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So I had to go to the hospital in the 22nd, I have crohns disease and a narrowing in my intestines so blockages happen bit often to difficult to digest food.
This time around it wasn't but I have had like insane amount of stress last month. Family drama and just complete nonsense I'm not sure I'm ready to talk about.
I had a choise leave the hospital and stay on an all liquid diet till I get coverage after the move to Germany or get surgery here.
Well I like pizza and it's not a liquid. Joking aside not much of a choice, so I agreed.
I'll be in the hospital for 10 more days and after that it all depends on healing.

It's made a huge mess of our move that was supposed to happen on the 7th of January.

How this concerns patreons is I'll be pausing my patreon. I can't commit content till I'm out of here.
Gods typing on the patreon app is shit.




Love you Meezer, I’m only sorry you’re pausing because we can’t support you during your hospital stay. 😥 no content needed here, you’ve been supplying us with content consistently. Hope the healing process is smooth and quick. We’ll be here when you come back.


Hope you are better soon and that everything starts to be better for you!

William Kennard

Hye just do what you can to get healthy Meezer. We'll be here when you get back!