking it off the 'pause' but I wanted some backlog content before I do.
It's just finding a routine and pattern I can work around of up/productive verse rest, as much as I would like to just rest or take it easy... I can't afford it as that's a  joy of self employment.  Delaying the move is expensive when you have costs in two countries now.



Fucking hell. I hope you feel better at some point. Yikes. :(